Pierre: I see. This change is good to me. Reviewed-by: Liming Gao Thanks Liming 发件人: PierreGondois 发送时间: 2021年3月11日 17:26 收件人: gaoliming ; devel@edk2.groups.io 主题: Re: [edk2-devel] 回复: [edk2-devel] [PATCH v1 1/1] BaseTools/Ecc: Make Ecc only check first include guard Hello Liming, Yes this check is only done for '.h' files. Cf the bit of code from the same file: if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h'): self.NamingConventionCheckIfndefStatement(FileTable) I think this is normal, the format of the initial 'ifndef' needs to be formatted as 'Name_', but not necessarilly all the other 'ifndef' in the file. I added the arm copyright two times, I will submit a v2 if the patch goes forward. Regards, Pierre