Few new issue is submitted this week. Let’s cancel the meeting this week. 3394 EDK2 Code unassigned@tianocore.org UNCO Add APIs for CPU physical address mask calculation Fri 20:02 ray.ni@intel.com 3393 Tianocor Code unassigned@tianocore.org UNCO Add firmware support for Cloud Hypervisor on arm64 Fri 05:07 jianyong.wu@arm.com 3392 EDK2 Code unassigned@tianocore.org UNCO Null pointers referenced in SecureBoot LoadSignattureData() and LoadSignatureList() Thu 21:54 Allen_Wynn@Dell.com 3388 EDK2 Code unassigned@tianocore.org UNCO About the efficiency of Shell command Thu 08:57 ptabckimo@yahoo.com.tw 3367 EDK2 Document unassigned@tianocore.org UNCO URL links | HTTP redirected to HTTPS or non-secure TLS version Wed 05:09 ricky.tigg@gmail.com 3390 EDK2 Tes UEFI-SCT xypron.glpk@gmx.de UNCO uefi-sct: Incorrect test of EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_INPUT_EX_PROTOCOL.SetState() Wed 03:49 xypron.glpk@gmx.de 3362 EDK2 Code unassigned@tianocore.org UNCO Changes required for STR_SMBIOSVIEW_PRINTINFO_BITS_48_64 to be STR_SMBIOSVIEW_PRINTINFO_BITS_48_63 in smbiosviewstrings.uni 2021-05-12 saidurgab@ami.com Thanks Liming 发件人: devel@edk2.groups.io 发送时间: 2021年5月18日 9:30 收件人: devel@edk2.groups.io 主题: [edk2-devel] TianoCore Bug Triage - APAC / NAMO - Tue, 05/18/2021 6:30pm-7:30pm #cal-reminder Reminder: TianoCore Bug Triage - APAC / NAMO When: Tuesday, 18 May 2021, 6:30pm to 7:30pm, (GMT-07:00) America/Los Angeles Where:https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OTUyZTg2NjgtNDhlNS00ODVlLTllYTUtYzg1OTNjNjdiZjFh%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2246c98d88-e344-4ed4-8496-4ed7712e255d%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22b286b53a-1218-4db3-bfc9-3d4c5aa7669e%22%7d View Event Organizer: Liming Gao gaoliming@byosoft.com.cn Description: TianoCore Bug Triage - APAC / NAMO Hosted by Liming Gao ________________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting Join with a video conferencing device teams@conf.intel.com Video Conference ID: 116 062 094 0 Alternate VTC dialing instructions Or call in (audio only) +1 916-245-6934,,77463821# United States, Sacramento Phone Conference ID: 774 638 21# Find a local number | Reset PIN Learn More | Meeting options