On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 11:41 PM, Ard Biesheuvel wrote:
Not sure I follow. Which command line are we talking about?
@Ard - In this Platform CI, ArmVirt is building and running AARCH64 but not ARM 32bit.  Would it be valuable to build for ARM too?  

I prototyped it but want to make sure I am calling QEMU with the parameters you would expect to work with ArmVirtPkg
qemu-system-arm -M virt -cpu cortex-a15 -pflash /home/vsts/work/1/s/Build/ArmVirtQemu-ARM/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/QEMU_EFI.fd -m 1024 -net none -serial stdio -drive file=fat:rw:/home/vsts/work/1/s/Build/ArmVirtQemu-ARM/DEBUG_GCC5/VirtualDrive,format=raw,media=disk -display none

PR build results can be seen here: https://dev.azure.com/tianocore/edk2-ci-play/_build/results?buildId=5074&view=results
PR code change: https://github.com/spbrogan/edk2/pull/14