Hi Dhaval, I can understand a little bit why ASSERT is used,If we can determine that Riscv's BaseCacheMaintenanceLib needs to depend on the CMO instruction set, then RISCV processor platforms that do not have the CMO instruction set should not use this library. They should use BaseCacheMaintenanceLibNull or other libraries instead. In fact, like the DwEmmcDxe driver I use on VisionFive2, doing nothing when it comes to Cache management will have no effect. . . However, we may be able to add some DEBUG information before ASSERT to prompt developers to use the correct Cache management library. After all, many RISCV platforms use BaseCacheMaintenanceLib that previously only printed information that RISC-V unsupported function. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Groups.io Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#113417): https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/message/113417 Mute This Topic: https://groups.io/mt/103150435/7686176 Group Owner: devel+owner@edk2.groups.io Unsubscribe: https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/unsub [rebecca@openfw.io] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-