On 2019-07-24 10:53, Michael D Kinney wrote:

If you are interested, I prototyped using a python
script and POSTBUILD statement in the DSC file to 
support 'run' targets for OVMF in the following
branch.  This potentially allows the same code to
be used for all host OS environments to launch QEMU.




Could also be extended to support doing either QEMU or
KVM launch with a -D flag.

Thanks. One issue I noticed is that the POSTBUILD line runs "python". Can we use $PYTHON_COMMAND there instead? macOS (and FreeBSD) doesn't install a 'python' symlink, so for macOS you need to run python3 or python3.7 etc., while on FreeBSD we don't have python3 either, so you need to use python3.7. Apart from that, the changes seem to work nicely: the capsules were generated, and when I added 'run' to the build command line, PuTTY opened and QEMU ran.

On a related subject, I noticed last week that the build still exits with a return code of 0 if the postbuild step fails: I created https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1977 .

- Postbuild Start -

Write binary output file /home/bcran/workspace/Build/Vlv2TbltDevicePkg/Capsules//TestCert/MinnowMaxRelease.cap
cp: MinnowMaxRelease.cap: No such file or directory

 : error F008: Postbuild process is not success!

- Failed -
Build end time: 21:31:38, Jul.12 2019
Build total time: 00:00:02

build returned 0

Rebecca Cran