Hello Jiewen, I am a 2nd year University student and am interested in applying for GSoC 2022. I found the project Tasks-Add-Rust-Support-to-EDK-II ( https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/Tasks-Add-Rust-Support-to-EDK-II ) and it contained links to the edkii-rust repository as being an earlier attempt to do this. So I was trying to update/fix the building of this branch as a kind of task that organizations have for student applications. I wanted to understand the old implementation better anyway since it seemed a good place to start rather than starting from scratch. I did not know about https://github.com/jyao1/rust-firmware , will take a look at it as well. My introduction mail can be found here ( https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/message/87637 ). Ayush Singh