Hi Isaac,
Thanks for the document. I've seen the main MinPlatform document before, which also outlines control flow, but this shows a quick overview of it all. I'll look for the MinPlatform porting training links too. Thanks.

I would also make sure that you have the board information you need.  Whatever datasheets and such that are required.

In addition to the Minimum Platform spec, I like to have the UEFI Spec and the UEFI Platform Initialization arch specs handy for reference.  ACPI too.

That gives you the HW and SW documents.  And you have mentors and the mailing list for a network of experts.  Those plus hardware and tools should set you up.  Minimum tools capabilities should be flash programming and serial debug.

I have the schematics, boardview and the datasheets that became relevant to porting (some I was unable to find, mainly regarding PCIe devices). While this board may have a working serial pad, it would be difficult to access and likely requires soldering (which I cannot do).

I planned to skip directly to stage 4 (OS), or at least 3 (shell). I should have the required board knowledge from my coreboot port. For debug logs, I think the serial port library which logs Status Codes (which will be stored in memory) could be a good fit. For early problems in PEI, I see there is a serial port library which logs to SPI flash. If these fail here, I'll have to hope the USB3 debugging feature will work.

I will defer to Nate on communication recommendations as all the GSoC projects will be working those out.  And I have to admit I didn’t read the GSoC documentation thoroughly yet.

Okay, not a problem.

Nice to meet you!

Best regards,
Benjamin Doron