Hello Issac,

When trying to boot the generated BIOS image on WisonCityRVP platform, we are getting only blank screen.

Any debug suggestions or help would be appreciated.


---- On Sun, 01 May 2022 16:17:40 +0530 Akber Basha J <akberbasha.j@zohocorp.com> wrote ----

Hello Issac,

Thank you for your time and help.
Yes, the patch is working fine for both JunctionCity and WilsonCityRvp.
I will boot it on WIlsonCityRvp. If got any issues, will let you.


---- On Sat, 30 Apr 2022 02:45:14 +0530 Oram, Isaac W <isaac.w.oram@intel.com> wrote ----




I just sent a patch with some GCC build fixes.  https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/message/89450

There are more fixes needed.  In the meantime, this workaround procedure worked for me:


export WORKSPACE=~/src

export EDK_TOOLS_PATH=~/src/edk2/BaseTools


cd ~/src/edk2


make -C BaseTools

. edksetup.sh BaseTools


cd ../edk2-platforms/Platform/Intel/

python build_bios.py -p WilsonCityRvp -t GCC5 -d


The problem as I currently understand it is that the pre_build_ex board specific extension is being run before the edk2 build environment is set up by the build_bios.py script.  The workaround effectively creates the environment needed to perform the pre-build steps.

I will confer with Nate on the correct fix for this.  It seems like we might need another extension point after ed2 build environment and before main build, but maybe there is a more elegant solution.


Also note that there has been an initial report of a binary compatibility issue between the FSP binary and the gcc built bootloader.  At this time it is not expected to boot properly.  The issue reported was only with enabling a second SATA drive.  But if there is a binary compatibility issue in the API, any number of things might be incorrect functionally with GCC built edk2 WhitleyOpenBoardPkg bootloader.




From: devel@edk2.groups.io <devel@edk2.groups.io> On Behalf Of Akber Basha J via groups.io
Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2022 5:11 AM
To: Desimone, Nathaniel L <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
Cc: devel <devel@edk2.groups.io>
Subject: Re: [edk2-devel] EDK2 WilsonCityRVP BIOS Build Error


Hello Nate,

Yes. The error is same, relating to CPUTARGET.

I have followed the steps exactly you shared.








---- On Fri, 22 Apr 2022 23:05:08 +0530 Desimone, Nathaniel L<nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com> wrote ----


Hi Akber,


Is the error in the build log the same as before? The build script should resolve the issue of CPUTARGET being undefined.





From: Akber Basha J <akberbasha.j@zohocorp.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 11:36 PM
To: Desimone, Nathaniel L <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
Cc: devel@edk2.groups.io
Subject: Re: [edk2-devel] EDK2 WilsonCityRVP BIOS Build Error


Hello Nate,


Thank you for your response.


Build is still getting failed after trying the steps you have mentioned.







---- On Mon, 11 Apr 2022 23:14:14 +0530 Desimone, Nathaniel L <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com> wrote ----


Hi Akber,


It looks like you are trying to build without using the MinPlatform build script. Please try building using the following:


cd edk2

source edksetup.sh

cd ../edk2-platforms/Platform/Intel

python ./build_bios.py -p WilsonCityRvp





From: devel@edk2.groups.io <devel@edk2.groups.io> on behalf of Akber Basha J via groups.io <akberbasha.j=zohocorp.com@groups.io>
Date: Monday, April 11, 2022 at 4:38 AM
To: devel <devel@edk2.groups.io>
Cc: Sadafale, Mangesh <mangesh.s@zohocorp.com>
Subject: [edk2-devel] EDK2 WilsonCityRVP BIOS Build Error



We are getting build errors while trying to build BIOS for Intel WilsonCityRVP under WhitleyOpenBoardPkg platform.


Toolchains used:

GCC: 5 and 7 (getting same error for both GCC5 and GCC7)

IASL: 20211217

OS: Ubuntu-20.04-LTS

Source: Latest EDK2 "master" source is being used for compilation.


All pre-build tests has been run successfully.


With the above-mentioned toolchains, we could successfully able to build BIOS images for TigerlakeURVP platform. But for WhitleyOpenBoardPkg, errors are thrown.


Error screenshot has been attached with this mail for reference.



Any help would be appreciated.


