Hi All,

Thank you for your replies!!! Helped me get it working. I had tried an INF file, but it was continuedly causing errors when it was building, but i used the example at https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-non-osi/blob/master/Emulator/X86EmulatorDxe/X86EmulatorDxe.inf and it worked a treat.... INF included for anyone else looking for another example of how to get an EFI file loaded automatically, without source code.

  INF_VERSION                  = 0x0001001B
  BASE_NAME                    = E4297X8
  FILE_GUID                    = gd08ee09-8142-432d-a0cf-4bce8418deff
  MODULE_TYPE                  = UEFI_DRIVER
  VERSION_STRING               = 1.0
  ENTRY_POINT                  = EfiMain
  PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION     = 0x00010014    ## recommended
  UNLOAD_IMAGE                 = TRUE          ## optional

#  # Use PE32 to denote a binary image. If you only have a 64-bit .efi:
#  PE32|E4297X8.EFI

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