Hello Nate,
Thanks a lot for your answer ! I got myself a copy of "Beyond BIOS" to understand how UEFI works.

The project sound very interesting, so if I understand correctly, OVMF only implements some of the services needed for QEMU support, porting what's present to MinPlatform and then improving it with the required services will result in QemuOpenBoardPkg, is that right? So the goal is to allow MinPlatform testing inside QEMU instead of getting a specific board supported by MinPlatform? 
I'll use the upcoming months to get up to pace with UEFI with the ressources you gave me 😄 
Before starting to write my application I have a few questions, especially on the prerequisites, on the project page the only one listed is C knowledge, is anything else required or recommended ? In case I need to get up to pace with something specific :)

And thanks for welcoming me in the project ! 

Best regards,