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Since ECR785, which is added UEFI 2.3.1 errata A, enrolling a PK in setup mode doesn't need to verify the PK.
Below is the sentence about it in UEFI spec
3. If the firmware is in setup mode and the variable is one of:
- The global PK variable;
- The global KEK variable;
- The "db" variable with GUID EFI_IMAGE_SECURITY_DATABASE_GUID; or
then the firmware implementation shall consider the checks in the following steps 4 and 5 to
have passed, and proceed with updating the variable value as outlined below.
The step 4 is to verify the signature and the step 5 is to verify the cert.
After this change, when system is in Setup mode, setting a PK does not require authenticated variable descriptor.
Signed-off-by: Derek Lin <>
Signed-off-by: cinnamon shia <>