Hi Laszlo,

On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 06:56 AM, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
5) "Cloud Hypervisor" is not something that I can justifiably spend
much time on. I'm willing to review this series at the level at which
I've reviewed (for example) XenPVH or Bhyve in the past, mainly focusing
on style and potential regressions. However, that's not enough for the
long term: someone from ARM (or elsewhere) will have to step up for
permanent reviewership. Please add a patch for extending
"Maintainers.txt" appropriately. Example subsystems:
I can help to review the 'Cloud Hypervisor' patches and will send out a patch to update the reviewership once the initial series is merged.

Hi Jainyong,


I could not find the remaining patches from your v1 series. Can you forward them to me, please?

I can review and provide feedback so that they are addressed in your v2 series.




Sami Mujawar