messages from 2017-01-06 08:53:04 to 2017-01-11 08:12:46 UTC [more...]
[PATCH 1/2] MdePkg: Tpm2Acpi.h: Fix incompatible change
2017-01-11 8:12 UTC
[PATCH V2] NetworkPkg: Add dns support for target URL configuration in ISCSI
2017-01-11 8:07 UTC
[PATCH] MdeModulePkg/NonDiscoverable: Compare SIZE_4GB with address type
2017-01-11 7:55 UTC (4+ messages)
[PATCH 0/8] Fix TerminalDxe driver model bug
2017-01-11 7:32 UTC (10+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/8] MdeModulePkg/TerminalDxe: Replace macro with enum for terminal types
` [PATCH 2/8] MdeModulePkg/TerminalDxe: Add TerminalTypeFromGuid internal function
` [PATCH 3/8] MdeModulePkg/TerminalDxe: Separate controller name init logic
` [PATCH 4/8] MdeModulePkg/TerminalDxe: Refine InitializeTerminalConsoleTextMode
` [PATCH 5/8] MdeModulePkg/TerminalDxe: Refine SetTerminalDevicePath
` [PATCH 6/8] MdeModulePkg/TerminalDxe: Separate state machine start/stop logic
` [PATCH 7/8] MdeModulePkg/TerminalDxe: Remove unnecessary NULL pointer check
` [PATCH 8/8] MdeModulePkg/TerminalDxe: Fix driver model bug
[PATCH] MdeModulePkg/Stall: Refine to compare 2 values with the same type
2017-01-11 7:27 UTC (2+ messages)
[ShellPkg] failing to compile due to missing ;
2017-01-11 5:38 UTC
[Patch] ShellPkg/Shell: Add double quotes to args with white space
2017-01-11 4:58 UTC (4+ messages)
[PATCH 0/8] IoLib class library
2017-01-11 4:06 UTC (14+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/8] MdePkg: Expand BaseIoLibIntrinsic (IoLib class) library
` [PATCH 2/8] MdePkg/DxeIoLibCpuIo2: Add new Fifo routines in IoLib class
` [PATCH 3/8] MdePkg/DxeIoLibEsal: "
` [PATCH 4/8] MdePkg/PeiIoLibCpuIo: "
` [PATCH 5/8] MdePkg/SmmIoLibSmmCpuIo2: "
` [PATCH 6/8] IntelFrameworkPkg/DxeIoLibCpuIo: "
` [PATCH 7/8] UefiCpuPkg: Modify CpuIo2Dxe to use new IoLib class library
` [PATCH 8/8] OvmfPkg: Modify QemuFwCfgLib "
[PATCH v2] Nt32Pkg: Fix code to correctly set SMBIOS Type 2 Length
2017-01-11 1:36 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH 4/9] Ufs: fix to set UTRLBA and UTRLBAU register
2017-01-11 1:00 UTC (4+ messages)
[PATCH v4] ArmPlatformPkg/ArmJunoPkg/Drivers/ArmJunoDxe: Set Marvell Yukon MAC address
2017-01-10 22:36 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH 0/5] Change "dh" to support dump from GUID and "decode" parameter
2017-01-10 21:43 UTC (12+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/5] ShellPkg/HandleParsingLib: Rename global variables
` [PATCH 2/5] ShellPkg/HandleParsingLib: Return NULL name for unknown GUID
` [PATCH 3/5] ShellPkg/HandleParsingLib: Add new API GetAllMappingGuids
` [PATCH 4/5] ShellPkg/Dh: Fix coding style issues
` [PATCH 5/5] ShellPkg/dh: Support dump from GUID and "decode" parameter
[Patch v3] OvmgPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: Add Debug Agent console
2017-01-10 20:56 UTC (4+ messages)
[Patch 0/3] QuarkPlatformPkg/Tpm12DeviceLibAtmelI2c: Fix TPM issues
2017-01-10 20:04 UTC (7+ messages)
` [Patch 1/3] QuarkPlatformPkg/Tpm12DeviceLibAtmelI2c: Remove PP Check
` [Patch 2/3] QuarkPlatformPkg/Tpm12DeviceLibAtmelI2c: Fix SubmitCommand() out size
` [Patch 3/3] QuarkPlatformPkg/Tpm12DeviceLibAtmelI2c: Fix GCC build issues
[Patch] SecurityPkg/Tpm12CommandLib: Always check response returnCode
2017-01-10 18:22 UTC
TPL of RegisterKeyNotify
2017-01-10 17:23 UTC (4+ messages)
[PATCH RFC 00/14] Specific platform to run OVMF in Xen PVH and HVM guests
2017-01-10 16:54 UTC (13+ messages)
` [PATCH RFC 03/14] OvmfPkg/XenOvmf.dsc: Introduce XenResetVector
` [PATCH RFC 04/14] OvmfPkg: Introduce XenPlatformPei
` [PATCH RFC 06/14] OvmfPkg/XenPlatformPei: Add xen PVH specific code
[PATCH] Nt32Pkg: Fix code to correctly set SMBIOS Type 2 Length
2017-01-10 16:41 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH] MdePkg: Add comments for SMBIOS Type 3 structure to cover SKU Number
2017-01-10 10:06 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] ShellPkg: Update smbiosview command to display Type 3 values
2017-01-10 10:06 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] Nt32Pkg: Fixes to correctly set SMBIOS Type 3
2017-01-10 10:06 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] SecurityPkg: Tcg2ConfigDxe/Tcg2Smm: Fix TPM2 HID issue
2017-01-10 7:12 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH] MdeModulePkg/BootMaintenanceManagerUiLib: Support NT32 terminals
2017-01-10 6:37 UTC (3+ messages)
[RFC 0/6] DxeBmDmaLib
2017-01-10 5:51 UTC (10+ messages)
` [RFC 1/6] MdeModulePkg: Add DxeBmDmaLib library
` [RFC 2/6] ArmVirtPkg: Modify .DSC files that include PciHostBridgeDxe driver
` [RFC 3/6] CorebootPayloadPkg: "
` [RFC 4/6] MdeModulePkg: "
` [RFC 5/6] OvmfPkg: "
` [RFC 6/6] MdeModulePkg: Modify PciHostBridgeDxe to use new BmDmaLib library
[PATCH v3 0/4] BaseIoFifoLib
2017-01-10 5:48 UTC (21+ messages)
` [PATCH v3 2/4] Modify .DSC files that include UefiCpuPkg/CpuIo2Dxe/CpuIo2Dxe.inf
` [PATCH v3 4/4] Modify QemuFwCfgLib to use new BaseIoFifoLib library
[PATCH 1/2] MdePkg: Tpm2Acpi.h: Update TPM2 ACPI table version
2017-01-10 5:21 UTC (6+ messages)
` [PATCH 2/2] SecurityPkg: Tcg2Config: TPM2 ACPI Table Rev Option
[PATCH 1/1] CorebootPayloadPkg: Remove improper build flags in DSC file
2017-01-10 5:06 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH v4 0/9] BaseIoFifoLib
2017-01-10 3:59 UTC (15+ messages)
` [PATCH v4 1/9] MdePkg: Add BaseIoFifoLib library
` [PATCH v4 2/9] CorebootPayloadPkg: Modify .DSC files that include UefiCpuPkg/CpuIo2Dxe
` [PATCH v4 3/9] DuetPkg: "
` [PATCH v4 4/9] OvmfPkg: "
` [PATCH v4 5/9] QuarkPlatformPkg: "
` [PATCH v4 6/9] UefiCpuPkg: "
` [PATCH v4 7/9] Vlv2TbltDevicePkg: "
` [PATCH v4 8/9] Modify UefiCpuPkg/CpuIo2Dxe to use new BaseIoFifoLib library
` [PATCH v4 9/9] Modify QemuFwCfgLib "
[PATCH 1/1] CorebootPayloadPkg: Add APRIORI file in FDF file
2017-01-10 3:48 UTC
[Patch] Nt32Pkg/WinNtSimpleFileSystemDxe: Fix ASSERT() parsing '\'
2017-01-10 1:55 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH v2] OvmfPkg/SmmControl2Dxe: correct PCI_CONFIG_READ_WRITE in S3 boot script
2017-01-09 19:53 UTC (3+ messages)
[Patch] OvmgPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: Add Debug Agent console
2017-01-09 19:10 UTC (4+ messages)
Improvement at Wiki (EFI_SHELL_INTERFACE)
2017-01-09 18:22 UTC (3+ messages)
[Patch v2] OvmgPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: Add Debug Agent console
2017-01-09 17:57 UTC
update capsule image on Quark SoC x1000 Gen2
2017-01-09 12:40 UTC
[PATCH v1 1/1] ShellPkg/PrintInfo.c: Add decoding of SMBIOS record type 43
2017-01-09 10:05 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH v1 1/1] MdePkg/SmBios.h: Add new defines for SMBIOS record type 43
2017-01-09 9:51 UTC (4+ messages)
Serial port flush in UEFI
2017-01-09 8:45 UTC
[Patch][edk2-platforms/devel-MinnowBoard3] Remove platform policy
2017-01-09 8:12 UTC
[patch] ShellPkg: Add check logic for the gateway validity
2017-01-09 7:54 UTC (4+ messages)
[PATCH] MdeModulePkg/DxeCore:Clear RT attribute on SetCapabilities
2017-01-09 6:38 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] SecurityPkg Tcg2ConfigDxe: Refine debug message and comments
2017-01-09 5:51 UTC (2+ messages)
[Patch] MdeModulePkg/DxeCore: Fix ASSERT() from GCD DEBUG() messages
2017-01-09 5:18 UTC (4+ messages)
[Patch] MdePkg/Include: Add include file to FileHandleLib.h
2017-01-09 5:17 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] SecurityPkg Tcg2ConfigDxe: Typecast to (CHAR8*) as para of AsciiStrSize
2017-01-09 3:06 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH] MdePkg/UefiFileHandleLib: Refine the check for valid Ascii character
2017-01-09 2:18 UTC (2+ messages)
[Patch][edk2-platforms/devel-MinnowBoard3] Fix build error
2017-01-09 2:05 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH 0/4] Add and refine sting APIs in MdePkg/BaseLib
2017-01-09 2:03 UTC (7+ messages)
` [PATCH 2/4] MdePkg/BaseLib: Add safe string functions that convert str to value
` [PATCH 3/4] MdePkg/BaseLib: Enhance the return value for string to uint functions
` [PATCH 4/4] MdePkg/BaseLib: Add safe string functions [U|A]StrnTo[A|U]StrS
[PATCH 0/9] enhance UFS
2017-01-09 1:25 UTC (5+ messages)
` [PATCH 4/9] Ufs: fix to set UTRLBA and UTRLBAU register
Question about OS initialization at UEFI firmware (x86)
2017-01-07 21:14 UTC (5+ messages)
[PATCH V2 1/1] OvmfPkg: Install BGRT ACPI table
2017-01-06 13:28 UTC (2+ messages)
[Patch][edk2-platforms/devel-MinnowBoard3] Remove platform policies
2017-01-06 9:09 UTC
[PATCH] MdeModulePkg/UefiBootManagerLib: Remove redundant type cast
2017-01-06 9:04 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH] SignedCapsulePkg/CapsuleLib: Refine to compare with same type
2017-01-06 8:56 UTC
[PATCH] SecurityPkg/FmpAuthenticationLib: Refine to compare with same type
2017-01-06 8:55 UTC
[PATCH] SecurityPkg/TcgDxe: Refine to compare 2 values with the same type
2017-01-06 8:54 UTC
[PATCH] FatPkg: Explicitly declare FAT_CLUSTER_SPECIAL as unsigned type
2017-01-06 8:54 UTC (2+ messages)
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