messages from 2017-03-27 15:35:43 to 2017-03-30 12:37:07 UTC [more...]
[RFC] [PATCH 0/3] Add IOMMU support
2017-03-30 12:37 UTC (12+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/3] MdeModulePkg/Include: Add IOMMU protocol definition
[PATCH v3] MdePkg: BaseIoLibIntrinsic (IoLib class) library
2017-03-30 12:30 UTC (4+ messages)
Vfr compiler error
2017-03-30 12:26 UTC
HP X2 10 Touchscreen Issue
2017-03-30 12:03 UTC
[RFT PATCH 0/3] ArmJunoPkg: move to generic PCI support code
2017-03-30 10:55 UTC (5+ messages)
` [RFT PATCH 1/3] ArmPlatformPkg/ArmJunoDxe: use the generic non-discoverable device support
` [RFT PATCH 2/3] ArmPlatformPkg/ArmJunoPkg: add PciHostBridgeLib implementation
` [RFT PATCH 3/3] ArmPlatformPkg/ArmJunoPkg: remove PCI host bridge driver
[RFC PATCH v1 0/2] OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: Add VMWare SVGA2 framebuffer support
2017-03-30 10:51 UTC (5+ messages)
` [RFC PATCH v1 1/2] OvmfPkg: Add SVGA2 device register definition header from VMWare
` [RFC PATCH v1 2/2] OvmfPkg: Add VMWare SVGA II support in QemuVideoDxe
[PATCH v1 0/1] OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Fix bug 368, multiply pointed-to tables
2017-03-30 10:41 UTC (4+ messages)
` [PATCH v1 1/1] OvmfPkg: Allow multiple add-pointer linker commands to same ACPI table
[PATCH v2 0/1] OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Fix bug 368, multiply pointed-to tables
2017-03-30 10:40 UTC (2+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 1/1] OvmfPkg: Allow multiple add-pointer linker commands to same ACPI table
Using Intel UDk debugger
2017-03-30 9:43 UTC (4+ messages)
[PATCH v2] ArmVirtPkg/PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe: allow guest level ACPI disable override
2017-03-30 8:40 UTC (5+ messages)
[PATCH V2] BaseTools: Update Brotli and BrotliCompress mode and format
2017-03-30 8:39 UTC (2+ messages)
[patch] NetworkPkg: Fix some bugs related to iSCSI keyword configuration
2017-03-30 8:32 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] SecureBoot UI Update
2017-03-30 8:26 UTC (2+ messages)
ArmCpuLib users
2017-03-30 8:05 UTC (2+ messages)
[Patch] CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Fix Build Warning issue in PEI Module
2017-03-30 7:56 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH] BaseTools: Update Brotli and BrotliCompress mode and format
2017-03-30 7:00 UTC
[PATCH 0/4] MdeModulePkg/BaseTools: Add Brotli algorithm support
2017-03-30 5:21 UTC (7+ messages)
[Patch] NetworkPkg/DnsDxe: Fix zero StationIp configuration failure of DNSv6
2017-03-30 1:28 UTC (2+ messages)
[RFC PATCH 0/6] OVMF: HFS+ (and Mac OS X boot)
2017-03-29 23:22 UTC (2+ messages)
Sec and Reset vector
2017-03-29 19:05 UTC (9+ messages)
[edk2-staging][PATCH 0/2] Create new acpiview branch
2017-03-29 18:57 UTC (7+ messages)
` [edk2-staging][PATCH 2/2] ShellPkg: Add acpiview tool to dump ACPI tables
[PATCH] ArmVirtPkg/PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe: allow manual override for DT installation
2017-03-29 18:04 UTC (18+ messages)
[PATCH v2] MdePkg: BaseIoLibIntrinsic (IoLib class) library
2017-03-29 15:46 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] kvm: pass the virtual SEI syndrome to guest OS
2017-03-29 15:37 UTC (4+ messages)
[PATCH 0/6] Embedded|ArmPlatformPkg: spring cleaning + DtPlatformDxe switch
2017-03-29 13:48 UTC (7+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/6] EmbeddedPkg/DtPlatformDxe: allow multiple entries in DTB FV file
` [PATCH 2/6] EmbeddedPkg/DtPlatformDxe: declare symbolic name for FILE_GUID
` [PATCH 3/6] ArmPlatformPkg/ArmShellCmdRunAxf: remove BdsLib dependency
` [PATCH 4/6] ArmPlatformPkg/ArmVExpressDxe: remove ARM support
` [PATCH 5/6] ArmPlatformPkg/ArmVExpressDxe: remove unused cruft from ArmHwDxe
` [PATCH 6/6] ArmPlatformPkg/ArmVExpressDxe: simply FDT handling in ArmFvpDxe
[PATCH v2 00/12] ArmVirtPkg: don't forward the DT to the OS if QEMU provides ACPI
2017-03-29 13:03 UTC (16+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 05/12] ArmPkg: introduce EDKII Platform Has ACPI Protocol, and plug-in library
[Patch] BaseTools: tools_def.txt to append new option in VFRPP flag
2017-03-29 8:47 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] MdeModulePkg/PeiCore: avoid EFI_IMAGE_MACHINE_TYPE_SUPPORTED to check arch
2017-03-29 8:39 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] MdeModulePkg/DxeCore: add missing id-to-string mapping for AARCH64
2017-03-29 8:38 UTC (2+ messages)
[Patch] BaseTools: Update Pkcs7 and RSA2048 tool with shell=True
2017-03-29 7:29 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH 1/2] MdeModulePkg/Tcp4Dxe: Fix unconditional window shrinking
2017-03-29 6:56 UTC (3+ messages)
` [PATCH 2/2] NetworkPkg/TcpDxe: "
[PATCH 00/12] OvmfPkg: Enable variable access in PEI
2017-03-29 5:24 UTC (5+ messages)
[PATCH] ShellPkg/setvar: Support data format in Shell 2.2 spec
2017-03-29 3:22 UTC
[PATCH 00/10] Use a better algorithm to calculate MTRR
2017-03-29 3:03 UTC (11+ messages)
` [PATCH 01/10] UefiCpuPkg/MtrrLib: Correct typo in comments and remove TABs
` [PATCH 02/10] UefiCpuPkg/MtrrLib: Add CacheInvalid enum type to MtrrLib.h
` [PATCH 03/10] UefiCpuPkg/MtrrLib: IsMtrrSupported uses definitions in Msr.h
` [PATCH 04/10] UefiCpuPkg/MtrrLib: GetVariableMtrrCountWorker "
` [PATCH 05/10] UefiCpuPkg/MtrrLib: Add MtrrLib prefix to ProgramFixedMtrr
` [PATCH 06/10] UefiCpuPkg/MtrrLib: Add MtrrLib prefix to several internal functions
` [PATCH 07/10] UefiCpuPkg/MtrrLib: MtrrLibInitializeMtrrMask() uses definitions in CpuId.h
` [PATCH 08/10] UefiCpuPkg/MtrrLib: Use a better algorithm to calculate MTRR
` [PATCH 09/10] UefiCpuPkg/MtrrLib: Refine MtrrGetMemoryAttributeByAddressWorker
` [PATCH 10/10] UefiCpuPkg/MtrrLib: All functions use definitions in Msr.h
[Patch] MdeModulePkg/DxeHttpLib: Fix the incorrect return status if URI port is invalid
2017-03-29 2:17 UTC (2+ messages)
Hypervisor with UEFI
2017-03-29 1:31 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH v2] EmbeddedPkg: add DT platform driver to select between DT and ACPI
2017-03-28 18:01 UTC (7+ messages)
[RFC v2] GitBook documentation process
2017-03-28 17:48 UTC (2+ messages)
Reset from post BDS pahse to PEI phase
2017-03-28 15:08 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH v4 00/12] ArmVirtPkg: don't forward the DT to the OS if QEMU provides ACPI
2017-03-28 14:09 UTC (15+ messages)
` [PATCH v4 01/12] Revert "ArmVirtPkg/FdtClientDxe: make DT table installation !ACPI dependent"
` [PATCH v4 02/12] Revert "ArmVirtPkg/FdtClientDxe: install DT configuration table at ReadyToBoot"
` [PATCH v4 03/12] ArmVirtPkg/XenAcpiPlatformDxe: don't cast UINT64 to pointer directly
` [PATCH v4 04/12] EmbeddedPkg: introduce EDKII Platform Has ACPI GUID
` [PATCH v4 05/12] EmbeddedPkg: introduce PlatformHasAcpiLib
` [PATCH v4 06/12] EmbeddedPkg: introduce EDKII Platform Has Device Tree GUID
` [PATCH v4 07/12] ArmVirtPkg: add PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe
` [PATCH v4 08/12] ArmVirtPkg: add XenPlatformHasAcpiDtDxe
` [PATCH v4 09/12] ArmVirtPkg: enable AcpiTableDxe and EFI_ACPI_TABLE_PROTOCOL dynamically
` [PATCH v4 10/12] ArmVirtPkg/FdtClientDxe: install DT as sysconfig table in protocol notify
` [PATCH v4 11/12] ArmVirtPkg/PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe: don't expose DT if QEMU provides ACPI
` [PATCH v4 12/12] ArmVirtPkg: remove PURE_ACPI_BOOT_ENABLE and PcdPureAcpiBoot
[Patch] SignedCapsulePkg: Update RecoveryModuleLoadPei to report the correct FvInfo
2017-03-28 12:29 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] EmbeddedPkg: add DT platform driver to select between DT and ACPI
2017-03-28 10:58 UTC (6+ messages)
[PATCH 0/3] UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Check all SMM ranges found
2017-03-28 8:54 UTC (4+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/3] UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Save SMM ranges info into global variables
` [PATCH 2/3] UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Add IsInSmmRanges() to check SMM range
` [PATCH 3/3] UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Update saved SMM ranges check in SmmProfile
[PATCH 0/3] UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Check all SMM ranges found
2017-03-28 8:50 UTC (4+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/3] UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Save SMM ranges info into global variables
` [PATCH 2/3] UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Add IsInSmmRanges() to check SMM range
` [PATCH 3/3] UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Update saved SMM ranges check in SmmProfile
[PATCH v3 00/12] ArmVirtPkg: don't forward the DT to the OS if QEMU provides ACPI
2017-03-28 8:20 UTC (3+ messages)
` [PATCH v3 04/12] MdeModulePkg: introduce EDKII Platform Has ACPI GUID
[PATCH v2 00/11] Upgrade CryptoPkg to use the OpenSSL 1.1.0xx/stable release
2017-03-28 8:19 UTC (2+ messages)
[RESEND] [RFC PATCH v2 00/10] x86: Secure Encrypted Virtualization (AMD)
2017-03-28 8:14 UTC (25+ messages)
` [RFC PATCH v2 01/10] OvmfPkg/Include: Define SEV specific CPUID and MSR
` [RFC PATCH v2 04/10] OvmfPkg/BaseMemcryptSevLib: Add SEV helper library
` [RFC PATCH v2 06/10] OvmfPkg/DxeBmDmaLib: Fix AllocateBounceBuffer parameter
` [RFC PATCH v2 09/10] OvmfPkg/QemuFwCfgLib: Add Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV) support
[patch 1/2] MdeModulePkg/MemoryProtection: Fix coding style issue
2017-03-28 6:43 UTC (4+ messages)
` [patch 2/2] ShellPkg/Shell: Make comments align with the function
[RFC] GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED, multiply defined symbols, and MSFT/GCC tool chains
2017-03-28 6:00 UTC (11+ messages)
2017-03-28 3:28 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] ShellPkg/Shell: Avoid potential null pointer deference
2017-03-28 3:09 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] MdeModulePkg/SmmCore: Fix memory leak on Profile unregistered
2017-03-28 2:18 UTC (2+ messages)
[Patch][edk2-platforms] Vlv2DeviceRefCodePkg: Change Reset Type
2017-03-28 1:51 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH v2] UefiCpuPkg/MpLib.c: Add checking CR0 PG bit
2017-03-28 1:42 UTC (2+ messages)
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