messages from 2017-09-07 22:38:46 to 2017-09-12 08:44:52 UTC [more...]
Question on Iscsi Behavior
2017-09-12 8:47 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH 0/5] MdeModulePkg: UDF fixes and cleanups
2017-09-12 8:46 UTC (24+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/5] MdeModulePkg/UdfDxe: ASSERT() valid ReadFileInfo Flags for INLINE_DATA req
` [PATCH 2/5] MdeModulePkg/UdfDxe: don't return unset Status if INLINE_DATA req succeeds
` [PATCH 3/5] MdeModulePkg/UdfDxe: replace zero-init of local variables with ZeroMem()
` [PATCH 4/5] MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: don't divide 64-bit values with C operators
` [PATCH 5/5] MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: remove always false comparison
[PATCH] MdeModulePkg/PciBusDxe: GetBarAttributes() returns Host address
2017-09-12 8:40 UTC (6+ messages)
[PATCH edk2-platforms 00/14] add support for Socionext Synquacer EVB
2017-09-12 8:38 UTC (30+ messages)
` [PATCH edk2-platforms 01/14] Silicon/Synquacer: add package with platform headers
` [PATCH edk2-platforms 02/14] Silicon/Synquacer: add MemoryInitPeiLib implementation
` [PATCH edk2-platforms 03/14] Platform: add support for Socionext Synquacer eval board
` [PATCH edk2-platforms 04/14] Silicon/Synquacer: implement PciSegmentLib to support dual RCs
` [PATCH edk2-platforms 05/14] Silicon/Synquacer: implement PciHostBridgeLib support
` [PATCH edk2-platforms 06/14] Silicon/Synquacer: implement EFI_CPU_IO2_PROTOCOL
` [PATCH edk2-platforms 07/14] Platform/SynquacerEvalBoard: add PCI support
` [PATCH edk2-platforms 08/14] Silicon/Socionext: add driver for NETSEC network controller
` [PATCH edk2-platforms 09/14] Platform/SynquacerEvalBoard: add NETSEC driver
` [PATCH edk2-platforms 10/14] Silicon/Synquacer: add ACPI support
` [PATCH edk2-platforms 11/14] Silicon/Synquacer: add device tree support for eval board
` [PATCH edk2-platforms 12/14] Silicon/Synquacer: add NorFlashPlatformLib implementation
` [PATCH edk2-platforms 13/14] Silicon/Socionext: add driver for SPI NOR flash
` [PATCH edk2-platforms 14/14] Platform/Synquacer: incorporate NOR flash and variable drivers
[Patch] BaseTools: add support for BIOS build with binary cache
2017-09-12 7:41 UTC (2+ messages)
[Patch] Build spec: add description for build with binary cache
2017-09-12 7:41 UTC (2+ messages)
StartImage with Secure Boot on Self-Signed App
2017-09-12 7:32 UTC (5+ messages)
[PATCH 0/3] ArmVirtPkg: add HTTP_BOOT_ENABLE and UsbMassStorageDxe
2017-09-12 6:48 UTC (5+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/3] ArmVirtPkg: don't build the network stack uselessly for Xen
` [PATCH 2/3] ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: port HTTP_BOOT_ENABLE from OvmfPkg
` [PATCH 3/3] ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: include UsbMassStorageDxe
[Patch][edk2-platforms/devel-MinnowBoard3-UDK2017] Change Reset Type
2017-09-12 5:50 UTC
[PATCH v2 0/6] Support bitfield in storage of vfr
2017-09-12 3:44 UTC (7+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 1/6] BaseTool/VfrCompiler: Support Bit fields in EFI/Buffer VarStore
` [PATCH v2 2/6] MdeModulePkg: Add GUID/flags to implement BitField support
` [PATCH v2 3/6] MdeModulePkg/UefiHiiLib: Add codes to validate question with bit fields
` [PATCH v2 4/6] MdeModulePkg/HiiDatabase: Handle questions with Bit VarStore
` [PATCH v2 5/6] MdeModulePkg/SetupBrowser: "
` [PATCH v2 6/6] MdeModulePkg/DriverSample: Add sample questions with bit/union VarStore
[Patch][edk2-platforms/devel-MinnowBoard3-UDK2017] Change Reset Type
2017-09-12 2:56 UTC (2+ messages)
[patch 0/3] MdeModulePkg/Udf: Fix VS tool chain build failures
2017-09-12 1:46 UTC (6+ messages)
` [patch 1/3] MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Don't use non-constant expression in array
` [patch 2/3] MdeModulePkg/UdfDxe: "
` [patch 3/3] MdeModulePkg/UdfDxe: Add type cast to fix build failure in VS tools
[PATCH] MdeModulePkg/UdfDxe: Fix NULL pointer dereference
2017-09-12 1:30 UTC
[PATCH 1/1] StdLib/EfiSocketLib: Fix ABI mismatch for 2 event functions
2017-09-11 20:53 UTC (5+ messages)
[PATCH 0/5] MdeModulePkg, UefiCpuPkg, OvmfPkg: lower some DEBUGs from ERROR level
2017-09-11 20:42 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH 0/2] MdePkg, OvmfPkg: fix IoWriteFifo8(), and print debug messages with it
2017-09-11 20:30 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] ArmPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: process pending capsules
2017-09-11 16:50 UTC
[PATCH 0/5] Add HardwareInterrupt2 for ARM
2017-09-11 15:23 UTC (6+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/5] ArmPkg: Tidy GIC code before changes
` [PATCH 2/5] EmbeddedPkg: Introduce HardwareInterrupt2 protocol
` [PATCH 3/5] ArmPkg/ArmGicDxe: Expose "
` [PATCH 4/5] ArmPkg/GenericWatchdogDxe: Set Watchdog interrupt type
` [PATCH 5/5] ArmPkg: Tidy up GenericWatchdogDxe.c
ApolloLake with EDK2 - Ubuntu boots but Windows 10 does not
2017-09-11 14:34 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH v2 0/8] OvmfPkg/VirtioNetDxe: map host address to device address
2017-09-11 12:16 UTC (9+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 1/8] OvmfPkg/VirtioNetDxe: add helper VirtioNetUninitRing()
` [PATCH v2 2/8] OvmfPkg/VirtioNetDxe: map VRINGs using VirtioRingMap()
` [PATCH v2 3/8] OvmfPkg/VirtioNetDxe: alloc RxBuf using AllocateSharedPages()
` [PATCH v2 4/8] OvmfPkg/VirtioNetDxe: dynamically alloc transmit header
` [PATCH v2 5/8] OvmfPkg/VirtioNetDxe: update TechNotes
` [PATCH v2 6/8] OvmfPkg/VirtioNetDxe: add Tx packet map/unmap helper functions
` [PATCH v2 7/8] OvmfPkg/VirtioNetDxe: map caller-supplied Tx packet to device-address
` [PATCH v2 8/8] OvmfPkg/VirtioNetDxe: negotiate VIRTIO_F_IOMMU_PLATFORM
can bootorder add additional paramter for efi applications
2017-09-11 10:21 UTC
Can't load Refind boot loader inside Secmain UGA Window
2017-09-11 7:49 UTC (2+ messages)
UEFI SATA dvd cannot be detected in uiapp without SCSIdriver
2017-09-11 7:05 UTC
[PATCH v2] BaseTools/GCC: set -Wno-unused-const-variables on RELEASE builds
2017-09-11 6:23 UTC (6+ messages)
[PATCH v2 1/3] MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Initialize the array after declaration
2017-09-11 6:17 UTC (3+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 2/3] MdeModulePkg/UdfDxe: "
` [PATCH v2 3/3] MdeModulePkg/UdfDxe: Add type cast to fix build failure in VS tools
WARNING: No source level debug
2017-09-11 3:03 UTC (2+ messages)
[Patch] BaseTools: Fix a bug for Mixed Pcd value display in the report
2017-09-11 2:51 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH v6 0/6] read-only UDF file system support
2017-09-09 21:52 UTC (16+ messages)
` [PATCH v6 1/6] MdePkg: Add UDF volume structure definitions
` [PATCH v6 2/6] MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Add UDF file system support
` [PATCH v6 3/6] MdeModulePkg: Initial UDF/ECMA-167 "
` [PATCH v6 4/6] OvmfPkg: Enable UDF "
` [PATCH v6 5/6] ArmVirtPkg: "
` [PATCH v6 6/6] Nt32Pkg: "
[PATCH 00/10] MdeModulePkg, OvmfPkg: unmap DMA buffers at ExitBootServices
2017-09-08 18:28 UTC (11+ messages)
` [PATCH 10/10] OvmfPkg/IoMmuDxe: unmap all IOMMU mappings at ExitBootServices()
[PATCH 00/11] Add IOMMU PEI support
2017-09-08 15:03 UTC (12+ messages)
` [PATCH 01/11] MdeModulePkg/Include: Add IOMMU_PPI
` [PATCH 02/11] MdeModulePkg/Dec: Add IOMMU_PPI GUID
` [PATCH 03/11] IntelSiliconPkg/Vtd.h: Add definition for PMR
` [PATCH 04/11] IntelSiliconPkg/VTdDxe: Disable PMR
` [PATCH 05/11] IntelSiliconPkg/include: Add VTD_INFO PPI
` [PATCH 06/11] IntelSiliconPkg/dec: Add VTD_INFO PPI GUID
` [PATCH 07/11] IntelSiliconPkg: Add IntelVTdPmrPei
` [PATCH 08/11] IntelSiliconPkg/dsc: Add IntelVTdPmrPeim
` [PATCH 09/11] IntelSiliconPkg: Add PlatformVTdInfoSamplePei
` [PATCH 10/11] IntelSiliconPkg/dsc: "
` [PATCH 11/11] MdeModulePkg/XhciPei: Support IoMmu
[PATCH v5 0/6] read-only UDF file system support
2017-09-08 11:46 UTC (14+ messages)
` [PATCH v5 1/6] MdePkg: Add UDF volume structure definitions
` [PATCH v5 2/6] MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Add UDF file system support
` [PATCH v5 3/6] MdeModulePkg: Initial UDF/ECMA-167 "
` [PATCH v5 4/6] OvmfPkg: Enable UDF "
` [PATCH v5 5/6] ArmVirtPkg: "
` [PATCH v5 6/6] Nt32Pkg: "
[PATCH] MdeModulePkg Xhci: Correct description of Timeout param in XhciReg.h
2017-09-08 9:08 UTC (2+ messages)
[Patch] MdeModulePkg: Update PiDxeS3BootScriptLib Internal function name
2017-09-08 7:33 UTC (2+ messages)
[Patch][edk2-platforms/devel-MinnowBoard3-UDK2017 1/2] Clean up CMOS code
2017-09-08 7:22 UTC (2+ messages)
` [Patch][edk2-platforms/devel-MinnowBoard3-UDK2017 2/2] BroxtonPlatformPkg: RTC initialize
StartImage() return value an error or return code ?
2017-09-08 6:53 UTC
[PATCH] BaseTools/GCC5: set -Wno-unused-const-variables on RELEASE builds
2017-09-08 6:26 UTC (4+ messages)
[Patch][edk2-platforms/devel-MinnowBoard3-UDK2017] Ubuntu boot
2017-09-08 6:16 UTC
[Patch] BaseTools: correct to use specific arch to generate DSC database
2017-09-08 5:34 UTC (2+ messages)
WARNING: No source level debug
2017-09-08 5:29 UTC (2+ messages)
[Patch 0/2] Add CalculateCrc32() API in MdePkg BaseLib
2017-09-08 5:18 UTC (3+ messages)
` [Patch 1/2] MdePkg BaseLib: Add new API CalculateCrc32()
` [Patch 2/2] MdeModulePkg: Update modules to consume CalculateCrc32()
Curious question regarding lack of debug in MdeModulePkg
2017-09-08 3:12 UTC (2+ messages)
PI 1.6: Issues within the SPI sections
2017-09-08 3:10 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH 0/5] OvmfPkg/VirtioNetDxe: map host address to device address
2017-09-07 22:55 UTC (2+ messages)
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