messages from 2018-06-29 03:42:39 to 2018-07-04 14:23:35 UTC [more...]
[PATCH v2 1/1] MdeModulePkg/Variable: Check EFI_MEMORY_RUNTIME attribute before setting it
2018-07-04 14:23 UTC (3+ messages)
[Patch] MdeModulePkg/S3SmmInitDone.h: Fix copyright coding style error
2018-07-04 14:01 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH v3] MdePkg/BaseLib: Add bit field population calculating methods
2018-07-04 14:02 UTC
[PATCH] Platform/ARM: Correct LevelID in PLPI packages of DSDT
2018-07-04 13:04 UTC
question about uefi shell pipe
2018-07-04 9:15 UTC
[Patch] UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Optimize get processor number performance
2018-07-04 8:37 UTC
[PATCH edk2-platforms v2 0/6] Improve D0x platforms and bug fix
2018-07-04 7:51 UTC (7+ messages)
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v2 1/6] Hisilicon/D0x: Fix invoke SetMemorySpaceAttributes error bug
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v2 2/6] Hisilicon/D03/D05: Correct ATU Cfg0/Cfg1 base address
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v2 3/6] Hisilicon/D0x: Fix SetAtuConfig1RW bug
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v2 4/6] Hisilicon/D05: Add PlatformMiscDxe driver
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v2 5/6] Hisilicon/D05/Pcie: optimize two pcie ports space
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v2 6/6] Hisilicon/D0x: Correct smbios product name
[PATCH edk2-non-osi v1 0/1] Fix invoke SetMemorySpaceAttributes error bug
2018-07-04 7:49 UTC (2+ messages)
` [PATCH edk2-non-osi v1 1/1] Hisilicon/D0x: "
reg: IP6 based Static IP Configuration in ISCSI
2018-07-04 7:46 UTC (6+ messages)
[PATCH edk2-platforms v1 0/6] Improve D0x platforms and bug fix
2018-07-04 6:46 UTC (9+ messages)
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v1 1/6] Hisilicon/D0x: Fix invoke SetMemorySpaceAttributes error bug
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v1 4/6] Hisilicon/D05: Add PlatformMiscDxe driver
[PATCH v4 0/9] Add platform hook for ultimate boot failure
2018-07-04 3:39 UTC (14+ messages)
` [PATCH v4 1/9] MdeModulePkg/PlatformBootManager: Add PlatformBootManagerUnableToBoot
` [PATCH v4 2/9] CorebootPayload/PlatformBDS: Impl PlatformBootManagerUnableToBoot
` [PATCH v4 3/9] OvmfPkg/PlatformBds: Implement PlatformBootManagerUnableToBoot
` [PATCH v4 4/9] Nt32Pkg/PlatformBDS: "
` [PATCH v4 5/9] QuarkPlatform/PlatformBDS: "
` [PATCH v4 6/9] ArmPkg/PlatformBDS: "
` [PATCH v4 7/9] ArmVirtPkg/PlatformBDS: "
` [PATCH v4 8/9] MdeModulePkg/BdsDxe: Revert "fall back to UI loop before hanging"
` [PATCH v4 9/9] MdeModulePkg/BdsDxe: Call PlatformBootManagerUnableToBoot()
撤回: FCE tool retrieve edk2 bios fd( build by linux gcc) failed
2018-07-04 3:17 UTC (2+ messages)
` report an issue about edk2 iscsi
[PATCH v2] MdePkg/BaseLib: Add bit field population calculating methods
2018-07-04 2:58 UTC (2+ messages)
gRT->SetVariable ACCESS DENIED error
2018-07-04 2:45 UTC (4+ messages)
[Patch] BaseTools: enable FixedAtBuild (VOID*) PCD use in the [DEPEX] section
2018-07-04 2:44 UTC
[patch] MdeModulePkg/SmmCorePerformanceLib: Update mPerformanceLength
2018-07-04 2:34 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Avoid calling PEI services from AP
2018-07-04 2:33 UTC (3+ messages)
[Patch v3] NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: Fix the bug when parsing HTTP(S) message body
2018-07-04 2:21 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH v3 0/7] Add platform hook for ultimate boot failure
2018-07-04 1:46 UTC (18+ messages)
` [PATCH v3 1/7] MdeModulePkg/PlatformBootManager: Add PlatformBootManagerUnableToBoot
` [PATCH v3 2/7] CorebootPayload/PlatformBDS: Impl PlatformBootManagerUnableToBoot
` [PATCH v3 3/7] OvmfPkg/PlatformBds: Implement PlatformBootManagerUnableToBoot
` [PATCH v3 4/7] Nt32Pkg/PlatformBDS: "
` [PATCH v3 5/7] QuarkPlatform/PlatformBDS: "
` [PATCH v3 6/7] MdeModulePkg/BdsDxe: Revert "fall back to UI loop before hanging"
` [PATCH v3 7/7] MdeModulePkg/BdsDxe: Call PlatformBootManagerUnableToBoot()
[patch V2 0/9] Add new Perf macros
2018-07-03 23:29 UTC (3+ messages)
` [patch V2 8/9] SecurityPkg: Use new added "
[Patch 0/2] Add CRB IdleByPass Support
2018-07-03 23:25 UTC (4+ messages)
` [Patch 2/2] SecurityPkg: Tpm2DeviceLib: Enable CapCRBIdleBypass support
GPT Partitions on RAID Disks
2018-07-03 20:29 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH edk2-platforms v2 0/3]Readme: Add instructions to build in a Windows Environment
2018-07-03 18:55 UTC (6+ messages)
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v2 1/3] Change line endings from LF to CLRF
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v2 2/3] Remove Tabs
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v2 3/3] Add instructions to build in a Windows Environment
[PATCH 1/1] MdeModulePkg/DisplayEngineDxe: Fix small InitializeDisplayEngine leak
2018-07-03 16:46 UTC
[PATCH 1/1] MdeModulePkg/UefiBootManagerLib: Fix small LoadOptionToVariable leak
2018-07-03 16:40 UTC
[PATCH 1/1] MdeModulePkg/PciBusDxe: Fix small memory leak in FreePciDevice
2018-07-03 15:32 UTC
[PATCH 1/2] MdeModulePkg/Variable: Check EFI_MEMORY_RUNTIME attribute before setting it
2018-07-03 15:08 UTC (5+ messages)
` [PATCH 2/2] OvmfPkg/QemuFlashFvbServicesRuntimeDxe: mark Runtime Data as MMIO when SEV is active
[PATCH 0/6] ArmPkg related changes for StandaloneMM package
2018-07-03 14:35 UTC (12+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/6] ArmPkg: Add PCDs needed for MM communication driver
` [PATCH 3/6] ArmPkg/Include: Add MM interface SVC return codes
` [PATCH 4/6] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: Add MMU Library suitable for use in S-EL0
` [PATCH 5/6] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: Add MMU library inf file "
` [PATCH 6/6] ArmPkg: Extra action to update permissions for S-ELO MM Image
[PATCH] MdePkg/BaseLib: Add bit field Hamming weight calculation methods
2018-07-03 13:25 UTC (7+ messages)
[PATCH 0/1] BaseTools changes for Management Mode modules
2018-07-03 11:56 UTC (3+ messages)
` [PATCH] BaseTools/AutoGen: Update header file for MM modules
[PATCH 10/10] StandaloneMmPkg: Describe the declaration and definition files
2018-07-03 9:43 UTC
[PATCH 09/10] StandaloneMmPkg: Add CPU driver suitable for ARM Platforms
2018-07-03 9:42 UTC
[PATCH 08/10] StandaloneMmPkg: Add an AArch64 specific entry point library
2018-07-03 9:42 UTC
[PATCH 07/10] StandaloneMmPkg/Core: Implementation of Standalone MM Core Module
2018-07-03 9:42 UTC
[PATCH 06/10] StandaloneMmPkg: MM driver entry point library
2018-07-03 9:42 UTC
[PATCH 05/10] StandaloneMmPkg/HobLib: Add HOB Library for management mode
2018-07-03 9:41 UTC
[PATCH 04/10] StandaloneMmPkg/MemoryAllocationLib: Add MM memory allocation library
2018-07-03 9:41 UTC
[PATCH 03/10] StandaloneMmPkg/MemLib: Add Standalone MM instance of memory check library
2018-07-03 9:41 UTC
[PATCH 02/10] StandaloneMmPkg/FvLib: Add a common FV Library for management mode
2018-07-03 9:40 UTC
[PATCH 01/10] StandaloneMmPkg: Delete StandaloneMmPkg file
2018-07-03 9:40 UTC
[PATCH 00/10] Standalone Management Mode Core Interface for AARCH64 Platforms
2018-07-03 9:32 UTC
[Patch] BaseTool: Add cache for the result of SkipAutogen
2018-07-03 5:42 UTC (4+ messages)
[PATCH v2 0/1] BaseTools/Trim: Normalize filepaths to fix comparisons on Windows
2018-07-03 5:04 UTC (3+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 1/1] "
[PATCH 0/2] Fix bugs in BmpSupportLib
2018-07-03 2:27 UTC (9+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/2] MdeModulePkg/BmpSupportLib: Correct debug message
` [PATCH 2/2] MdeModulePkg/BmpSupportLib: Check PixelHeight/PixelWidth against 0
[PATCH] MdeModulePkg SataControllerDxe: Use compare logic in if condition
2018-07-03 1:21 UTC (5+ messages)
[PATCH] MdeModulePkg Variable: Add/Correct GetHobVariableStore para description
2018-07-03 0:51 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH edk2-platforms v1 0/6][platforms/devel-dynamictables] Fix issues reported by ecc tool
2018-07-02 14:01 UTC (4+ messages)
[staging/dynamictables PATCH v1 0/5] Fix issues reported by ecc tool
2018-07-02 14:00 UTC (6+ messages)
` [staging/dynamictables PATCH v1 4/5] DynamicTablesPkg: Fix macro to prevent side effect
Questions about the build process
2018-07-02 11:15 UTC (3+ messages)
[Patch v2] NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: Fix the bug when parsing HTTP(S) message body
2018-07-02 9:34 UTC (7+ messages)
[PATCH v2] BaseTools/GenFw: Add X64 GOTPCREL Support to GenFw
2018-07-02 9:22 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH 0/3] Bug fix and minor enhancements to ResetSystem code
2018-07-02 7:35 UTC (7+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/3] MdeModulePkg/ResetUtilityLib: Add pack(1) for reset data structure
` [PATCH 2/3] MdeModulePkg/[Pei|Dxe]ResetSystemLib: Add PPI/Protocol dependency
` [PATCH 3/3] MdeModulePkg/ResetSystemRuntimeDxe: Add more info in debug message
[PATCH v3] UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Avoid calling PEI services from AP
2018-07-02 5:56 UTC (3+ messages)
Question about memory map entries
2018-06-30 19:23 UTC (5+ messages)
[PATCH v2 0/2] Enhance BDS to handle ultimate boot failure
2018-06-30 1:27 UTC (8+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 1/2] MdeModulePkg/UefiBootManagerLib: new APIs for "
` [PATCH v2 2/2] MdeModulePkg/BdsDxe: Call *UnableToBoot() "
[PATCH] OvmfPkg/BDS: Provide platform callback for ultimate boot failure
2018-06-29 12:49 UTC (2+ messages)
[Patch V2] UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Remove redundant parameter
2018-06-29 12:14 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH edk2-platforms v1 0/1]Readme: Add instructions to build in a Windows Environment
2018-06-29 10:52 UTC (3+ messages)
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v1 1/1] Readme: "
[PATCH] UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: AP uses memory preceding IDT to store CpuMpData
2018-06-29 9:36 UTC (7+ messages)
[Patch][edk2-platforms/devel-MinnowBoardMax-UDK2017] Fix GCC build error
2018-06-29 9:01 UTC
[PATCH] MdeModulePkg/Sd: Fix type when adding model name string
2018-06-29 8:49 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH v2] MdeModulePkg/AtaPassThru: Add missing NULL ptr check in BindingStart
2018-06-29 8:45 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH v1 1/1] BaseTools: AutoGen - move constructor out of loop
2018-06-29 7:37 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH v1 1/1] BaseTools: AutoGen - clean up access
2018-06-29 7:37 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] MdeModulePkg/UefiBootManagerLib: handle ultimate boot failure
2018-06-29 7:25 UTC (5+ messages)
[Patch 1/2] UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Not use disabled AP
2018-06-29 7:19 UTC (5+ messages)
` [Patch 2/2] UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Remove redundant parameter
[Patch][edk2-platforms/devel-MinnowBoardMax-UDK2017] Platform DxeTrEEPhysicalPresenceLib
2018-06-29 6:17 UTC
[Patch V2] BaseTools: Fix parsing multiple nest !include issue
2018-06-29 5:41 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH v2 0/1] BaseTools/tools_def: Add GCC49xASL Toolchain support
2018-06-29 3:49 UTC (13+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 1/1] "
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