public inbox for
 help / color / mirror / Atom feed
 messages from 2020-03-05 05:56:16 to 2020-03-09 11:34:10 UTC [more...]

[PATCH 1/1] BaseTools:copy the common PcdValueCommon.obj to output directory
 2020-03-09 11:34 UTC  (2+ messages)

[edk2/master PATCH DxeIplHandoffLib v1] MdePkg/DxeIplHandoffLibNullLib: Abstract DxeIpl
 2020-03-09 10:27 UTC 

[edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI v2 0/5] RISC-V EDK2 CI configuration files
 2020-03-09  9:53 UTC  (6+ messages)
` [edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI v2 1/5] RiscVPlatformPkg: Add RiscVPlatformPkg yaml file for EDK2 CI
` [edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI v2 2/5] RiscVPkg: Add RiscVPkg "
` [edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI v2 3/5] BaseTools: Enable RISC-V architecture for RISC-V "
` [edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI v2 4/5] .azurepipelines: Add RISC-V architecture on "
` [edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI v2 5/5] .pytool: "

[PATCH v2] MdeModulePkg/RegularExpressionDxe: Make oniguruma a submodule in edk2
 2020-03-09  7:27 UTC 

[PATCH v2 0/2] Use submodule way to access brotli
 2020-03-09  6:32 UTC  (3+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 1/2] MdeModulePkg/BrotliCustomDecompressLib: Make brotli a submodule
` [PATCH v 2/2] BaseTools: "

Adding Bhyve support into upstream EDK2
 2020-03-09  6:08 UTC  (10+ messages)
  ` [edk2-devel] "

[PATCH V2] BaseTools:GuidedSectionTools.txt is not generated correctly
 2020-03-09  5:54 UTC  (2+ messages)

[PATCH 0/2] Use submodule way to access brotli
 2020-03-09  5:30 UTC  (5+ messages)
` [PATCH 2/2] BaseTools: Make brotli a submodule
    ` [edk2-devel] "

[edk2-devel] [PATCH 0/2] Use submodule way to access brotli
 2020-03-09  5:21 UTC  (2+ messages)

[edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI v1 4/6] BaseTools: Enable RISC-V architecture for RISC-V EDK2 CI
 2020-03-09  1:34 UTC  (3+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "

[edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI v1 6/6] .pytool: Add RISC-V architecture on RISC-V EDK2 CI
 2020-03-09  1:31 UTC  (3+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "

[edk2-platform][PATCH v2] IntelSiliconPkg: Add periods in comments
 2020-03-09  1:21 UTC  (2+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "

[edk2-devel] EDK II Maintainers - EDK II CI is now active on edk2/master
 2020-03-08 19:53 UTC  (2+ messages)

EDK II Maintainers - EDK II CI is now active on edk2/master
 2020-03-08 11:12 UTC  (2+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "

[PATCH] OvmfPkg/X86QemuLoadImageLib: fix "unused variable" error in X64 DXE builds
 2020-03-08  9:40 UTC  (8+ messages)
  ` [edk2-devel] "

[PATCH] OvmfPkg/QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe: drop tentative const object definition
 2020-03-08  9:01 UTC  (8+ messages)
      ` [edk2-devel] "

reg: Host Name Validation with Wild Card Certificate
 2020-03-08  8:54 UTC  (3+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "

[edk2-platforms][PATCH 1/1] Platform/RaspberryPi/Drivers/ConfigDxe: make CPU settings Pi-specific
 2020-03-08  5:31 UTC 

Running CI on FreeBSD - can't run NuGet.exe directly (need "mono NuGet.exe")
 2020-03-08  0:29 UTC  (3+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "

EDK II Python development process specification -draft
 2020-03-07 23:26 UTC  (3+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "

[edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI v1 2/6] RiscVPkg: Add RiscVPkg yaml file for EDK2 CI
 2020-03-07 22:18 UTC  (2+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "

[edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI v1 3/6] MdeModulePkg: Revise MdeModulePkg yaml file for RISC-V EDK2 CI
 2020-03-07 22:15 UTC  (2+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "

[PATCH 0/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib AARCH64: correctness fix
 2020-03-07 13:34 UTC  (3+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib AARCH64: use helpers to determine table entry types
` [PATCH 2/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib AARCH64: preserve attributes when replacing a table entry

[PATCH 0/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib AARCH64: final cleanups
 2020-03-07 11:55 UTC  (4+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib AARCH64: drop pointless page table memory type check
` [PATCH 2/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib AARCH64: cosmetic fixups

[PATCH v4 0/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: rewrite and improve cache handling with MMU off
 2020-03-07 11:53 UTC  (4+ messages)
` [PATCH v4 1/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib AARCH64: rewrite page table code
` [PATCH v4 2/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib AARCH64: invalidate page tables before populating them

[PATCH v3 0/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: rewrite and improve cache handling with MMU off
 2020-03-07  7:15 UTC  (6+ messages)
` [PATCH v3 1/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib AARCH64: rewrite page table code
` [PATCH v3 2/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib AARCH64: invalidate page tables before populating them

TianoCore Community Meeting Minutes - March
 2020-03-06 22:41 UTC  (2+ messages)

[PATCH v3 00/13] OvmfPkg: Support booting from Fusion-MPT SCSI controllers
 2020-03-06 22:24 UTC  (5+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "

[PATCH edk2-platforms v2 1/1] Platform/ARM/ArmShellCmdRunAxf: switch to by-VA cache maintenance
 2020-03-06 16:54 UTC  (3+ messages)

[edk2-platforms][PATCH 1/1] Platform/RaspberryPi: fix FDT handling for RPi4
 2020-03-06 16:52 UTC  (6+ messages)
` [edk2-non-osi][PATCH 1/1] Platform/RaspberryPi/RPi4/TrustedFirmware: rev RPi4 TF-A for DTB fix

[edk2-platforms][PATCH 1/1] Platform/RaspberryPi/RPi4: gain 2MB of RAM back
 2020-03-06 16:43 UTC  (5+ messages)
  ` [edk2-devel] "

[PATCH edk2-platforms 1/1] Platform/DeveloperBox: drop dma-ranges property from DT root node
 2020-03-06 16:42 UTC  (4+ messages)

[PATCH v2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib AARCH64: invalidate page tables before populating them
 2020-03-06 13:03 UTC  (2+ messages)

[PATCH 0/7] New implementation of MM communicate for standalone MM
 2020-03-06 10:38 UTC  (4+ messages)

[PATCH v3 00/14] Ovmf: use LoadImage/StartImage for loading command line images
 2020-03-06  7:42 UTC  (22+ messages)
` [PATCH v3 01/14] OvmfPkg: add GUID for the QEMU kernel loader fs media device path
` [PATCH v3 02/14] OvmfPkg: export abstract QEMU blob filesystem in standalone driver
` [PATCH v3 03/14] OvmfPkg: introduce QemuLoadImageLib library class
` [PATCH v3 04/14] OvmfPkg: provide a generic implementation of QemuLoadImageLib
` [PATCH v3 05/14] ArmVirtPkg: incorporate the new QEMU kernel loader driver and library
` [PATCH v3 06/14] ArmVirtPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: switch to separate QEMU loader
` [PATCH v3 07/14] OvmfPkg/QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe: don't expose kernel command line
` [PATCH v3 08/14] OvmfPkg/QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe: add support for the kernel setup block
` [PATCH v3 09/14] OvmfPkg: create protocol and GUID header for loaded x86 Linux kernels
  ` [edk2-devel] "
` [PATCH v3 10/14] OvmfPkg: implement QEMU loader library for X86 with legacy fallback
  ` [edk2-devel] "
` [PATCH v3 11/14] OvmfPkg: add new QEMU kernel image loader components
` [PATCH v3 12/14] OvmfPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: switch to QemuLoadImageLib
  ` [edk2-devel] "
` [PATCH v3 13/14] OvmfPkg/QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe: add support for new Linux initrd device path
` [PATCH v3 14/14] OvmfPkg: use generic QEMU image loader for secure boot enabled builds
` [edk2-devel] [PATCH v3 00/14] Ovmf: use LoadImage/StartImage for loading command line images

[PATCH] OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: fix build by providing QemuLoadImageLib resolution
 2020-03-06  7:23 UTC  (3+ messages)

[edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI Code Changes v1 00/11] Necessary code changes for RISCV64 CI testing
 2020-03-06  5:36 UTC  (12+ messages)
` [edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI Code Changes v1 01/11] FatPkg: Add RISC-V architecture for EDK2 CI
` [edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI Code Changes v1 02/11] FmpDevicePkg: "
` [edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI Code Changes v1 03/11] NetworkPkg: "
` [edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI Code Changes v1 04/11] NetworkPkg/HttpBootDxe: "
` [edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI Code Changes v1 05/11] CryptoPkg: "
` [edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI Code Changes v1 06/11] MdePkg/Include: Add RISC-V related definitions "
` [edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI Code Changes v1 07/11] SecurityPkg: Security package changes for RISC-V "
` [edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI Code Changes v1 08/11] ShellPkg: Shell "
` [edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI Code Changes v1 09/11] UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add RISC-V architecture "
` [edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI Code Changes v1 10/11] MdePkg/DxeServicesLib: Add RISC-V architecture
` [edk2/master PATCH RISC-V CI Code Changes v1 11/11] MdeModulePkg: Use LockBoxNullLib for RISC-V

[edk2-platform:PATCH v2] IntelSiliconPkg/DxeAslUpdateLib: Add DxeAslUpdateLib support
 2020-03-06  5:02 UTC  (3+ messages)

TianoCore Community Design Meeting Minutes - Feb 21, 2020
 2020-03-06  3:16 UTC  (4+ messages)
  ` [edk2-devel] "

Upcoming Event: TianoCore Community Meeting - APAC/NAMO - Thu, 03/05/2020 7:30pm-8:30pm #cal-reminder
 2020-03-06  3:15 UTC 

Upcoming Event: TianoCore Design Meeting - APAC/NAMO - Fri, 03/06/2020 9:30am-10:30am #cal-reminder
 2020-03-06  1:15 UTC 

Upcoming Event: TianoCore Bug Triage - APAC / NAMO - Thu, 03/05/2020 5:00pm-5:30pm #cal-reminder
 2020-03-06  0:45 UTC 

[edk2-staging/EdkRepo] [PATCH] EdkRepo: Correct typo in error strings
 2020-03-05 22:21 UTC  (2+ messages)

[PATCH] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib AARCH64: invalidate page tables before populating them
 2020-03-05 22:19 UTC  (2+ messages)

[PATCH v2 0/9] ArmPkg: eradicate and deprecate by set/way cache ops
 2020-03-05 21:40 UTC  (5+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 1/9] ArmPlatformPkg/PrePi: replace set/way cache ops with by-VA ones

[PATCH 0/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib ARM: some cleanups
 2020-03-05 16:50 UTC  (4+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib ARM: simplify assignment of TTBR0 system register
` [PATCH 2/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib ARM: drop memory type check for page tables

[PATCH 0/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib ARM: simply cache invalidation of page tables
 2020-03-05 16:48 UTC  (5+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib ARM: use AllocateAlignedPages() for alignment
` [PATCH 2/2] ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib ARM: invalidate page tables as they are allocated

Upcoming Event: TianoCore Community Meeting - EMEA/NAMO - Thu, 03/05/2020 9:00am-10:00am #cal-reminder
 2020-03-05 16:45 UTC 

[PATCH] Maintainers: switch to my Arm email address
 2020-03-05 14:33 UTC  (3+ messages)

[PATCH v2 00/14] Ovmf: use LoadImage/StartImage for loading command line images
 2020-03-05 14:29 UTC  (23+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 03/14] OvmfPkg: introduce QemuLoadImageLib library class
  ` [edk2-devel] "
` [PATCH v2 04/14] OvmfPkg: provide a generic implementation of QemuLoadImageLib
  ` [edk2-devel] "
` [PATCH v2 06/14] ArmVirtPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: switch to separate QEMU loader
  ` [edk2-devel] "
` [PATCH v2 08/14] OvmfPkg/QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe: add support for the kernel setup block
  ` [edk2-devel] "
` [PATCH v2 09/14] OvmfPkg: create protocol and GUID header for legacy loaded images
  ` [edk2-devel] "
` [PATCH v2 10/14] OvmfPkg: implement QEMU loader library for X86 with legacy fallback
  ` [edk2-devel] "
` [PATCH v2 12/14] OvmfPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: switch to QemuLoadImageLib
  ` [edk2-devel] "
` [PATCH v2 13/14] OvmfPkg/QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe: add support for new Linux initrd device path

EDK II Stable Tag release edk2-stable202002 completed
 2020-03-05 14:26 UTC  (4+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
  ` [edk2-announce] "

[edk2-staging/UEFI_PCI_ENHANCE-2 PATCH 00/12] New PCI features - MPS, MRRS, RO, NS, CTO
 2020-03-05 14:12 UTC  (5+ messages)
  ` [edk2-devel] [edk2-staging/UEFI_PCI_ENHANCE-2 PATCH 05/12] PciBusDxe: Setup sub-phases for PCI feature enumeration

[edk2-platforms][PATCH 0/2] RPi4 fixes to 3GB RAM limit logic
 2020-03-05 13:55 UTC  (6+ messages)
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH 1/2] Platform/RaspberryPi/Drivers/ConfigDxe: fix bug in 3GB RAM logic
    ` [edk2-devel] "

[PATCH 0/2] OvmfPkg, ArmVirtPkg: sync Timeout with PcdPlatformBootTimeOut
 2020-03-05  8:56 UTC  (2+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "

[PATCH v2 00/16] OvmfPkg: support VCPU hotplug with -D SMM_REQUIRE
 2020-03-05  8:32 UTC  (3+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "

[edk2-devel] [PATCH] MdeModulePkg/RegularExpressionDxe: Make oniguruma a submodule in edk2
 2020-03-05  8:19 UTC 

[edk2][PATCH 1/1] ArmPlatformPkg/PrePi: fix IS_XIP
 2020-03-05  8:10 UTC  (2+ messages)

[PATCH v2 1/2] CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi: Add missing comments
 2020-03-05  6:40 UTC  (2+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 2/2] CryptoPkg/BaseHashApiLib: Rename BaseHashApiLib by HashApiLib

[PATCH v2] UnitTestFrameworkPkg/UnitTestLib: Check Suite pointer before use
 2020-03-05  6:17 UTC 

[PATCH v3] MdePkg/UnitTestBaseLib: Add check for pointer BinData
 2020-03-05  5:58 UTC 

[PATCH v3 1/1] MdeModulePkg/Pci: Fixed Asserts in SCT PCIIO Protocol Test
 2020-03-05  5:56 UTC  (3+ messages)
  ` [edk2-devel] "

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