messages from 2021-08-05 05:04:14 to 2021-08-08 19:40:43 UTC [more...]
[PATCH] ArmPkg/DefaultExceptionHandlerLib: Fix DebugImageInfoTable lookup
2021-08-08 19:39 UTC (23+ messages)
` [PATCH] BaseTools: Define the read-only data section name per toolchain
` [PATCH] UefiCpuPkg/BaseUefiCpuLib: Use toolchain-specific rodata section name
` [PATCH] BaseTools/tools_def: Fix CLANGPDB X64 RCPATH
` [PATCH] EmulatorPkg/Host/Unix: Drop dlopen() usage
` [PATCH] EmulatorPkg/Host/Unix: Remove unused declarations
` [PATCH] MdeModulePkg/CoreDxe: Drop caller-allocated image buffers
` [PATCH] MdeModulePkg/DxeCore: Consistent DebugImageInfoTable updates
` [PATCH] MdeModulePkg/DxeCore: Fix DebugImageInfoTable size report
` [PATCH] MdeModulePkg/DxeCore: Drop unnecessary pointer indirection
` [PATCH] MdeModulePkg/DxeCore: Use the correct source for fixed load address
` [PATCH] MdeModulePkg/PiSmmCore: Drop deprecated image profiling commands
` [PATCH] MdeModulePkg/PiSmmIpl: Correct fixed load address bounds check
` [PATCH] MdePkg/Base.h: Introduce various alignment-related macros
` [PATCH] MdePkg/BaseLib: Fix unaligned API prototypes
` [PATCH] BaseTools/CommonLib: "
` [PATCH] SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: Always lookup SHA-256 hash in dbx
` [PATCH] SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: Fix certificate lookup algorithm
` [PATCH] StandaloneMmPkg/FvLib: Correct FV section data size
` [PATCH] StandaloneMmPkg/StandaloneMmCore: Drop code for traditional drivers
` [PATCH] StandaloneMmPkg/StandaloneMmCore: Drop unused fixed address feature
` [PATCH] StandaloneMmPkg: Support CLANGPDB X64 builds
` [PATCH] UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadEntry: Fix memory corruption
[edk2-devel] [staging/edk2-redfish-client RedfishFeatureCore PATCH 0/3] RedfishFeatureCoreDxe
2021-08-08 14:36 UTC
[staging/edk2-redfish-client Tools PATCH 0/6] Initial commit of Redfish Profile Simulator
2021-08-08 13:09 UTC (7+ messages)
` [staging/edk2-redfish-client Tools PATCH 1/6] RedfishClientPkg/Tools: "
` [staging/edk2-redfish-client Tools PATCH 2/6] RedfishClientPkg/Tools: Add more Redfish resource
` [staging/edk2-redfish-client Tools PATCH 3/6] RedfishClientPkg/Redfish-Profile-Simulator: Add more features
[staging/edk2-redfish-client PATCH v2 0/2] RedfishClientPkg
2021-08-08 13:02 UTC (3+ messages)
` [staging/edk2-redfish-client PATCH v2 2/2] edk2: Update Maintainers.txt
[PATCH] RedfishPkg/RefishCrtLib: Public RefishCrtLib
2021-08-08 12:59 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] RedfishPkg/JsonLib: Add more JsonLib functions
2021-08-08 12:58 UTC (2+ messages)
[staging/edk2-redfish-client RedfishFeatureCore PATCH 0/3] RedfishFeatureCoreDxe
2021-08-08 12:55 UTC (7+ messages)
` [staging/edk2-redfish-client RedfishFeatureCore PATCH 1/3] RedfishClientPkg: Initial commit of meta files
` [staging/edk2-redfish-client RedfishFeatureCore PATCH 2/3] RedfishClientPkg/RedfishFeatureCoreDxe: Redfish Feature Core DXE driver
` [staging/edk2-redfish-client RedfishFeatureCore PATCH 3/3] RedfishClientPkg/Document: Update diagrams
[RFC PATCH 0/7] OVMF: Disable the TPM2 platform hierarchy
2021-08-08 0:54 UTC (14+ messages)
` [RFC PATCH 1/7] SecurityPkg/TPM: Import PeiDxeTpmPlatformHierarchyLib.c from edk2-platforms
` [RFC PATCH 2/7] SecruityPkg/TPM: Disable dependency on MinPlatformPkg
` [RFC PATCH 3/7] SecurityPkg/TPM: Disable PcdGetBool (PcdRandomizePlatformHierarchy)
` [RFC PATCH 4/7] SecurityPkg/TPM: Disable a Pcd
` [RFC PATCH 5/7] SecurityPkg/TPM: Add a NULL implementation of PeiDxeTpmPlatformHierarchyLib
` [RFC PATCH 6/7] OVMF: Reference new classes in the build system for compilation
` [RFC PATCH 7/7] OVMF: Disable the TPM2 platform hierarchy
` [edk2-devel] [RFC PATCH 0/7] "
[Patch v2 0/3] Ext4Pkg: Add Ext4Pkg
2021-08-07 22:05 UTC (4+ messages)
` [Patch v2 1/3] Ext4Pkg: Add Ext4Pkg.dec and Ext4Pkg.uni
` [Patch v2 2/3] Ext4Pkg: Add Ext4Dxe driver
` [Patch v2 3/3] Ext4Pkg: Add .DSC file
[edk2-platforms PATCH v2 0/4] SolidRun CEx7 Evaluation Board support
2021-08-07 19:36 UTC (5+ messages)
` [edk2-platforms PATCH v2 1/3] Marvell: Armada7k8k/OcteonTx: Select ACPI description as a default
` [edk2-platforms PATCH v2 2/3] SolidRun/Cn913xCEx7Eval: Add ACPI support
` [edk2-platforms PATCH v2 3/3] SolidRun/Cn913xCEx7Eval: Add platform support
` [edk2-non-osi PATCH] SolidRun/Cn913xCEx7Eval: Add DeviceTree
SecCore evacuation in PeiCore?
2021-08-07 18:54 UTC
[PATCH v2 0/4] UefiPayloadPkg: LinuxBoot Support in UefiPayload
2021-08-07 16:34 UTC (7+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 1/4] UefiPayloadPkg: Add LINUXBOOT payload target
` [PATCH v2 2/4] UefiPayloadPkg: Use legacy timer in Linuxboot payload
` [PATCH v2 3/4] UefiPayloadPkg: Update maximum logic processor to 256
` [PATCH v2 4/4] UefiPayloadPkg: Reserve Payload config in runtime services data
[PATCH 0/6] UefiPayloadPkg: LinuxBoot Support in UefiPayload
2021-08-07 13:53 UTC (4+ messages)
` [PATCH v1 6/6] UefiPayloadPkg: LinuxBoot: use a text format for the configuration block
` [edk2-devel] "
[edk2-platforms PATCH 0/4] SolidRun CEx7 Evaluation Board support
2021-08-06 23:59 UTC (5+ messages)
` [edk2-platforms PATCH 1/3] Marvell: Armada7k8k/OcteonTx: Select ACPI description as a default
` [edk2-platforms PATCH 2/3] SolidRun/Cn913xCEx7Eval: Add ACPI support
` [edk2-platforms PATCH 3/3] SolidRun/Cn913xCEx7Eval: Add platform support
` [edk2-non-osi PATCH] SolidRun/Cn913xCEx7Eval: Add DeviceTree
[PATCH 0/1] RPi: Add Linux PCIe quirk
2021-08-06 22:40 UTC (4+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/1] Platform/RaspberryPi: Add linux quirk support
[RFC] MemoryProtectionLib for Dynamic Memory Guard Settings
2021-08-06 22:11 UTC (9+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[PATCH 0/5] RPi4: Enable ACPI PCIe conduit
2021-08-06 21:52 UTC (16+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/5] Platform/RaspberryPi: Add XHCI/PCI selection menu
` [PATCH 2/5] Platform/RaspberryPi: break XHCI into its own SSDT
` [edk2-devel] "
` [PATCH 3/5] Platform/RaspberryPi: Add PCIe SSDT
` [edk2-devel] "
` [PATCH 4/5] Silicon/Broadcom/Bcm27xx: Tweak PCIe for CM4
` [edk2-devel] "
` [PATCH 5/5] Platform/RaspberryPi: Enable NVMe boot on cm4
[PATCH v7 1/3] BaseTools: Remove COMMON section from the GCC discard list
2021-08-06 20:01 UTC (5+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
` 回复: "
[edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 1/1] MinPlatformPkg/AcpiTables: Update structures for ACPI 6.3
2021-08-06 19:53 UTC
[PATCH 1/4] UefiPayloadPkg: Add Fixed PCDs and use Macro to define the default value
2021-08-06 17:23 UTC (12+ messages)
` [PATCH 2/4] UefiPayloadPkg: define some PCD as DynamicEX PCD
` [PATCH 3/4] UefiPayloadPkg: change the default value of some PCDs
` [PATCH 4/4] UefiPayloadPkg: Add a macro to enable or diable the serial driver
` [edk2-devel] [PATCH 1/4] UefiPayloadPkg: Add Fixed PCDs and use Macro to define the default value
[PATCH] UefiPayloadPkg/PayloadEntry: Inherit 4/5-level paging from bootloader
2021-08-06 17:19 UTC (2+ messages)
[Patch 0/3] Ext4Pkg: Add Ext4Pkg
2021-08-06 16:15 UTC (6+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[PATCH v3] UefiCpuPkg/CpuCacheInfoLib: Sort CpuCacheInfo array
2021-08-06 14:37 UTC
[PATCH v2] UefiCpuPkg/CpuCacheInfoLib: Sort CpuCacheInfo array
2021-08-06 14:09 UTC (4+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[PATCH] ArmPkg: Enable boot discovery policy for ARM package
2021-08-06 13:44 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH v4 1/5] ArmPkg/IndustryStandard: 32b/64b agnostic FF-A, Mm SVC and Std SMC IDs
2021-08-06 13:31 UTC (10+ messages)
` [PATCH v4 5/5] StandaloneMmPkg: build for 32bit arm machines
` 回复: [edk2-devel] "
` "
[PATCH v1] UefiCpuPkg/CpuCacheInfoLib: Sort CpuCacheInfo array
2021-08-06 9:34 UTC
[PATCH EDK2 v1 0/1] BaseTools: Remove dependence of libuuid
2021-08-06 9:06 UTC (2+ messages)
` [PATCH EDK2 v1 1/1] "
2021-08-06 9:08 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH v2 00/13] Add ACPI 6.4 header file
2021-08-06 8:19 UTC (16+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 01/13] MdePkg: "
` [PATCH v2 02/13] MdePkg: Increment FADT version
` [PATCH v2 03/13] MdePkg: Rename SBSA Generic Watchdog to Arm Generic Watchdog
` [PATCH v2 04/13] MdePkg: Update PMTT to ACPI 6.4
` [PATCH v2 05/13] MdePkg: Add SPA Location Cookie field to SPA Range structure
` [PATCH v2 06/13] MdePkg: Remove DPPT table
` [PATCH v2 07/13] MdePkg: Add flags and MinTransferSize to Generic Initiator
` [PATCH v2 08/13] MdePkg: Add 'Type 5' PCC structure
` [PATCH v2 09/13] MdePkg: Add Multiprocessor Wakeup structure
` [PATCH v2 10/13] MdePkg: Add the Platform Health Assessment Table (PHAT)
` [PATCH v2 11/13] MdePkg: Add Secure Access Components in the SDEV table
` [PATCH v2 12/13] MdePkg: Add Cache ID to PPTT
` [PATCH v2 13/13] MdePkg: Fix broken coding style in Acpi64.h
` 回复: [edk2-devel] [PATCH v2 00/13] Add ACPI 6.4 header file
[PATCH RESEND v1 0/2] Add GIC ITS entry to MADT
2021-08-06 3:49 UTC (3+ messages)
` [PATCH RESEND v1 1/2] Platform/Qemu/SbsaQemu/SbsaQemu.dsc: define GICv3 ITS base address
` [PATCH RESEND v1 2/2] Silicon/Qemu: Update MADT with GICv3 ITS info
Is there any use case of FirmwarePerformanceStandaloneMm.inf now?
2021-08-06 3:02 UTC (5+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[edk2-platforms][PATCH v5 44/46] KabylakeOpenBoardPkg/KabylakeRvp3: Add PeiSerialPortlibSpiFlash to build
2021-08-06 2:44 UTC (3+ messages)
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v5 43/46] KabylakeOpenBoardPkg/PeiSerialPortLibSpiFlash: Update for new SPI PPI API
[edk2-platforms][PATCH v5 00/46] Consolidate SpiFlashCommonLib instances
2021-08-06 2:42 UTC (4+ messages)
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v5 43/46] KabylakeOpenBoardPkg/PeiSerialPortLibSpiFlash: Update for new SPI PPI API
[edk2-platforms: PATCH V5] Platform/Intel: Correct CPU APIC IDs
2021-08-06 2:07 UTC (2+ messages)
[edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 0/5] MinPlatformPkg: TestPointCheckLib bug fixes and improvements
2021-08-06 1:34 UTC (13+ messages)
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 1/5] MinPlatformPkg/TestPointCheckLib: Fix MessageLength cast issue
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 2/5] MinPlatformPkg/TestPointCheckLib: Set required size field in protocol
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 3/5] MinPlatformPkg/TestPointCheckLib: Fix incorrect array index
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 4/5] MinPlatformPkg/TestPointCheckLib: Improve adjacent region checking
` [edk2-devel] "
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 5/5] MinPlatformPkg/TestPointCheckLib: Make OutTable parameter optional
` [edk2-devel] "
` [edk2-devel] [edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 0/5] MinPlatformPkg: TestPointCheckLib bug fixes and improvements
[edk2-platforms][PATCH v2 0/5] MinPlatformPkg: TestPointCheckLib bug fixes and improvements
2021-08-06 1:32 UTC (6+ messages)
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v2 1/5] MinPlatformPkg/TestPointCheckLib: Fix MessageLength cast issue
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v2 2/5] MinPlatformPkg/TestPointCheckLib: Set required size field in protocol
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v2 3/5] MinPlatformPkg/TestPointCheckLib: Fix incorrect array index
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v2 4/5] MinPlatformPkg/TestPointCheckLib: Improve adjacent region checking
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v2 5/5] MinPlatformPkg/TestPointCheckLib: Make OutTable parameter optional
[edk2-platforms][PATCH v4 00/41] Consolidate SpiFlashCommonLib instances
2021-08-05 23:31 UTC (5+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[PATCH 1/1] MdeModulePkg/Console: Improve encoding of box drawing characters
2021-08-05 23:18 UTC (2+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[PATCH] IntelFsp2Pkg: Fix multibyte array data issue
2021-08-05 22:10 UTC (2+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[PATCH v2 0/3] reuse the SevEsWork area
2021-08-05 20:42 UTC (4+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 1/3] OvmfPkg: introduce a common work area
` [PATCH v2 2/3] OvmfPkg/ResetVector: update SEV support to use new work area format
` [PATCH v2 3/3] OvmfPkg/ResetVector: move the GHCB page setup in AmdSev.asm
[edk2-devel] [edk2-platforms] [PATCH] IpmiFeaturePkg: Fix standalone package build
2021-08-05 20:23 UTC
[edk2-platforms] [PATCH] IpmiFeaturePkg: Fix standalone package build
2021-08-05 19:59 UTC (2+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 0/4] MinPlatformPkg: AcpiPlatform bug fixes and improvements
2021-08-05 16:38 UTC (5+ messages)
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 1/4] MinPlatformPkg/AcpiPlatform: Use PCD for WSMT OEM revision
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 2/4] MinPlatformPkg/AcpiPlatform: Use CreatorId and CreatorRevision in headers
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 3/4] MinPlatformPkg/AcpiPlatform: Set X_GPE1_BLK GAS structure to zeroes
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 4/4] MinPlatformPkg/AcpiPlatform: Remove unused BoardAcpiTableLib
[GSoC] Proposal for a new Image Loader stack
2021-08-05 15:28 UTC
[PATCH 0/3] reuse the SevEsWork area
2021-08-05 15:07 UTC (5+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
Cancelled Event: TianoCore Design Meeting - APAC/NAMO - Friday, August 6, 2021 #cal-cancelled
2021-08-05 14:21 UTC
[PATCH v6 0/6] SEV Live Migration support for OVMF
2021-08-05 10:36 UTC (3+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[edk2-platforms: PATCH V4] Platform/Intel: Correct CPU APIC IDs
2021-08-05 7:17 UTC
[PATCH edk2-platform v2 0/1] Hisilicon:Fix header file issues
2021-08-05 6:27 UTC (2+ messages)
` [PATCH edk2-platform v2 1/1] "
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