messages from 2022-07-08 20:58:47 to 2022-07-15 00:39:10 UTC [more...]
[edk2-devel] [edk2-staging][PATCH Kun,v1 0/7] Add TPM subclass definition
2022-07-15 0:39 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH v3 0/3] CryptoPkg bug fixes
2022-07-14 22:04 UTC (4+ messages)
` [PATCH v3 1/3] CryptoPkg: Fix memoryleak in BaseMemAllocation
` [PATCH v3 2/3] CryptoPkg: Sha1 functions causing build errors
` [PATCH v3 3/3] CryptoPkg: Need to enable crypto functions
[PATCH] IntelFsp2Pkg/FspSecCore: Add FSP-I API for SMM support
2022-07-14 20:04 UTC
[edk2-devel][PATCH v2 0/2] Update SEC_IDT_TABLE struct to reserve sufficient size in IdtTable for both IA32 and X64
2022-07-14 18:38 UTC (6+ messages)
` [edk2-devel][PATCH v2 1/2] UefiCpuPkg: Update SEC_IDT_TABLE struct
` [edk2-devel][PATCH v2 2/2] IntelFsp2Pkg: "
[PATCH edk2-platforms v4 00/17] Fix build breaks and update IORT revision macro
2022-07-14 16:55 UTC (18+ messages)
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v4 01/17] Platform/ARM: FVP: Update for IORT revision macro renaming
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v4 02/17] Platform/ARM: Morello: "
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v4 03/17] Platform/ARM: SGI: "
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v4 04/17] Silicon/AMD/Styx: "
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v4 05/17] Silicon/Socionext/SynQuacer: "
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v4 06/17] Platform/RaspberryPi: "
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v4 07/17] Platform/ARM: N1SDP: "
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v4 08/17] Silicon/Ampere: Add VariableFlashInfoLib
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v4 09/17] Platform/Ampere: JadePkg: Update for IORT revision macro renaming
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v4 10/17] Silicon/Phytium: Add VariableFlashInfoLib
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v4 11/17] Silicon/Phytium: FT2000-4Pkg: Update for IORT revision macro renaming
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v4 12/17] Platform/LeMaker: Fix missing dependency on VariablePolicyHelperLib
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v4 13/17] Platform/Socionext: Fix missing dependency on VariableFlashInfoLib
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v4 14/17] Silicon/NXP: "
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v4 15/17] Platform/NXP/LS1043aRdbPk: Fix build break due to change in ARM_CORE_INFO
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v4 16/17] Platform/NXP/LS1046aFrwyPkg: "
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v4 17/17] Platform/NXP/LX2160aRdbPkg: "
[PATCH v6 0/8] IORT Rev E.d specification updates
2022-07-14 16:50 UTC (9+ messages)
` [PATCH v6 1/8] ShellPkg: Acpiview: Abbreviate field names to preserve alignment
` [PATCH v6 2/8] DynamicTablesPkg: Handle error when IdMappingToken is NULL
` [PATCH v6 3/8] DynamicTablesPkg: IORT set reference to Id array only if present
` [PATCH v6 4/8] DynamicTablesPkg: IORT set reference to interrupt array "
` [PATCH v6 5/8] MdePkg: IORT header update for IORT Rev E.d spec
` [PATCH v6 6/8] ShellPkg: Acpiview: IORT parser "
` [PATCH v6 7/8] DynamicTablesPkg: Update ArmNameSpaceObjects for IORT Rev E.d
` [PATCH v6 8/8] DynamicTablesPkg: IORT generator updates for Rev E.d spec
[edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 0/7] Resolving SecureBootVariableLib dependency
2022-07-14 16:16 UTC (11+ messages)
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 1/7] RaspberryPi: Pipeline: Resolving newly introduced dependency
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 2/7] U5SeriesPkg: "
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 3/7] VExpressPkg: "
` [edk2-devel] "
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 4/7] Qemu: "
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 5/7] Socionext: "
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 6/7] AmpereAltraPkg: "
` [edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 7/7] PhytiumCommonPkg: "
[PATCH] MdeModulePkg/Variable: SCT run AuthVar_conf is failed
2022-07-14 14:59 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH v1 1/1] OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: Zero out PixelInformation in QueryMode
2022-07-14 14:28 UTC (2+ messages)
[edk2-test][PATCH v1 1/1] uefi-sct/SctPkg: Don't always check PixelInformation
2022-07-14 14:18 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH edk2-platforms v3 00/12] Fix build breaks and update IORT revision macro
2022-07-14 12:30 UTC (24+ messages)
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v3 01/12] Platform/ARM: FVP: Update for IORT revision macro renaming
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v3 02/12] Platform/ARM: Morello: "
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v3 03/12] Platform/ARM: SGI: "
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v3 04/12] Silicon/AMD/Styx: "
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v3 05/12] Silicon/Socionext/SynQuacer: "
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v3 06/12] Platform/RaspberryPi: "
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v3 07/12] Platform/ARM: N1SDP: "
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v3 08/12] Silicon/Ampere: Add VariableFlashInfoLib
` [edk2-devel] "
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v3 09/12] Platform/Ampere: JadePkg: Update for IORT revision macro renaming
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v3 10/12] Silicon/Phytium: Add VariableFlashInfoLib
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v3 11/12] Silicon/Phytium: FT2000-4Pkg: Update for IORT revision macro renaming
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v3 12/12] Platform/LeMaker: Fix missing dependency on VariablePolicyHelperLib
` [edk2-devel] [PATCH edk2-platforms v3 00/12] Fix build breaks and update IORT revision macro
[PATCH 1/3] UefiPayloadPkg: Implement a new DebugLib instance
2022-07-14 7:07 UTC (5+ messages)
` [PATCH 2/3] UefiPayloadPkg: Implement a new SerialPortLib instance
` [PATCH 3/3] UefiPayloadPkg: Allow DxeMain.inf to consume the new DebugLib and SerialPortLib
[edk2-staging][PATCH v2 0/3] Add TPM subclass definition
2022-07-14 2:27 UTC (4+ messages)
` [edk2-staging][PATCH v2 1/3] EDK2 Code First: PI Specification: New peripheral subclass for TPM
` [edk2-staging][PATCH v2 2/3] MdePkg: MmCommunication: Add TPM subclass definition to MdePkg
` [edk2-staging][PATCH v2 3/3] SecurityPkg: SubClassTpm: Updated default value
[edk2-devel] [edk2-staging][PATCH v1 0/7] Add TPM subclass definition
2022-07-14 0:39 UTC (3+ messages)
[edk2-devel] [edk2-platforms][PATCH v2 1/1] IntelSiliconPkg/SpiFvbService: Add support for VariableFlashInfoLib
2022-07-13 20:59 UTC (4+ messages)
[PATCH v3 1/1] NetworkPkg/HttpBootDxe: Add Support for HTTP Boot Basic Authentication
2022-07-13 19:50 UTC
[NetworkPkg] Clarification on EFI_TCP6_PROTOCOL Destruction Behavior
2022-07-13 18:30 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH v5 0/8] IORT Rev E.d specification updates
2022-07-13 17:07 UTC (18+ messages)
` [PATCH v5 1/8] ShellPkg: Acpiview: Abbreviate field names to preserve alignment
` [PATCH v5 2/8] DynamicTablesPkg: Handle error when IdMappingToken is NULL
` [PATCH v5 3/8] DynamicTablesPkg: IORT set reference to Id array only if present
` [PATCH v5 4/8] DynamicTablesPkg: IORT set reference to interrupt array "
` [PATCH v5 5/8] MdePkg: IORT header update for IORT Rev E.d spec
` 回复: [edk2-devel] "
` [PATCH v5 6/8] ShellPkg: Acpiview: IORT parser "
` [PATCH v5 7/8] DynamicTablesPkg: Update ArmNameSpaceObjects for IORT Rev E.d
` [PATCH v5 8/8] DynamicTablesPkg: IORT generator updates for Rev E.d spec
[edk2-platforms Patch v2 0/3] Remove all UGA support
2022-07-13 15:06 UTC (6+ messages)
` [edk2-platforms Patch v2 1/3] PurleyOpenBoardPkg: Remove All "
` [edk2-platforms Patch v2 2/3] BoardModulePkg: Remove all "
` [edk2-platforms Patch v2 3/3] OptionRomPkg: "
` [edk2-devel] [edk2-platforms Patch v2 0/3] "
[PATCH] BaseTools/VolInfo: Correct alignment attributes display
2022-07-13 13:11 UTC
[PATCH v1] Silicon/Intel/FitGen: Fix Type 2 entry version value from BiosInfo would always 0x0
2022-07-13 8:52 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCHv3 0/1] MdePkg/UefiDevicePathLib: Add support for PEIMs
2022-07-13 7:48 UTC (7+ messages)
` [PATCHv3 1/1] "
` 回复: "
` 回复: [edk2-devel] "
` 回复: "
[PATCH v2] MdeModulePkg/Include: Long debug string is truncated to 104 char
2022-07-13 7:26 UTC
[PATCH] Debug msg is limited to 104 char due to EFI_STATUS_CODE_DATA_MAX_SIZE set to 200
2022-07-13 6:54 UTC
[PATCH v3 22/28] EmulatorPkg: Add ProtectedVariable reference
2022-07-13 5:21 UTC (2+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[edk2-devel] [edk2-platforms PATCH v1 0/1] BoardModulePkg: Copy device path
2022-07-13 4:18 UTC (3+ messages)
Trying to get a boot service in before 2.10 is finalized, is that possible?
2022-07-12 23:13 UTC
[PATCH v2] MdePkg/BasePrintLib: Add %z specifier
2022-07-12 22:30 UTC (7+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[edk2-platforms][PATCH 1/1] Maintainers.txt: Add Marvin as Ext4Pkg reviewer
2022-07-12 20:36 UTC (4+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
Shell App hangs on exit
2022-07-12 18:05 UTC
[edk2-platforms PATCH V1 0/6] Re-organizing ACPI FADT PCD categories
2022-07-12 16:20 UTC (3+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
Using UEFI Network Protocols in QEMU-OVMF
2022-07-12 14:31 UTC
Does EDK2 source support SUBTYPE_GUID format in FDF?
2022-07-12 12:47 UTC
[edk2-staging][PATCH 00/15] Update RedfishClientpkg
2022-07-12 12:21 UTC (16+ messages)
` [edk2-staging][PATCH 01/15] edk2-staging/RedfishClientPkg: Introduce Redfish event library
` [edk2-staging][PATCH 02/15] edk2-staging/RedfishClientPkg: Introduce Redfish version library
` [edk2-staging][PATCH 03/15] edk2-staging/RedfishClientPkg: Update Redfish Resource Config Protocol
` [edk2-staging][PATCH 04/15] edk2-staging/RedfishClientPkg: Introduce Redfish resource config library
` [edk2-staging][PATCH 05/15] edk2-staging/RedfishClientPkg: Introduce resource identify library
` [edk2-staging][PATCH 06/15] edk2-staging/RedfishClientPkg: Introduce RedfishConfigLangMap driver
` [edk2-staging][PATCH 07/15] edk2-staging/RedfishClientPkg: Update ETag driver
` [edk2-staging][PATCH 08/15] edk2-staging/RedfishClientPkg: Update Redfish feature core driver
` [edk2-staging][PATCH 09/15] edk2-staging/RedfishClientPkg: Update RedfishLib
` [edk2-staging][PATCH 10/15] edk2-staging/RedfishClientPkg: Update Redfish feature utility library
` [edk2-staging][PATCH 11/15] edk2-staging/RedfishClientPkg: Rename RedfishMemoryCollection driver
` [edk2-staging][PATCH 12/15] edk2-staging/RedfishClientPkg: Rename Memory feature driver
` [edk2-staging][PATCH 13/15] edk2-staging/RedfishClientPkg: Introduce Computer System collection driver
` [edk2-staging][PATCH 14/15] edk2-staging/RedfishClientPkg: Introduce Computer System feature driver
` [edk2-staging][PATCH 15/15] edk2-staging/RedfishClientPkg: Introduce Bios "
[edk2-staging][PATCH 1/2] edk2-staging/EmulatorPkg: Introduce Hii2RedfishBootDxe driver
2022-07-12 12:19 UTC (2+ messages)
` [edk2-staging][PATCH 2/2] edk2-staging/EmulatorPkg: Introduce Hii2RedfishBiosDxe driver
[edk2][PATCH] edk2/RedfishPkg: Update Redfish Platform Config Protocol
2022-07-12 12:19 UTC
[edk2-staging][PATCH] edk2-staging/RedfishClientPkg: Update Bios schema version
2022-07-12 12:15 UTC
CapsuleApp built form 'edk2-platforms' didn't work in Galileo Gen2 board
2022-07-12 10:42 UTC (3+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[edk2-devel] Event: TianoCore Bug Triage - APAC / NAMO - 07/12/2022 #cal-reminder
2022-07-12 9:02 UTC (2+ messages)
` 回复: "
[edk2-devel][PATCH v2 0/1] Coding style violation fix
2022-07-12 8:41 UTC (3+ messages)
` [edk2-devel][PATCH v2 1/1] UefiCpuPkg: Coding style bug fix
[PATCH v3 0/3] DynamicTablesPkg: Pcie generation updates
2022-07-12 7:46 UTC (5+ messages)
` [PATCH v3 1/3] DynamicTablesPkg: AcpiSsdtPcieLibArm: Correct translation value
` [PATCH v3 2/3] DynamicTablesPkg: AcpiSsdtPcieLibArm: Support UID > 0xF
` [PATCH v3 3/3] DynamicTablesPkg: AcpiSsdtPcieLibArm: Create support library
[edk2-devel] [PATCH] UefiPayloadPkg: Set console rows and columns to 100
2022-07-12 7:28 UTC (2+ messages)
[edk2-devel] [PATCH] UefiPayloadPkg: Hook up PCIE_BASE build option
2022-07-12 7:28 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH v3 0/6] Series short description
2022-07-12 1:42 UTC (3+ messages)
` [PATCH v3 5/6] [edk2-platforms] Silicon/SynQuacer: add DBG2 ACPI table
` [edk2-devel] "
[edk2-devel] Now: Tools, CI, Code base construction meeting series - 07/11/2022 #cal-notice
2022-07-11 23:30 UTC
[PATCH 0/4] DynamicTablesPkg: Pcie generation updates
2022-07-11 17:56 UTC (10+ messages)
` [PATCH 4/4] DynamicTablesPkg: AcpiSsdtPcieLibArm: Add support for override protocol
TinaCore Communty Meeting Recording
2022-07-11 15:12 UTC
[PATCH v1 1/1] DynamicTablesPkg: Add support to specify FADT minor revision
2022-07-11 11:23 UTC (4+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[edk2-devel][PATCH v1 0/2] Update SEC_IDT_TABLE struct to reserve sufficient size in IdtTable for both IA32 and X64
2022-07-11 9:11 UTC (2+ messages)
` [edk2-devel][PATCH v1 1/2] UefiCpuPkg: Update SEC_IDT_TABLE struct
[edk2-devel] [PATCH] IntelSiliconPkg/VTd: Fix VTd Queued Invalidation IOTLB descriptor
2022-07-11 7:40 UTC
[PATCH 1/1] BaseTools: INF should use latest Pcd value instead of default value
2022-07-11 5:48 UTC
[PATCH] UefiPayloadPkg: Fix RelaAddress type always mismatch in if condition
2022-07-11 5:05 UTC
[PATCH 1/1] BaseTools: Fix DSC LibraryClass precedence rule
2022-07-11 1:08 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH 1/1] BaseTools: remove directly calling for gcc command
2022-07-11 1:07 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH 0/2] Boot Logo Support
2022-07-10 19:13 UTC (3+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/2] UefiPayloadPkg: Enable Boot Logo
` [PATCH 2/2] UefiPayloadPkg: Load Boot Logo into ACPI table
[PATCH 1/1] BaseTools: add '-p' for Linux 'cp' command
2022-07-09 15:25 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH v3] BaseTools/Capsule: Add support for signtool to input subject name to sign capsule file
2022-07-09 14:17 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] .gitignore: Ignore build tools build logs
2022-07-09 13:46 UTC (7+ messages)
` 回复: [edk2-devel] "
` "
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