messages from 2023-06-05 13:50:11 to 2023-06-08 10:32:51 UTC [more...]
[PATCH v3 1/1] MdeModulePkg/XhciDxe: Fix Broken Timeouts
2023-06-08 10:32 UTC (3+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[Patch V5 00/14] Use CpuPageTableLib to create and update smm page table
2023-06-08 10:32 UTC (23+ messages)
` [Patch V5 01/14] OvmfPkg:Remove code that apply AddressEncMask to non-leaf entry
` [Patch V5 02/14] MdeModulePkg: Remove RO and NX protection when unset guard page
` [Patch V5 03/14] UefiCpuPkg: Use CpuPageTableLib to convert SMM paging attribute
` [Patch V5 04/14] UefiCpuPkg: Add DEBUG_CODE for special case when clear RP
` [Patch V5 05/14] UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Avoid setting non-present range to RO/NX
` [edk2-devel] "
` [Patch V5 06/14] UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Add 2 function to disable/enable CR0.WP
` [Patch V5 07/14] UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Clear CR0.WP before modify page table
` [Patch V5 08/14] UefiCpuPkg: Extern mSmmShadowStackSize in PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.h
` [Patch V5 09/14] UefiCpuPkg: Add GenSmmPageTable() to create smm page table
` [Patch V5 10/14] UefiCpuPkg: Use GenSmmPageTable() to create Smm S3 "
` [Patch V5 11/14] UefiCpuPkg: Sort mSmmCpuSmramRanges in FindSmramInfo
` [Patch V5 12/14] UefiCpuPkg: Sort mProtectionMemRange when ReadyToLock
` [Patch V5 13/14] UefiCpuPkg: Refinement to smm runtime InitPaging() code
` [Patch V5 14/14] UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Remove unnecessary function
[PATCH v2] StandaloneMmPkg: Add StandaloneMmIplPei driver
2023-06-08 10:18 UTC
[PATCH 1/2] MdeModulePkg/Bus/Ata/AtaAtapiPassThru: Fix SIGN_EXTENSION Coverity issue
2023-06-08 10:17 UTC (8+ messages)
` [PATCH 2/2] MdeModulePkg/Bus/Ata/AtaAtapiPassThru: Fix UNUSED_VALUE "
` [edk2-devel] "
[PATCH 1/1] MdeModulePkg/Bus/Ata/AtaBusDxe: Fix SIGN_EXTENSION Coverity issue
2023-06-08 10:06 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH] UefiPayloadPkg: change capsulelib to null lib and move to bdsfv
2023-06-08 9:02 UTC
[PATCH] ShellPkg/SmbiosView: type 45 and type 46 support
2023-06-08 6:41 UTC (6+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
` 回复: "
[edk2-devel] [PATCH v3 1/3] MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbNetwork/UsbRndis: Add USB RNDIS devices support
2023-06-08 6:22 UTC (5+ messages)
[PATCH 1/4] MdePkg: Add new API GetMaxPlatformAddressBits
2023-06-08 3:06 UTC (4+ messages)
` [PATCH 2/4] PrmPkg: Use new API to replace MtrrLibInitializeMtrrMask
` [PATCH 3/4] UefiCpuPkg: Clean up some Mtrr code using new API
` [PATCH 4/4] UefiCpuPkg: Init new MSR value for MtrrLib Unit Test
[edk2-devel] Event: TianoCore Community Meeting - APAC/NAMO - Thursday, June 8, 2023 #cal-reminder
2023-06-08 2:30 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH] RedfishClientPkg/.github: fix workflows folder location
2023-06-08 2:24 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] ShellPkg: Increase PcdShellPrintBufferSize from UINT16 to UINT32
2023-06-08 1:25 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] Maintainers.txt: Remove UEFI Shell Binaries section
2023-06-08 1:23 UTC (3+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[PATCH] Maintainers.txt: Remove me from maintainers of UefiPayloadPkg,ShellPkg
2023-06-08 1:24 UTC (3+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH] RedfishClientPkg/.github: add build check and uncrustify check
2023-06-08 1:06 UTC (3+ messages)
errors in ovmf log
2023-06-08 0:13 UTC
[edk2-devel][PATCH v1 1/1] ArmPkg: CpuDxe: Sync GCD Capabilities With Page Table Attributes
2023-06-07 18:03 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH v2 1/2] UefiCpuPkg: CpuTimerDxeRiscV64: Fix incorrect value sent to SbiSetTimer
2023-06-07 17:30 UTC (2+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 2/2] UefiCpuPkg: RISC-V: TimerLib: Fix delay function to use 64-bit
failed pr
2023-06-07 17:03 UTC (16+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[edk2-devel][PATCH v1 1/1] ArmPkg: CpuDxe: Report AARCH64 Memory Protections Attributes To GCD
2023-06-07 16:36 UTC (5+ messages)
[edk2-devel] Event: TianoCore Community Meeting EMEA/NAMO - Thursday, June 8, 2023 #cal-reminder
2023-06-07 15:00 UTC
enable MemoryProfile for uefi shell app
2023-06-07 14:34 UTC
[PATCH v2 0/1] bhyve: tpm support
2023-06-07 14:24 UTC (3+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 1/1] OvmfPkg/Bhyve: include TPM driver
[edk2-devel] Now: UEFI Memory Map, GCD, Page Table discussion - ARM/X86 (2nd session) - Wednesday, June 7, 2023 #cal-notice
2023-06-07 14:00 UTC
[edk2-devel] Event: UEFI Memory Map, GCD, Page Table discussion - ARM/X86 (2nd session) - Wednesday, June 7, 2023 #cal-reminder
2023-06-07 13:45 UTC
[PATCH v1 1/1] Maintainers.txt: Remove reviewer for StandaloneMmPkg
2023-06-07 10:35 UTC (2+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[PATCH] Maintainers.txt: Update maintainers for StandaloneMmPkg
2023-06-07 10:34 UTC (5+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[edk2-devel] [PATCH] UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpu: Add PcdSmmApPerfLogEnable control AP perf-logging
2023-06-07 8:39 UTC
[PATCH] UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpu: Add PcdSmmApPerfLogEnable control AP perf-logging
2023-06-07 8:37 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH 2/3] RedfishClientPkg: Introduce Hii2RedfishBootDxe driver
2023-06-07 7:02 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] OvmfPkg: RiscVVirt: Fix wrong checking Pci IO access
2023-06-07 6:08 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH 1/3] RedfishClientPkg: Add a sample memory configuration HII driver
2023-06-07 6:56 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH v1] UefiPayloadPkg: Enhance build script for BuildEntryOnly
2023-06-07 6:20 UTC (2+ messages)
[RFC] Introduce new status code for ManageabilityPkg and Redfish*Pkg
2023-06-07 3:22 UTC (4+ messages)
` [edk2-rfc] "
[PATCH] MdeModulePkg: Fix port multiplier port in AhciPei PEIM
2023-06-07 3:21 UTC (11+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[PATCH v1] StandaloneMmPkg: Add StandaloneMmIplPei driver
2023-06-07 2:37 UTC (5+ messages)
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH v2 0/9] Fix RedfishClientPkg build errors
2023-06-07 1:39 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH] RedfishPkg: update
2023-06-07 1:34 UTC (2+ messages)
[PATCH v1 0/3] Adding Statuc Code Definitions from PI Spec v1.8
2023-06-07 1:17 UTC (3+ messages)
` 回复: "
` [edk2-devel] "
[PATCH v1 0/1] Add support for running shell test application in an immutable volume
2023-06-07 1:14 UTC (6+ messages)
` [PATCH v1 1/1] UnitTestFrameworkPkg: UnitTestPersistenceLib: Save Unit Test Cache to Drive
` [edk2-devel] "
[PATCH v2 0/1] Add support for running shell test application in an immutable volume
2023-06-07 1:07 UTC (2+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 1/1] UnitTestFrameworkPkg: UnitTestPersistenceLib: Save Unit Test Cache Option
Using Depex for Standalone MM drivers on ARM
2023-06-07 0:57 UTC
[PATCH] OvmfPkg: RiscVVirt: Fix network drivers not be built
2023-06-06 23:04 UTC
[PATCH v2 0/7] Add PPI to manage PEI phase memory attributes
2023-06-06 23:12 UTC (7+ messages)
` [PATCH v2 2/7] MdeModulePkg/DxeIpl: Merge EBC, RISCV64 and LOONGARCH code
` [edk2-devel] "
` [edk2-devel] [PATCH v2 0/7] Add PPI to manage PEI phase memory attributes
[PATCH 1/2] UefiCpuPkg: CpuTimerDxeRiscV64: Fix incorrect value sent to SbiSetTimer
2023-06-06 21:47 UTC (7+ messages)
` [PATCH 2/2] UefiCpuPkg: RISC-V: TimerLib: Fix delay function to use 64-bit
[edk2-platforms] AlderlakeOpenBoardPkg/AlderlakePRvp: Add library instances
2023-06-06 21:24 UTC (3+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[PATCH v2 1/1] MdePkg/BaseLib: Add SpeculationBarrier implementation for RiscV64
2023-06-06 21:06 UTC (5+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[Patch v2 0/3] Address C++ keyword collisions
2023-06-06 21:01 UTC (7+ messages)
` [Patch v2 1/3] MdePkg/Include/IndustryStandard: Add Operator and Xor field names
` [edk2-devel] "
[PATCH v2] MdePkg ACPI65: Update MADT Revision pre ACPI Spec 6.5
2023-06-06 19:48 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH 1/1] MdePkg/BaseSynchronizationLib: Fix RISC-V synchronization functions
2023-06-06 17:05 UTC
[PATCH v1 0/8] SecurityPkg/MdePkg: RngLib GUID
2023-06-06 16:09 UTC (5+ messages)
` [PATCH v1 4/8] MdePkg/Rng: Add GUIDs to describe Rng algorithms
[PATCH v2] UnitTestFrameworkPkg: Add UnitTestPeiServicesTablePointerLib
2023-06-06 15:28 UTC (3+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH 3/3] RedfishClientPkg: Introduce Hii2RedfishBiosDxe driver
2023-06-06 13:38 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH 0/3] Introduce HII to Redfish sample drivers
2023-06-06 13:38 UTC
[PATCH 0/1] bhyve: TPM support for OVMF
2023-06-06 13:23 UTC (3+ messages)
` [PATCH 1/1] OvmfPkg/Bhyve: include TPM driver
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH v2 9/9] RedfishClientPkg/ComputerSystemDxe: Fix build error
2023-06-06 12:34 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH v2 8/9] RedfishClientPkg/MemoryDxe: Fix build error
2023-06-06 12:33 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH v2 7/9] RedfishClientPkg/BiosDxe: Fix build error
2023-06-06 12:33 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH v2 6/9] RedfishClientPkg/RedfishConfigLangMapDxe: Fix build error
2023-06-06 12:33 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH v2 5/9] RedfishClientPkg/RedfishETagDxe: Fix build error
2023-06-06 12:33 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH v2 4/9] RedfishClientPkg/RedfishFeatureUtilityLib: Fix build error
2023-06-06 12:32 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH v2 3/9] RedfishClientPkg/EdkIIRedfishResourceConfigLib: Fix build error
2023-06-06 12:32 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH v2 3/9] RedfishClientPkg/EdkIIRedfishResourceConfigLib: Fix build error
2023-06-06 12:32 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH v2 2/9] RedfishClientPkg/RedfishAddendumLib: Fix build error
2023-06-06 12:32 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH v2 1/9] RedfishClientPkg/ConverterLib: Fix unused-but-set-variable error
2023-06-06 12:32 UTC
[PATCH v6 0/3] OvmfPkg/Bhyve: install ACPI tables from memory
2023-06-06 11:00 UTC (5+ messages)
` [PATCH v6 1/3] OvmfPkg/Xen: export search of RSDP into a library function
` [PATCH v6 2/3] OvmfPkg/Xen: export AcpiTable installation into AcpiPlatformLib
` [PATCH v6 3/3] OvmfPkg/Bhyve: install ACPI tables from memory
` [edk2-devel] [PATCH v6 0/3] "
[PATCH v3 0/7] RISC-V: MMU support
2023-06-06 10:35 UTC (9+ messages)
` [PATCH v3 1/7] MdePkg/BaseLib: RISC-V: Support getting satp register value
` [PATCH v3 2/7] MdePkg/Register: RISC-V: Add satp mode bits shift definition
` [PATCH v3 4/7] OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: Remove satp bare mode setting
` [PATCH v3 5/7] OvmfPkg/RiscVVirt: VirtNorFlashPlatformLib: Fix wrong flash size
[PATCH] Maintainers.txt: Drop Radoslaw from sbsa-ref maintainers
2023-06-06 10:05 UTC (4+ messages)
[PATCH edk2-platforms v2 0/2] SbsaQemu: get GIC data from QEMU
2023-06-06 9:21 UTC (3+ messages)
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v2 1/2] Platform/SbsaQemu: read platform version
` [PATCH edk2-platforms v2 2/2] Platform/SbsaQemu: read GIC base from TF-A
[edk2-platforms][PATCH 0/4] Add support new SMBIOS Tables and refactor to adapt with ArmPkg/SMBIOS
2023-06-06 6:11 UTC (3+ messages)
[PATCH v14 0/8] Adds AmdSmmCpuFeaturesLib and MmSaveStateLib
2023-06-06 6:07 UTC (9+ messages)
` [PATCH v14 1/8] MdePkg: Adds AMD SMRAM save state map
` [PATCH v14 2/8] UefiCpuPkg: Adds MmSaveStateLib library class
` [PATCH v14 3/8] UefiCpuPkg: Implements MmSaveStateLib library instance
` [PATCH v14 4/8] UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Restructure arch-dependent code
` [PATCH v14 5/8] UefiCpuPkg: Implements SmmCpuFeaturesLib for AMD Family
` [PATCH v14 6/8] UefiCpuPkg: Implements MmSaveStateLib for Intel
` [PATCH v14 7/8] UefiCpuPkg: Removes SmmCpuFeaturesReadSaveStateRegister
` [PATCH v14 8/8] OvmfPkg: Uses MmSaveStateLib library
[PATCH v1 1/1] MdeModulePkg: UsbBusDxe: Build Descriptor table after resetting port
2023-06-06 3:14 UTC (2+ messages)
[edk2-devel][PATCH v1 1/1] ArmPkg: CpuDxe: Sync GCD Capabilities With Page Table Attributes
2023-06-06 3:00 UTC (16+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] [PATCH "
[edk2-platforms] Platform/Loongson: Revise the Readme
2023-06-06 2:46 UTC (2+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[edk2-devel] Event: UEFI Memory Map, GCD, Page Table discussion - ARM/X86 (2nd session) - Wednesday, June 7, 2023 #cal-invite
2023-06-06 2:59 UTC
[edk2-platforms] Platform/Loongson: Pre-allocate 0-4K memory during the Pei phase
2023-06-06 1:28 UTC (2+ messages)
` [edk2-devel] "
[edk2-devel] Event: TianoCore Bug Triage - APAC / NAMO - Tuesday, June 6, 2023 #cal-reminder
2023-06-06 1:30 UTC
[edk2-devel] [PATCH] IntelSiliconPkg/IntelVTdDmarPei: Fix build error when disable optimization
2023-06-06 1:24 UTC
[edk2-devel] Now: Tools, CI, Code base construction meeting series - Monday, June 5, 2023 #cal-notice
2023-06-05 23:30 UTC
[edk2-devel] Event: Tools, CI, Code base construction meeting series - Monday, June 5, 2023 #cal-reminder
2023-06-05 22:30 UTC
[edk2-devel] Updated Event: Tools, CI, Code base construction meeting series #cal-invite
2023-06-05 21:25 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH 9/9] RedfishClientPkg/ComputerSystemDxe: Fix build error
2023-06-05 13:50 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH 8/9] RedfishClientPkg/MemoryDxe: Fix build error
2023-06-05 13:50 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH 7/9] RedfishClientPkg/BiosDxe: Fix build error
2023-06-05 13:50 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH 6/9] RedfishClientPkg/RedfishConfigLangMapDxe: Fix build error
2023-06-05 13:50 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH 5/9] RedfishClientPkg/RedfishETagDxe: Fix build error
2023-06-05 13:50 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH 4/9] RedfishClientPkg/RedfishFeatureUtilityLib: Fix build error
2023-06-05 13:50 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH 1/9] RedfishClientPkg/ConverterLib: Fix unused-but-set-variable error
2023-06-05 13:49 UTC
[edk2-redfish-client][PATCH 3/9] RedfishClientPkg/EdkIIRedfishResourceConfigLib: Fix build error
2023-06-05 13:49 UTC
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