
Clang tool chains is said better in dealing 32bit mode and 64bit mode, and generating elf file. So UniversalPayloadEntry must be built using Clang tool chains (I think this is done by the hardcode "PayloadEntryToolChain = 'CLANGDWARF'" in UniversalPayloadBuild.py, ignoring the cmd line option -t <TOOLCHAINS>).

At the beginning, BaseTools/Scripts contains a ClangBase.lds file, as the below link shows, the file is a linker script. But now, the link script is missing. Without ClangBase.lds, building UniversalPayloadEnty failed. How can I get the ClangBase.lds? or Did I miss something when setting up the building enviroment? 



Best Regards

Feng Libo

Hello, Stepan,

Thanks for the reply.
You didn't encounter such problems, just because ClangBase.lds already exists in your directory BaseTools/Scripts, as your building log below. But ClangBase.lds is absent in my BaseTools/Scripts, there is only GccBase.lds. Where did you get the ClangBase.lds?

GccBase.lds claims it is "Unified linker script for GCC and CLANG based builds", so I duplicate one and change the file name to ClangBase.lds. Now, building is successful, but I am not sure it is the right way.

Best Regards

Feng Libo

Hello Feng Libo,
1) Are You building BaseTools?
2) Are You source edksetup.sh?
We are use Ubuntu and GCC and we have not encountered such problems. Also You can check our topic about building universal payload. https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/topic/universal_uefi_elf_payload/111543703


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