Hello All:
Would like to clarify few information on the timings on the HTTP Boot / Download performed through Windows / Linux and UEFI HTTP Boot.
There was a HTTP server running in California and when an 450 MB ISO tried to downloaded from that below are the time took to download. The data retroeived with the same Platform and same controller.
1529 seconds
310128 Bytes/seconds
Windows wget:
255 seconds
1859551 Bytes/seconds
The performance is still high (over 100MB/s) if the server is in LAN.
When we tried to change MNP_SYS_POLL_INTERVAL from (10 * TICKS_PER_MS) to (5 * TICKS_PER_MS) it does not give big change in download time.
Is there any other way to increase the speed or its limitation due to the single threaded execution.