*** NetworkPkg\HttpBootDxe\HttpBootClient.c             2020-05-07 22:54:46.000000000 +05-30

--- NetworkPkg\HttpBootDxe\HttpBootClient.c 2020-08-09 21:03:01.000000000 +05-30


*** 1,6 ****

--- 1,13 ----

+ //***********************************************************************

+ //*                                                                     *

+ //*   Copyright (c) 1985-2020, American Megatrends International LLC.   *

+ //*                                                                     *

+ //*      All rights reserved. Subject to AMI licensing agreement.       *

+ //*                                                                     *

+ //***********************************************************************

  /** @file

    Implementation of the boot file download function.


  Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>

  (C) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP<BR>

  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


*** 45,57 ****

      Node->Ipv4.Header.Type    = MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH;

      Node->Ipv4.Header.SubType = MSG_IPv4_DP;

      SetDevicePathNodeLength (Node, sizeof (IPv4_DEVICE_PATH));

      CopyMem (&Node->Ipv4.LocalIpAddress, &Private->StationIp, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS));

      Node->Ipv4.RemotePort      = Private->Port;

      Node->Ipv4.Protocol        = EFI_IP_PROTO_TCP;

!     Node->Ipv4.StaticIpAddress = FALSE;

      CopyMem (&Node->Ipv4.GatewayIpAddress, &Private->GatewayIp, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS));

      CopyMem (&Node->Ipv4.SubnetMask, &Private->SubnetMask, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS));

    } else {

      Node = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (IPv6_DEVICE_PATH));

      if (Node == NULL) {

        return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;

--- 52,67 ----

      Node->Ipv4.Header.Type    = MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH;

      Node->Ipv4.Header.SubType = MSG_IPv4_DP;

      SetDevicePathNodeLength (Node, sizeof (IPv4_DEVICE_PATH));

      CopyMem (&Node->Ipv4.LocalIpAddress, &Private->StationIp, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS));

      Node->Ipv4.RemotePort      = Private->Port;

      Node->Ipv4.Protocol        = EFI_IP_PROTO_TCP;

!     if (Private->UsingStatic)

!         Node->Ipv4.StaticIpAddress =TRUE;

!     else

!         Node->Ipv4.StaticIpAddress = FALSE;

      CopyMem (&Node->Ipv4.GatewayIpAddress, &Private->GatewayIp, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS));

      CopyMem (&Node->Ipv4.SubnetMask, &Private->SubnetMask, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS));

   } else {

      Node = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (IPv6_DEVICE_PATH));

      if (Node == NULL) {

        return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;


*** 325,374 ****

    EFI_DHCP6_PACKET_OPTION         *Option;

    EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS                IpAddr;

    CHAR8                           *HostName;

    UINTN                           HostNameSize;

    CHAR16                          *HostNameStr;

    EFI_STATUS                      Status;


    ASSERT (Private != NULL);

!   ASSERT (Private->SelectIndex != 0);

!   SelectIndex = Private->SelectIndex - 1;



    DnsServerIndex = 0;


    Status   = EFI_SUCCESS;

    HostName = NULL;


    // SelectOffer contains the IP address configuration and name server configuration.

    // HttpOffer contains the boot file URL.


!   SelectOffer = &Private->OfferBuffer[SelectIndex].Dhcp6;

!   if (Private->FilePathUri == NULL) {

!     //

!     // In Corporate environment, we need a HttpOffer.

!     //

!     if ((SelectOffer->OfferType == HttpOfferTypeDhcpIpUri) ||

!         (SelectOffer->OfferType == HttpOfferTypeDhcpIpUriDns) ||

!         (SelectOffer->OfferType == HttpOfferTypeDhcpNameUriDns)) {

!       HttpOffer = SelectOffer;

!     } else {

!       ASSERT (Private->SelectProxyType != HttpOfferTypeMax);

!       ProxyIndex = Private->OfferIndex[Private->SelectProxyType][0];

!       HttpOffer = &Private->OfferBuffer[ProxyIndex].Dhcp6;

!     }

!     Private->BootFileUriParser = HttpOffer->UriParser;

!     Private->BootFileUri = (CHAR8*) HttpOffer->OptList[HTTP_BOOT_DHCP6_IDX_BOOT_FILE_URL]->Data;

!   } else {

!     //

!     // In Home environment the BootFileUri comes from the FilePath.

!     //

!     Private->BootFileUriParser = Private->FilePathUriParser;

!     Private->BootFileUri = Private->FilePathUri;

!   }



    // Check the URI scheme.


    Status = HttpBootCheckUriScheme (Private->BootFileUri);

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

      DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "HttpBootDhcp6ExtractUriInfo: %r.\n", Status));

--- 335,397 ----

    EFI_DHCP6_PACKET_OPTION         *Option;

    EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS                IpAddr;

    CHAR8                           *HostName;

    UINTN                           HostNameSize;

    CHAR16                          *HostNameStr;

    EFI_STATUS                      Status;

!   EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS                *Dns;

!   UINTN                           DataSize;

    ASSERT (Private != NULL);

!   if (!Private->UsingStatic){

!       ASSERT (Private->SelectIndex != 0);

!       SelectIndex = Private->SelectIndex - 1;

!       ASSERT (SelectIndex < HTTP_BOOT_OFFER_MAX_NUM);

!   }

    DnsServerIndex = 0;

+   DataSize = 0;


    Status   = EFI_SUCCESS;

    HostName = NULL;

+   Dns = NULL;

+   if (Private->UsingStatic){

+                 //Static HttpBoot supports Home Environment Only.

+         // In Home environment the BootFileUri comes from the FilePath.

+         //

+         Private->BootFileUriParser = Private->FilePathUriParser;

+         Private->BootFileUri = Private->FilePathUri;

+   }else{

+         Dns = NULL;


    // SelectOffer contains the IP address configuration and name server configuration.

    // HttpOffer contains the boot file URL.


!       SelectOffer = &Private->OfferBuffer[SelectIndex].Dhcp6;

!       if (Private->FilePathUri == NULL ) {

!         //

!         // In Corporate environment, we need a HttpOffer.

!         //

!         if ((SelectOffer->OfferType == HttpOfferTypeDhcpIpUri) ||

!             (SelectOffer->OfferType == HttpOfferTypeDhcpIpUriDns) ||

!             (SelectOffer->OfferType == HttpOfferTypeDhcpNameUriDns)) {

!           HttpOffer = SelectOffer;

!         } else {

!           ASSERT (Private->SelectProxyType != HttpOfferTypeMax);

!           ProxyIndex = Private->OfferIndex[Private->SelectProxyType][0];

!           HttpOffer = &Private->OfferBuffer[ProxyIndex].Dhcp6;

!         }

!         Private->BootFileUriParser = HttpOffer->UriParser;

!         Private->BootFileUri = (CHAR8*) HttpOffer->OptList[HTTP_BOOT_DHCP6_IDX_BOOT_FILE_URL]->Data;

!       } else {

!         //

!         // In Home environment the BootFileUri comes from the FilePath.

!         //

!         Private->BootFileUriParser = Private->FilePathUriParser;

!         Private->BootFileUri = Private->FilePathUri;

!       }

!   }


    // Check the URI scheme.


    Status = HttpBootCheckUriScheme (Private->BootFileUri);

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

      DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "HttpBootDhcp6ExtractUriInfo: %r.\n", Status));


*** 391,403 ****


    // Register the IPv6 gateway address to the network device.


    Status = HttpBootSetIp6Gateway (Private);

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

      return Status;

!   }


    if ((SelectOffer->OfferType == HttpOfferTypeDhcpNameUriDns) ||

        (SelectOffer->OfferType == HttpOfferTypeDhcpDns) ||

        (SelectOffer->OfferType == HttpOfferTypeDhcpIpUriDns)) {

      Option = SelectOffer->OptList[HTTP_BOOT_DHCP6_IDX_DNS_SERVER];

      ASSERT (Option != NULL);

--- 414,450 ----


    // Register the IPv6 gateway address to the network device.


    Status = HttpBootSetIp6Gateway (Private);

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

      return Status;

!   }

!   if (Private->UsingStatic){

!          if( Private->DnsServerIp != NULL ){

!       //

!       // Configure the default DNS server if server assigned.

!       //


!           DataSize = Private->DnsServerCount * sizeof (EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS);

!           Dns = AllocateZeroPool(DataSize);

!           for (DnsServerIndex = 0;DnsServerIndex < Private->DnsServerCount;DnsServerIndex++)

!               CopyMem(&Dns[DnsServerIndex],&Private->DnsServerIp[DnsServerIndex].v6,sizeof(EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS));        

!           Status = HttpBootSetIp6Dns (

!                      Private,

!                      DataSize,

!                      Dns

!                      );

!           FreePool(Dns);

!           if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

!               goto Error;

!           }

!         }


!       goto StaticBoot;

!   }



    if ((SelectOffer->OfferType == HttpOfferTypeDhcpNameUriDns) ||

        (SelectOffer->OfferType == HttpOfferTypeDhcpDns) ||

        (SelectOffer->OfferType == HttpOfferTypeDhcpIpUriDns)) {

      Option = SelectOffer->OptList[HTTP_BOOT_DHCP6_IDX_DNS_SERVER];

      ASSERT (Option != NULL);


*** 430,441 ****

--- 477,489 ----




    // Extract the HTTP server Ip from URL. This is used to Check route table

    // whether can send message to HTTP Server Ip through the GateWay.


+   StaticBoot:

    Status = HttpUrlGetIp6 (







*** 523,546 ****


  HttpBootDiscoverBootInfo (




    EFI_STATUS              Status;



    // Start D.O.R.A/S.A.R.R exchange to acquire station ip address and

    // other Http boot information.


    Status = HttpBootDhcp (Private);

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

      return Status;



    if (!Private->UsingIpv6) {

!     Status = HttpBootDhcp4ExtractUriInfo (Private);

    } else {

      Status = HttpBootDhcp6ExtractUriInfo (Private);



    return Status;


--- 571,639 ----


  HttpBootDiscoverBootInfo (




    EFI_STATUS              Status;

+   EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS        *Dns;

+   UINTN                   DataSize = 0;

+   UINT8                   DnsServerIndex = 0;


+   Dns = NULL;


    // Start D.O.R.A/S.A.R.R exchange to acquire station ip address and

    // other Http boot information.


    Status = HttpBootDhcp (Private);

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

      return Status;



    if (!Private->UsingIpv6) {

!       if (!Private->UsingStatic){

!           Status = HttpBootDhcp4ExtractUriInfo (Private);

!       }

!       else{

!         Private->BootFileUriParser = Private->FilePathUriParser;

!         Private->BootFileUri = Private->FilePathUri;


!         if (Private->DnsServerIp != NULL){

!             DataSize = Private->DnsServerCount * sizeof(EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS);

!             Dns = AllocateZeroPool(DataSize);

!             for (DnsServerIndex = 0;DnsServerIndex < Private->DnsServerCount;DnsServerIndex++)

!                 CopyMem(&Dns[DnsServerIndex],&(Private->DnsServerIp[DnsServerIndex].v4),sizeof(EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS));


!             Status = HttpBootRegisterIp4Dns (

!                        Private,

!                        DataSize,

!                        Dns

!                        );


!             FreePool (Dns);

!             if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

!               FreePool (Private->DnsServerIp);

!               Private->DnsServerIp = NULL;

!               return Status;

!             }

!         }

!         //

!         // Extract the port from URL, and use default HTTP port 80 if not provided.

!         //

!         Status = HttpUrlGetPort (

!                      Private->BootFileUri,

!                      Private->BootFileUriParser,

!                      &Private->Port

!                      );

!         if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || Private->Port == 0) {

!             Private ->Port = 80;

!         }

!         //

!         // Update the device path to include the IP and boot URI information.

!         //

!         Status = HttpBootUpdateDevicePath (Private);

!       }

    } else {

      Status = HttpBootDhcp6ExtractUriInfo (Private);



    return Status;


*** NetworkPkg\HttpBootDxe\HttpBootConfig.c            2020-05-07 22:54:46.000000000 +05-30

--- NetworkPkg\HttpBootDxe\HttpBootConfig.c               2020-08-04 15:28:06.000000000 +05-30


*** 1,6 ****

--- 1,13 ----

+ //***********************************************************************

+ //*                                                                     *

+ //*   Copyright (c) 1985-2020, American Megatrends International LLC.   *

+ //*                                                                     *

+ //*      All rights reserved. Subject to AMI licensing agreement.       *

+ //*                                                                     *

+ //***********************************************************************

  /** @file

    Helper functions for configuring or getting the parameters relating to HTTP Boot.


  Copyright (c) 2016 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>

  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent



*** 36,72 ****

    EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL          *NewDevicePath;

    UINTN                             Length;

    CHAR8                             AsciiUri[URI_STR_MAX_SIZE];

    EFI_STATUS                        Status;

    UINTN                             Index;



    NewDevicePath = NULL;

    Node          = NULL;

    TmpDevicePath = NULL;


    if (StrLen (Description) == 0) {





    // Convert the scheme to all lower case.


    for (Index = 0; Index < StrLen (Uri); Index++) {

!     if (Uri[Index] == L':') {

!       break;

!     }

      if (Uri[Index] >= L'A' && Uri[Index] <= L'Z') {

        Uri[Index] -= (CHAR16)(L'A' - L'a');





!   // Only accept empty URI, or http and https URI.


!   if ((StrLen (Uri) != 0) && (StrnCmp (Uri, L"http://", 7) != 0) && (StrnCmp (Uri, L"https://", 8) != 0)) {





    // Create a new device path by appending the IP node and URI node to

    // the driver's parent device path

--- 43,93 ----

    EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL          *NewDevicePath;

    UINTN                             Length;

    CHAR8                             AsciiUri[URI_STR_MAX_SIZE];

    EFI_STATUS                        Status;

    UINTN                             Index;


!   EFI_IP_ADDRESS                    LocalIp;

!   EFI_IP_ADDRESS                    SubnetMask;

!   EFI_IP_ADDRESS                    GatewayIp;

!   CHAR16                            DebugString[URI_STR_MAX_SIZE];

!   CHAR8                             *AsciiUri2;


!   AsciiUri2     = NULL;

    NewDevicePath = NULL;

    Node          = NULL;

    TmpDevicePath = NULL;


    if (StrLen (Description) == 0) {





    // Convert the scheme to all lower case.


    for (Index = 0; Index < StrLen (Uri); Index++) {

!       if (Uri[Index] == L'/' && Uri[Index + 1] == L'/') {

!         break;

!       }


      if (Uri[Index] >= L'A' && Uri[Index] <= L'Z') {

        Uri[Index] -= (CHAR16)(L'A' - L'a');





!   // Only accept empty URI, or http , https URI and Static URI.



!   if ((StrLen (Uri) != 0) && StrStr(Uri,L"static")){

!       Private->UsingStatic = TRUE;

!   }

!   else{

!       Private->UsingStatic = FALSE;

!   }

!   if ((StrLen (Uri) != 0) && (StrnCmp (Uri, L"http://", 7) != 0) && (StrnCmp (Uri, L"https://", 8) != 0)&& EFI_ERROR(HttpBootCheckStaticUri(Uri)) {





    // Create a new device path by appending the IP node and URI node to

    // the driver's parent device path


*** 77,107 ****

--- 98,159 ----

        Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;

        goto ON_EXIT;


      Node->Ipv4.Header.Type    = MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH;

      Node->Ipv4.Header.SubType = MSG_IPv4_DP;

      SetDevicePathNodeLength (Node, sizeof (IPv4_DEVICE_PATH));

+     if (Private->UsingStatic){

+         Status = VerifyIpv4Address(Uri,&LocalIp,&SubnetMask,&GatewayIp,DebugString);

+         if (EFI_ERROR(Status))

+             return Status;

+         CopyMem (&Node->Ipv4.LocalIpAddress, &LocalIp.v4, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS));

+         Node->Ipv4.RemotePort      = Private->Port;

+         Node->Ipv4.Protocol        = EFI_IP_PROTO_TCP;

+         Node->Ipv4.StaticIpAddress = TRUE;

+         CopyMem (&Node->Ipv4.GatewayIpAddress, &GatewayIp.v4, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS));

+         CopyMem (&Node->Ipv4.SubnetMask, &SubnetMask.v4, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS));

+     }

    } else {

      Node = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (IPv6_DEVICE_PATH));

      if (Node == NULL) {

        Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;

        goto ON_EXIT;


      Node->Ipv6.Header.Type     = MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH;

      Node->Ipv6.Header.SubType  = MSG_IPv6_DP;

      SetDevicePathNodeLength (Node, sizeof (IPv6_DEVICE_PATH));

+     if (Private->UsingStatic){

+         Status = VerifyIpv6Address (Uri,&LocalIp,&GatewayIp,DebugString);

+         if (EFI_ERROR(Status))

+             return Status;

+         Node->Ipv6.PrefixLength    = IP6_PREFIX_LENGTH;

+         Node->Ipv6.RemotePort      = Private->Port;

+         Node->Ipv6.Protocol        = EFI_IP_PROTO_TCP;

+         Node->Ipv6.IpAddressOrigin = 0x03;

+         CopyMem (&Node->Ipv6.LocalIpAddress, &LocalIp.v6 , sizeof (EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS));

+         CopyMem (&Node->Ipv6.GatewayIpAddress, &GatewayIp.v6, sizeof (EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS));

+     }


    TmpDevicePath = AppendDevicePathNode (Private->ParentDevicePath, (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL*) Node);

    FreePool (Node);

    if (TmpDevicePath == NULL) {

      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;



    // Update the URI node with the input boot file URI.


    UnicodeStrToAsciiStrS (Uri, AsciiUri, sizeof (AsciiUri));

+   //Extract Bootfile uri from Static Uri.

+   if ((Private->UsingStatic  && (AsciiStrStr(AsciiUri,"dns") == NULL))||( AsciiStrStr(AsciiUri,"dhcp"))){

+     AsciiUri2 = AsciiStrStr (AsciiUri ,"http");

+     if (AsciiUri2 != NULL){

+         for (Index =0;AsciiUri2[Index] != ')' && AsciiUri2[Index] != '\0'  ;Index++);

+         AsciiUri2[Index] = '\0';

+         AsciiStrCpy(AsciiUri,AsciiUri2);

+    }

+   }

    Length = sizeof (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL) + AsciiStrSize (AsciiUri);

    Node = AllocatePool (Length);

    if (Node == NULL) {

      Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;

      FreePool (TmpDevicePath);

      goto ON_EXIT;


*** 483,494 ****

--- 535,551 ----

          return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;



        UnicodeStrToAsciiStrS (Uri, AsciiUri, UriLen);


        Status = HttpBootCheckUriScheme (AsciiUri);

+       if (Status == EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER){

+           Status = HttpBootCheckStaticUri(Uri);

+           if (Status == EFI_UNSUPPORTED)

+               return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;

+       }


        if (Status == EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER) {


          DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "HttpBootFormCallback: %r.\n", Status));


          CreatePopUp (

*** NetworkPkg\HttpBootDxe\HttpBootDxe.h 2020-05-07 22:54:46.000000000 +05-30

--- NetworkPkg\HttpBootDxe\HttpBootDxe.h   2020-08-09 21:00:21.000000000 +05-30


*** 1,6 ****

--- 1,13 ----

+ //***********************************************************************

+ //*                                                                     *

+ //*   Copyright (c) 1985-2020, American Megatrends International LLC.   *

+ //*                                                                     *

+ //*      All rights reserved. Subject to AMI licensing agreement.       *

+ //*                                                                     *

+ //***********************************************************************

  /** @file

    UEFI HTTP boot driver's private data structure and interfaces declaration.


  Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>

  (C) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP<BR>

  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


*** 254,265 ****

--- 261,273 ----

    UINT32                                    SelectIndex;

    UINT32                                    SelectProxyType;


    UINT32                                    OfferNum;

    UINT32                                    OfferCount[HttpOfferTypeMax];

    UINT32                                    OfferIndex[HttpOfferTypeMax][HTTP_BOOT_OFFER_MAX_NUM];

+   BOOLEAN                                   UsingStatic;



  #define HTTP_BOOT_PRIVATE_DATA_SIGNATURE          SIGNATURE_32 ('H', 'B', 'P', 'D')

  #define HTTP_BOOT_VIRTUAL_NIC_SIGNATURE           SIGNATURE_32 ('H', 'B', 'V', 'N')




*** 518,524 ****

--- 526,665 ----

  HttpBootIp6DxeDriverBindingStop (


    IN EFI_HANDLE                   ControllerHandle,

    IN UINTN                        NumberOfChildren,

    IN EFI_HANDLE                   *ChildHandleBuffer OPTIONAL


+ /**

+   Configure Static Ip Address using Ipconfig2 Protocol


+   @param[in]  Private             Pointer to HTTP boot driver private data.

+ **/


+ StaticHttpBoot(HTTP_BOOT_PRIVATE_DATA        *Private);

+ /**

+   Get the IPv4 Address and Ipv6 Address   from the Input Devicepath.



+   @param[in]   FilePath         Pointer to the device path which contains IPV4 and IPV6 path node.


+   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The IPV4 Address and IPV6 Address successfully assigned to Private variable 

+           EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   If FilePath is Null

+           EFI_NOT_FOUND          If IPV4Address can't be found

+ **/


+ HttpBootParseIpAddress (

+   IN     EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL     *FilePath,

+   IN HTTP_BOOT_PRIVATE_DATA         *Private

+   );

+ /******

+   Get the IPv6Address,GatewayIp6Address using Http Uri given by user,

+   IPV6(LocalIp6Address,Tcp,static or dhcp,gatewayip6Address)/Dns(IP1,IP2,...,IPn)/Uri(_http://DomainName/xxx.efi)


+   @param[in]  Buffer                  URI string of the boot file.

+   @param[out] LocalIp                 Ipv6 LocalIp Address is updated statically based on Uri

+   @param[out] GatewayIp               Ipv6  GatewayIp is updated statically based on Uri

+   @Param[out] String                  The Error Message.


+   @retval EFI_SUCCESS                 IP Address is translated from String.

+   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER                      Url is not supported http and https

+           EFI_UNSUPPORTED             If IP Address is Invalid and Static Uri is invalid

+ *******/


+ VerifyIpv6Address (

+       IN   CHAR16                                               *Buffer,

+       OUT  EFI_IP_ADDRESS          *LocalIp,

+       OUT  EFI_IP_ADDRESS          *GatewayIp,

+       OUT  CHAR16                                            *String 

+               );

+ /*********

+   Get the IPv4Address,subnetMask,GatewayIp using Http Uri given by user,

+   IPV4(ClientAddress,protocol,static or Dhcp,gatewayip,subnetMask)/Dns(DnsIP1,DnsIP2...,IPn)/Uri(_http://DomainName/xxx.efi)


+   @param[in]  Uri                   The URI string of the boot file.

+   @param[out] LocalIP                    Ipv4 LocalP is updated statically based on Uri

+   @param[out] SubnetMask            Ipv4 SubnetMask is updated statically based on Uri

+   @param[out] GatewayIp             Ipv4  GatewayIp is updated statically based on Uri

+   @Param[out] String                The Error Message.


+   @retval EFI_SUCCESS               IP Address is translated from String.

+   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     Url is not supported http and https

+           EFI_UNSUPPORTED           If IP Addrress and static Uri is invalid

+ ********/


+ VerifyIpv4Address (

+         IN   CHAR16                                             *Buffer,

+                             OUT  EFI_IP_ADDRESS     *LocalIp,

+         OUT  EFI_IP_ADDRESS       *SubnetMask,

+         OUT  EFI_IP_ADDRESS       *GatewayIp,

+         OUT  CHAR16                                                         *String

+                             );

+ /******

+ This function checks static Uri given by user.


+ @param[in]  Buffer               The URI string of the boot file.


+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS                Uri and static IP address are valid.

+         EFI_UNSUPPORTED            Static Uri is invalid Format.

+                             EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER      Url is not supported http and https.

+ *******/


+ HttpBootCheckStaticUri(IN CHAR16 *Uri);

+ /**

+   Configure Static IPv6 Address using Ip6config Protocol


+   @param[in]  Private             Pointer to HTTP boot driver private data.

+ **/

+ EFI_STATUS StaticHttpIPv6Boot (HTTP_BOOT_PRIVATE_DATA        *Private);


+ /**

+   This function will register the IPv4 gateway address to the network device.


+   @param[in]  Private             The pointer to HTTP_BOOT_PRIVATE_DATA.


+   @retval     EFI_SUCCESS         The new IP configuration has been configured successfully.

+   @retval     Others              Failed to configure the address.


+ **/


+ HttpBootRegisterIp4Gateway (

+   IN HTTP_BOOT_PRIVATE_DATA         *Private

+   );

+ /**

+   This function will switch the IP4 configuration policy to Static.


+   @param[in]  Private             Pointer to HTTP boot driver private data.


+   @retval     EFI_SUCCESS         The policy is already configured to static.

+   @retval     Others              Other error as indicated..


+ **/


+ HttpBootSetIp4Policy (

+   IN HTTP_BOOT_PRIVATE_DATA         *Private

+   );

+ /**

+   Checks the HttpBoot Mode is static or Dhcp  from the Input Devicepath.

+   And Update Private variable private->usingstatic



+   @param[in]   FilePath         Pointer to the device path which contains a IPV4 and IPv6 device path node.


+   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The IPV4 Address  and IPv6 Address are successfully assigned to Private variable 

+           EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   If FilePath is Null

+ **/


+ HttpBootCheckBootType (IN     EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL     *FilePath,IN HTTP_BOOT_PRIVATE_DATA         *Private);

+ /**

+   Get the IPv4 and IPv6 Dns Address from Input Uri



+   @param[in]   Uri               Input Uri from Filepath

+   @param[in]   UsingIPv6         Specifies the type of IP addresses.

+   @param[in]   Private           The pointer to the driver's private data.


+   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The IPV4 Address  and IPv6 Address are successfully assigned to HTTP boot driver private data.

+           EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   If Uri is not a valid Static Devicepath URI

+ **/


+ HttpBootParseDnsIp(IN CHAR8  *Uri,BOOLEAN UsingIpv6,IN HTTP_BOOT_PRIVATE_DATA         *Private);


*** NetworkPkg\HttpBootDxe\HttpBootDxe.inf              2020-05-07 22:54:46.000000000 +05-30

--- NetworkPkg\HttpBootDxe\HttpBootDxe.inf 2020-07-24 16:19:43.000000000 +05-30


*** 1,6 ****

--- 1,15 ----


+ #***********************************************************************

+ #*                                                                     *

+ #*   Copyright (c) 1985-2020, American Megatrends International LLC.   *

+ #*                                                                     *

+ #*      All rights reserved. Subject to AMI licensing agreement.       *

+ #*                                                                     *

+ #***********************************************************************


  ## @file

  #  This modules produce the Load File Protocol for UEFI HTTP boot.


  #  Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>

  #  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent



*** 38,49 ****

--- 47,59 ----







+   HttpBootStatic.c







*** NetworkPkg\HttpBootDxe\HttpBootImpl.c                2020-05-07 22:54:46.000000000 +05-30

--- NetworkPkg\HttpBootDxe\HttpBootImpl.c   2020-08-09 20:08:53.000000000 +05-30


*** 1,6 ****

--- 1,14 ----

+ //***********************************************************************

+ //*                                                                     *

+ //*   Copyright (c) 1985-2020, American Megatrends International LLC.   *

+ //*                                                                     *

+ //*      All rights reserved. Subject to AMI licensing agreement.       *

+ //*                                                                     *

+ //***********************************************************************


  /** @file

    The implementation of EFI_LOAD_FILE_PROTOCOL for UEFI HTTP boot.


  Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>

  (C) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP<BR>

  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


*** 119,139 ****


    Uri = NULL;


    if (Private == NULL || FilePath == NULL) {





    // Check the URI in the input FilePath, in order to see whether it is

    // required to boot from a new specified boot file.


    Status = HttpBootParseFilePath (FilePath, &Uri);

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {


!   }



    // Check whether we need to stop and restart the HTTP boot driver.


    if (Private->Started) {


--- 127,158 ----


    Uri = NULL;


    if (Private == NULL || FilePath == NULL) {



!   //

!   // Check  If HttpBoot get IP Address from user as statically or from dhcp in the input FilePath,


+   Status = HttpBootCheckBootType(FilePath,Private);

+   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

+             return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;

+   }

    // Check the URI in the input FilePath, in order to see whether it is

    // required to boot from a new specified boot file.


    Status = HttpBootParseFilePath (FilePath, &Uri);

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {


!   }


!   if (Private->UsingStatic){

!         Status = HttpBootParseDnsIp(Uri,UsingIpv6,Private);

!         if (EFI_ERROR(Status))

!             return Status;

!     }



    // Check whether we need to stop and restart the HTTP boot driver.


    if (Private->Started) {



*** 161,173 ****

        if (Uri != NULL) {

          FreePool (Uri);


        return EFI_ALREADY_STARTED;





    // Detect whether using ipv6 or not, and set it to the private data.


    if (UsingIpv6 && Private->Ip6Nic != NULL) {

      Private->UsingIpv6 = TRUE;

    } else if (!UsingIpv6 && Private->Ip4Nic != NULL) {

--- 180,201 ----

        if (Uri != NULL) {

          FreePool (Uri);


        return EFI_ALREADY_STARTED;




!   //Check the IP Address in the input FilePath and

!   //update the Ip Address to Private Data

!   //

!   if (Private->UsingStatic){

!       Status = HttpBootParseIpAddress (FilePath,Private);

!       if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

!           return Status;

!       }

!   }


    // Detect whether using ipv6 or not, and set it to the private data.


    if (UsingIpv6 && Private->Ip6Nic != NULL) {

      Private->UsingIpv6 = TRUE;

    } else if (!UsingIpv6 && Private->Ip4Nic != NULL) {


*** 196,215 ****

--- 224,245 ----





    // Init the content of cached DHCP offer list.


+ if(!Private->UsingStatic){

    ZeroMem (Private->OfferBuffer, sizeof (Private->OfferBuffer));

    if (!Private->UsingIpv6) {

      for (Index = 0; Index < HTTP_BOOT_OFFER_MAX_NUM; Index++) {

        Private->OfferBuffer[Index].Dhcp4.Packet.Offer.Size = HTTP_CACHED_DHCP4_PACKET_MAX_SIZE;


    } else {

      for (Index = 0; Index < HTTP_BOOT_OFFER_MAX_NUM; Index++) {

        Private->OfferBuffer[Index].Dhcp6.Packet.Offer.Size = HTTP_CACHED_DHCP6_PACKET_MAX_SIZE;

+     }




    if (Private->UsingIpv6) {


      // Set Ip6 policy to Automatic to start the Ip6 router discovery.


*** 252,274 ****

      return EFI_NOT_STARTED;



    Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;


    if (!Private->UsingIpv6) {

!     //

      // Start D.O.R.A process to get a IPv4 address and other boot information.


!     Status = HttpBootDhcp4Dora (Private);

    } else {

!      //

      // Start S.A.R.R process to get a IPv6 address and other boot information.


!     Status = HttpBootDhcp6Sarr (Private);

!   }


    return Status;




    Attempt to download the boot file through HTTP message exchange.


--- 282,332 ----

      return EFI_NOT_STARTED;



    Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;


    if (!Private->UsingIpv6) {


!     if (!Private->UsingStatic) {

!               //

      // Start D.O.R.A process to get a IPv4 address and other boot information.


!         Status = HttpBootDhcp4Dora (Private);

!    }else{

!       Status = HttpBootSetIp4Policy (Private);

!       if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

!         return Status;

!       }

!       Status = StaticHttpBoot(Private);

!       if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

!           return Status;

!        }

!       Status = HttpBootRegisterIp4Gateway (Private);

!       if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

!           return Status;

!        }


!       AsciiPrint ("\n  Station IP address is ");

!       HttpBootShowIp4Addr (&Private->StationIp.v4);

!       AsciiPrint ("\n");

!     }


    } else {


!     if (!Private->UsingStatic){

!              //

      // Start S.A.R.R process to get a IPv6 address and other boot information.


!         Status = HttpBootDhcp6Sarr (Private);

!     }else{

!         Status = StaticHttpIPv6Boot (Private);

!         AsciiPrint ("\n  Station IPv6 address is ");

!         HttpBootShowIp6Addr (&Private->StationIp.v6);

!         AsciiPrint ("\n");

!     }

!   }

    return Status;




    Attempt to download the boot file through HTTP message exchange.



--- NetworkPkg\HttpBootDxe\HttpBootStatic.c 2020-08-09 21:00:09.000000000 +05-30


*** 0 ****

--- 1,650 ----

+ //***********************************************************************

+ //*                                                                     *

+ //*   Copyright (c) 1985-2020, American Megatrends International LLC.   *

+ //*                                                                     *

+ //*      All rights reserved. Subject to AMI licensing agreement.       *

+ //*                                                                     *

+ //***********************************************************************


+ /** @file HttpBootStatic.c  

+ Provides the Static Http Boot related functions .


+ Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>

+ (C) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP<BR>

+ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


+ **/



+ #include "HttpBootDxe.h"

+ #include <Library/UefiBootManagerLib.h>



+ /**

+   Get the IPv4 and IPv6 Address  from the Input Devicepath.



+   @param[in]   FilePath         Pointer to the device path which contains a IPV4 and IPV6 device path node.


+   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The IPV4 Address  and IPv6 Address are successfully assigned to Private variable 

+           EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   If FilePath is Null

+ **/


+ HttpBootParseIpAddress (

+   IN     EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL     *FilePath,

+   IN HTTP_BOOT_PRIVATE_DATA         *Private

+   )

+ {


+   EFI_DEV_PATH                      *Node;


+   if (FilePath == NULL) {


+   }


+   ZeroMem (&Private->StationIp, sizeof (EFI_IP_ADDRESS));

+   ZeroMem (&Private->SubnetMask,  sizeof (EFI_IP_ADDRESS));

+   ZeroMem (&Private->GatewayIp, sizeof (EFI_IP_ADDRESS));

+   //

+   // Extract the IPV4 address from the FilePath

+   //


+   TempDevicePath = FilePath;

+   while (!IsDevicePathEnd (TempDevicePath)) {


+    if ((DevicePathType (TempDevicePath) == MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH) &&

+            (DevicePathSubType (TempDevicePath) == MSG_IPv4_DP)) {

+       Node = ( EFI_DEV_PATH *)TempDevicePath;


+       CopyMem (&Private->StationIp.v4, &Node->Ipv4.LocalIpAddress, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS));

+       CopyMem (&Private->SubnetMask.v4, &Node->Ipv4.SubnetMask , sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS));

+       CopyMem (&Private->GatewayIp.v4, &Node->Ipv4.GatewayIpAddress, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS));

+    }

+    else if ((DevicePathType (TempDevicePath) == MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH) &&

+                 (DevicePathSubType (TempDevicePath) == MSG_IPv6_DP)) {

+          Node = (EFI_DEV_PATH *)TempDevicePath ;

+          CopyMem (&Private ->StationIp.v6,&Node ->Ipv6.LocalIpAddress,sizeof (EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS));

+          CopyMem (&Private ->GatewayIp.v6,&Node ->Ipv6.GatewayIpAddress,sizeof (EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS));

+      }


+     TempDevicePath = NextDevicePathNode (TempDevicePath);

+   }


+   return EFI_SUCCESS;

+ }


+ /**

+   The notify function of create event when performing a manual config.


+   @param[in]    Event        The event this notify function registered to.

+   @param[in]    Context      Pointer to the context data registered to the event.


+ **/



+ IfConfigManualAddressNotify (

+   IN EFI_EVENT    Event,

+   IN VOID         *Context

+   )

+ {

+     *((BOOLEAN *) Context) = TRUE;

+ }

+ /**

+   Configure Static Ip Address using Ip4config2 Protocol


+   @param[in]  Private             Pointer to HTTP boot driver private data.

+ **/


+ StaticHttpBoot (HTTP_BOOT_PRIVATE_DATA        *Private)

+ {

+     EFI_EVENT                        MappedEvt;

+     BOOLEAN                          IsAddressOk;

+     EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_POLICY           Policy;

+     EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_MANUAL_ADDRESS   ManualAddress;

+     EFI_STATUS                       Status;

+     UINTN                            DataSize ;

+     EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL         *IfCfg ;

+     EFI_EVENT                        TimeOutEvt ;

+     //

+     // Create events & timers for asynchronous settings.

+     //

+     CopyMem (&ManualAddress.Address , &Private->StationIp.v4, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS));

+     CopyMem (&ManualAddress.SubnetMask , &Private ->SubnetMask.v4, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS));



+     Status = gBS->CreateEvent (

+                     EVT_TIMER,

+                     TPL_CALLBACK,

+                     NULL,

+                     NULL,

+                     &TimeOutEvt

+                     );

+     if (EFI_ERROR(Status))

+         return Status;


+     Status = gBS->CreateEvent (

+                 EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL,

+                 TPL_NOTIFY,

+                 IfConfigManualAddressNotify,

+                 &IsAddressOk,

+                 &MappedEvt

+                 );

+     if (EFI_ERROR(Status))

+         return Status;


+     IfCfg  = Private->Ip4Config2; 

+     Status = IfCfg->RegisterDataNotify (

+                             IfCfg,

+                             Ip4Config2DataTypeManualAddress,

+                             MappedEvt

+                             );

+     if (EFI_ERROR(Status))

+         return Status;

+     Policy = Ip4Config2PolicyStatic;

+     Status = IfCfg->SetData (

+                             IfCfg,

+                             Ip4Config2DataTypePolicy,

+                             sizeof (EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_POLICY),

+                             &Policy

+                             );


+ if (EFI_ERROR(Status))

+         return Status;

+     DataSize = sizeof (EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_MANUAL_ADDRESS);


+     Status = IfCfg->SetData (

+                           IfCfg,

+                           Ip4Config2DataTypeManualAddress,

+                           DataSize,

+                           &ManualAddress

+                           );

+     if (Status == EFI_NOT_READY) {

+         gBS->SetTimer (TimeOutEvt, TimerRelative, 50000000);

+         while (EFI_ERROR (gBS->CheckEvent (TimeOutEvt))) {

+             if (IsAddressOk) {

+                 Status = EFI_SUCCESS;

+                 break;

+       }

+     }

+     }


+     Status = IfCfg->UnregisterDataNotify (

+                  IfCfg,

+                  Ip4Config2DataTypeManualAddress,

+                  MappedEvt

+                  );


+     return Status;

+ }                   


+ /**

+   The notify function of create event when performing a manual config.


+   @param[in]    Event        The event this notify function registered to.

+   @param[in]    Context      Pointer to the context data registered to the event.


+ **/



+ IfConfig6ManualAddressNotify (

+   IN EFI_EVENT    Event,

+   IN VOID         *Context

+   )

+ {

+   *((BOOLEAN *) Context) = TRUE;

+ }

+ /**

+   Configure Static Ipv6 Address using Ip6config Protocol


+   @param[in]  Private             Pointer to HTTP boot driver private data.

+ **/



+ StaticHttpIPv6Boot (HTTP_BOOT_PRIVATE_DATA        *Private)

+ {

+     EFI_STATUS                       Status;

+     EFI_IP6_CONFIG_PROTOCOL          *IfCfg;

+             EFI_IP6_CONFIG_MANUAL_ADDRESS    CfgManAddr;

+             UINT32                           CurDadXmits;

+             UINTN                            CurDadXmitsLen;

+             EFI_IP6_CONFIG_POLICY            Policy;

+             EFI_EVENT                        TimeOutEvt;

+             EFI_EVENT                        MappedEvt;

+             BOOLEAN                          IsAddressOk;


+              // Set static host ip6 address list.

+              //   This is a asynchronous process.

+              //

+             CopyMem (&CfgManAddr.Address,&Private->StationIp.v6,sizeof(EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS));

+             CfgManAddr.PrefixLength = IP6_PREFIX_LENGTH;

+             CfgManAddr.IsAnycast = FALSE ;


+             IsAddressOk = FALSE;

+             IfCfg  = Private->Ip6Config;

+             Status = gBS->CreateEvent (

+                              EVT_TIMER,

+                              TPL_CALLBACK,

+                              NULL,

+                              NULL,

+                              &TimeOutEvt

+                              );

+             if (EFI_ERROR(Status))

+                             return Status;


+     Status = gBS->CreateEvent (

+                  EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL,

+                  TPL_NOTIFY,

+                  IfConfig6ManualAddressNotify,

+                  &IsAddressOk,

+                  &MappedEvt

+                  );

+     if (EFI_ERROR(Status))

+             return Status;


+             Status = IfCfg->RegisterDataNotify (

+                                  IfCfg,

+                                  Ip6ConfigDataTypeManualAddress,

+                                  MappedEvt

+                                  );

+             if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

+                             return Status;

+             }


+             Policy = Ip6ConfigPolicyManual;

+             Status = IfCfg->SetData (

+                                  IfCfg,

+                                  Ip6ConfigDataTypePolicy,

+                                  sizeof (EFI_IP6_CONFIG_POLICY),

+                                  &Policy

+                                  );

+             if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

+              goto ON_EXIT;

+                   }


+             Status = IfCfg->SetData (

+                                  IfCfg,

+                                  Ip6ConfigDataTypeManualAddress,

+                                  sizeof(EFI_IP6_CONFIG_MANUAL_ADDRESS),

+                                  &CfgManAddr

+                                  );



+             if (Status == EFI_NOT_READY) {

+             //

+             // Get current dad transmits count.

+             //

+             CurDadXmitsLen = sizeof (EFI_IP6_CONFIG_DUP_ADDR_DETECT_TRANSMITS);

+             Status = IfCfg->GetData (

+                           IfCfg,

+                           Ip6ConfigDataTypeDupAddrDetectTransmits,

+                           &CurDadXmitsLen,

+                           &CurDadXmits

+                           );

+             if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

+               goto ON_EXIT;

+             }


+             gBS->SetTimer (TimeOutEvt, TimerRelative, 50000000 + 10000000 * CurDadXmits);


+             while (EFI_ERROR (gBS->CheckEvent (TimeOutEvt))) {

+                             if (IsAddressOk) {

+                             Status = EFI_SUCCESS;

+                             break;

+                             }

+             }

+             }


+             Status = IfCfg->SetData (

+                                     IfCfg,

+                                     Ip6ConfigDataTypeGateway,

+                                     sizeof(EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS),

+                                     &Private->GatewayIp.v6

+                                     );

+             if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

+                             goto ON_EXIT;

+             }




+             Status = IfCfg->UnregisterDataNotify (

+                        IfCfg,

+                         Ip6ConfigDataTypeManualAddress,

+                         MappedEvt

+                         );


+             if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

+                             return Status;

+             }

+             return Status;


+ }

+ /*********

+   Get the IPv4Address,subnetMask,GatewayIp using Http Uri given by user,

+   IPV4(ClientAddress,protocol,static or Dhcp ,gatewayip,subnetMask)/Dns(DnsIP1,DnsIP2...,IPn)/Uri(_http://DomainName/xxx.efi)


+   @param[in]  Uri                   The URI string of the boot file.

+   @param[out] LocalIP                    Ipv4 LocalP is updated statically based on Uri

+   @param[out] SubnetMask            Ipv4 SubnetMask is updated statically based on Uri

+   @param[out] GatewayIp             Ipv4  GatewayIp is updated statically based on Uri

+   @Param[out] String                The Error Message.


+   @retval EFI_SUCCESS               IP Address is translated from String.

+   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER     Url is not supported http and https

+           EFI_UNSUPPORTED           If IP Addrress and static Uri is invalid

+ ********/


+ VerifyIpv4Address (

+         IN   CHAR16             *Buffer,

+         OUT  EFI_IP_ADDRESS     *LocalIp,

+         OUT  EFI_IP_ADDRESS     *SubnetMask,

+         OUT  EFI_IP_ADDRESS     *GatewayIp,

+         OUT  CHAR16             *String

+         )

+ {

+     CHAR16                        *EndPointer;

+     RETURN_STATUS                  Status;

+     EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS               Dns;

+     CHAR8                         AsciiUri[URI_STR_MAX_SIZE];


+     if (StrnCmp (Buffer ,L"ipv4(",5)){

+         StrCpyS (String ,URI_STR_MAX_SIZE, L"Invalid Uri Format!");

+         return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;

+     }

+     Buffer +=StrLen(L"ipv4(");

+     Status = StrToIpv4Address (Buffer, &EndPointer,&LocalIp->v4,NULL);

+     if (RETURN_ERROR (Status)){

+         StrCpyS (String ,URI_STR_MAX_SIZE,L"Invalid LocalIP address!");

+         return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;

+     }

+     Buffer = EndPointer;

+     if (StrnCmp(Buffer,L",tcp,static,",12 ) && StrnCmp(Buffer,L",tcp,dhcp,",10 )){

+         StrCpyS (String ,URI_STR_MAX_SIZE, L"Invalid Uri Format!");

+         return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;

+     }

+     if (StrnCmp(Buffer,L",tcp,dhcp,",10))

+         Buffer +=StrLen(L",tcp,static,");

+     else

+         Buffer +=StrLen(L",tcp,dhcp,");


+     Status = StrToIpv4Address (Buffer,&EndPointer, &GatewayIp->v4,NULL);

+     if (RETURN_ERROR(Status)) {

+         StrCpyS (String ,URI_STR_MAX_SIZE,L"Invalid GatewayIP Address!");

+         return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;

+     }

+     Buffer = EndPointer + 1;

+     Status = StrToIpv4Address (Buffer,&EndPointer, &SubnetMask->v4,NULL);

+     if (RETURN_ERROR(Status)) {

+         StrCpyS (String ,URI_STR_MAX_SIZE,L"Invalid SubnetMask Address!");

+         return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;

+     }

+     Buffer = EndPointer;

+     if (StrnCmp(Buffer,L")/uri(",6) && StrnCmp(Buffer,L")/dns(",6)){

+         StrCpyS (String ,URI_STR_MAX_SIZE, L"Invalid Uri Format!");

+         return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;

+     }

+     if (!StrnCmp(Buffer,L")/dns(",6))

+     {

+         Buffer += StrLen(L")/dns(");

+         do{

+             Status  = StrToIpv4Address (Buffer,&EndPointer, &Dns,NULL);

+             if (RETURN_ERROR(Status)) {

+                StrCpyS (String ,URI_STR_MAX_SIZE,L"Invalid DnsServerIP Address!");

+                return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;

+              }

+             Buffer = EndPointer +1;

+         }while(*EndPointer == L',');  

+     }

+     if (!StrnCmp (Buffer,L"}/uri(",6)){

+         Buffer +=StrLen(L")/uri(");

+         UnicodeStrToAsciiStrS (Buffer, AsciiUri, URI_STR_MAX_SIZE);

+         Status = HttpBootCheckUriScheme (AsciiUri);

+         return Status;

+     }


+     return EFI_SUCCESS;

+ }


+ /******

+   Get the IPv6Address,GatewayIp6Address using Http Uri given by user,

+   IPV6(LocalIp6Address,Tcp,static or dhcp,gatewayip6Address)/Dns(IP1,IP2,...,IPn)/Uri(_http://DomainName/xxx.efi)


+   @param[in]  Buffer                  URI string of the boot file.

+   @param[out] LocalIp                 Ipv6 LocalIp Address is updated statically based on Uri

+   @param[out] GatewayIp               Ipv6  GatewayIp is updated statically based on Uri

+   @Param[out] String                  The Error Message.


+   @retval EFI_SUCCESS                 IP Address is translated from String.

+   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER                      Url is not supported http and https

+           EFI_UNSUPPORTED             If IP Address is Invalid and Static Uri is invalid

+ *******/


+ VerifyIpv6Address (

+       IN   CHAR16                                               *Buffer,

+       OUT  EFI_IP_ADDRESS         *LocalIp,

+       OUT  EFI_IP_ADDRESS         *GatewayIp,

+       OUT  CHAR16                                           *String 

+               )

+ {


+     CHAR16                        *EndPointer;

+     RETURN_STATUS                  Status;

+     EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS                 Dns;

+     CHAR8                         AsciiUri[URI_STR_MAX_SIZE];


+     if (StrnCmp (Buffer ,L"ipv6(",5)){

+         StrCpyS (String ,URI_STR_MAX_SIZE, L"Invalid Uri Format!");

+         return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;

+     }

+     Buffer += StrLen (L"ipv6(");

+     Status = StrToIpv6Address (Buffer, &EndPointer,&LocalIp->v6,NULL);

+     if (RETURN_ERROR (Status)){

+       StrCpyS (String ,URI_STR_MAX_SIZE, L"Invalid LocalIP address!");

+       return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;

+     }

+     Buffer = EndPointer;

+     if (StrnCmp(Buffer,L",tcp,static,",12) && StrnCmp(Buffer,L",tcp,dhcp,",10)){

+       StrCpyS (String ,URI_STR_MAX_SIZE, L"Invalid Uri Format!");

+       return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;

+     }

+     if (StrnCmp(Buffer,L",tcp,dhcp,",10))

+         Buffer +=StrLen(L",tcp,static,");

+     else

+         Buffer +=StrLen(L",tcp,dhcp,");


+     Status = StrToIpv6Address (Buffer,&EndPointer, &GatewayIp->v6,NULL);

+     if (RETURN_ERROR (Status) ) {

+       StrCpyS (String ,URI_STR_MAX_SIZE, L"Invalid GatewayIP Address!");

+       return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;

+     }

+     Buffer = EndPointer;

+     if (StrnCmp(Buffer,L")/uri(",6) && StrnCmp(Buffer,L")/dns(",6)){

+         StrCpyS (String ,URI_STR_MAX_SIZE, L"Invalid Uri Format!");

+         return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;

+     }

+     if (!StrnCmp(Buffer,L")/dns(",6))

+     {

+         Buffer += StrLen(L")/dns(");

+         do{

+             Status  = StrToIpv6Address (Buffer,&EndPointer, &Dns,NULL);

+             if (RETURN_ERROR(Status)) {

+                StrCpyS (String ,URI_STR_MAX_SIZE,L"Invalid DnsServerIP Address!");

+                return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;

+              }

+             Buffer = EndPointer +1;

+         }while(*EndPointer == L',');  

+     }

+     if (!StrnCmp (Buffer,L"}/uri(",6)){

+         Buffer +=StrLen(L")/uri(");

+         UnicodeStrToAsciiStrS (Buffer, AsciiUri, URI_STR_MAX_SIZE);

+         Status = HttpBootCheckUriScheme (AsciiUri);

+         return Status;

+     }

+     return EFI_SUCCESS;

+ }

+ /******

+ This function checks static Uri given by user and returns BOOLEAN(TRUE:valid Uri,FALSE:Invalid Uri)


+ @param[in]  Buffer               The URI string of the boot file.


+ @retval SUCCESS   Uri and static IP address are valid.

+         EFI_UNSUPPORTED Static Uri is invalid Format.

+                             EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  Url is not supported http and https

+ *******/


+ HttpBootCheckStaticUri(IN CHAR16 *Uri)

+ {

+     EFI_STATUS                      Status;

+     EFI_INPUT_KEY                   Key;

+     EFI_IP_ADDRESS                  LocalIp;

+     EFI_IP_ADDRESS                  SubnetMask;

+     EFI_IP_ADDRESS                  GatewayIp;

+     CHAR16                          ErrorMessage[URI_STR_MAX_SIZE];

+     UINTN                           Index = 0;


+     if (StrLen (Uri) == 0)

+         return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;


+     for (Index = 0; Index < StrLen (Uri); Index++) {

+         if (Uri[Index] == L'/' && Uri[Index + 1] == L'/') {

+           break;

+         }

+       if (Uri[Index] >= L'A' && Uri[Index] <= L'Z') {

+         Uri[Index] -= (CHAR16)(L'A' - L'a');

+       }

+     }

+     if (StrnCmp (Uri,L"ipv4(",5) == 0){

+         Status = VerifyIpv4Address (Uri,&LocalIp,&SubnetMask,&GatewayIp,ErrorMessage);

+         if (EFI_ERROR(Status)){

+            CreatePopUp (


+                &Key,

+                ErrorMessage,

+                NULL

+                );

+            return Status;

+        }

+     }else if (StrnCmp (Uri,L"ipv6(",5) == 0){

+         Status = VerifyIpv6Address (Uri,&LocalIp,&GatewayIp,ErrorMessage);

+         if (EFI_ERROR(Status)){

+             CreatePopUp (


+                &Key,

+                ErrorMessage,

+                NULL

+                );

+             return Status;

+         }

+     }else  if ((StrnCmp(Uri, L"http://", 7) != 0) && (StrnCmp(Uri, L"https://", 8) != 0)){

+         CreatePopUp (


+                &Key,

+                L"Invalid Uri",

+                NULL

+                );

+         return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;

+     }

+     return EFI_SUCCESS ;

+ }

+ /**

+   Checks the HttpBoot Mode is static or Dhcp  from the Input Devicepath.

+   And Update Private Variable Private->UsingStatic



+   @param[in]   FilePath         Pointer to the device path which contains a IPV4 and IPv6 device path node.


+   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The IPV4 Address  and IPv6 Address are successfully assigned to Private variable 

+           EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   If FilePath is Null

+ **/


+ HttpBootCheckBootType (IN     EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL     *FilePath,IN HTTP_BOOT_PRIVATE_DATA         *Private)

+ {

+     EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL  *TempDevicePath;

+     EFI_DEV_PATH                      *Node;


+       if (FilePath == NULL) {

+         return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;

+       }


+       TempDevicePath = FilePath;

+       while (!IsDevicePathEnd (TempDevicePath)) {

+         if ((DevicePathType (TempDevicePath) == MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH)){

+             if (DevicePathSubType (TempDevicePath) == MSG_IPv4_DP){

+                 Node = (EFI_DEV_PATH *)TempDevicePath ;

+                 Private->UsingStatic = Node->Ipv4.StaticIpAddress ;

+             }else if (DevicePathSubType (TempDevicePath) == MSG_IPv6_DP){

+                 Node = (EFI_DEV_PATH *)TempDevicePath ;

+                 Private->UsingStatic =(Node->Ipv6.IpAddressOrigin == 0x03) ? TRUE : FALSE;

+             }

+         }

+         TempDevicePath = NextDevicePathNode (TempDevicePath);

+       }


+       return EFI_SUCCESS;

+ }

+ /**

+   Get the IPv4 and IPv6 Dns Address from Input Uri



+   @param[in]   Uri               Input Uri from Filepath

+   @param[in]   UsingIPv6         Specifies the type of IP addresses.

+   @param[in]   Private           The pointer to the driver's private data.


+   @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The IPV4 Address  and IPv6 Address are successfully assigned to HTTP boot driver private data.

+           EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER   If Uri is not a valid Static Devicepath URI

+ **/


+ HttpBootParseDnsIp(IN CHAR8  *Uri,BOOLEAN  UsingIpv6,IN HTTP_BOOT_PRIVATE_DATA         *Private)

+ {

+     EFI_STATUS           Status;

+     CHAR16               Uri2[URI_STR_MAX_SIZE];

+     UINT32               Index = 0;

+     UINTN                UriStrLength = 0;

+     CHAR16              *EndPointer;

+     CHAR16              *Buffer;

+     UINTN                DataSize = 0;


+     if (Uri == NULL)

+         return EFI_SUCCESS;

+     AsciiStrToUnicodeStrS(Uri,Uri2,URI_STR_MAX_SIZE);

+     UriStrLength = AsciiStrLen(Uri) + 1;

+     Status = HttpBootCheckStaticUri(Uri2);

+     if (EFI_ERROR(Status))

+         return Status;

+     if (Buffer = StrStr(Uri2,L"dns("))

+     {

+         Buffer += 4;

+         DataSize = sizeof(EFI_IP_ADDRESS) ;

+         Private->DnsServerIp = AllocateZeroPool(DataSize);

+         if (UsingIpv6)

+             Status = StrToIpv6Address (Buffer,&EndPointer,&Private->DnsServerIp[Index++].v6,NULL);

+         else

+             Status = StrToIpv4Address (Buffer,&EndPointer,&Private->DnsServerIp[Index++].v4,NULL);

+         if (EFI_ERROR(Status)){

+             FreePool(Private->DnsServerIp);

+             Private->DnsServerIp = NULL;

+             return Status;

+         }

+         while(*EndPointer == L','){

+             Private->DnsServerIp = ReallocatePool(DataSize,DataSize + sizeof(EFI_IP_ADDRESS),Private->DnsServerIp);

+             if (UsingIpv6)

+                 Status = StrToIpv6Address (Buffer,&EndPointer,&Private->DnsServerIp[Index++].v6,NULL);

+             else

+                 Status = StrToIpv4Address (Buffer,&EndPointer,&Private->DnsServerIp[Index++].v4,NULL);

+             if (EFI_ERROR(Status)){

+                 FreePool(Private->DnsServerIp);

+                 Private->DnsServerIp = NULL;

+                 return Status;

+             }

+             Buffer = EndPointer + 1;

+         }while(*EndPointer == L',');

+     Private->DnsServerCount = Index;

+     if (Buffer = StrStr(Uri2,L"http")){

+         for (Index =0;Buffer[Index] != L')' && Buffer[Index] != L'\0'  ;Index++);

+         Buffer[Index] = L'\0';

+     }

+     UnicodeStrToAsciiStrS(Buffer,Uri,UriStrLength);

+     }

+     return EFI_SUCCESS;

+ }
