Hello I'm very new to edk2 and I've been trying to figure out how to get a TCP/IP connection going from a UEFI Shell app. The intention is to have a simple client which will connect to a host that will send over some data for testing. I am using qemu and I also have a system which this is going to run on. Both are setup correctly, I can get an IP address from my dhcp server and ping hosts etc, so the drivers and protocols are there. While looking into this, I came across edk2-libc, this sounded great, it was fine in qemu, but failed to run on my platform returning with error 49 (EADDRNOTAVAIL) when trying to bind. I tried fiddling with the socket settings, but could not get past this issue. Currently I am falling back on plain edk2, but I am having a bit of a hard time figuring out how to work the protocols. I am not sure if I should be trying to configure TCP4 or IP4 or both. I found this: https://github.com/vinxue/TcpTransport, but it also does not work, it seems to start up fine, but it does not return the correct IP address of the interface, and it does not respond to anything, so I am guessing it needs updating. I also looked at the http sample in the UEFI specs, but it might be a bit over my head right now, I'll keep going over it to see if it starts making sense eventually. I am wondering if someone could point me in the right direction here, or anything really. Is there a current sample I could look at, or did I miss something important in the UEFI specs? If I want to configure eth0 to get an IP address via dhcp from within my app, is that something I can do instead of issuing commands in the shell before running my app? Appreciate any help, and thank you xp