
Here's my 2 cents: don't worry too much about tests, if that will slow you down considerably. You should focus on getting a usable runtime environment first, tests should be a secondary thing on your mind (we don't have many tests in EDK2 anyway, despite some ongoing efforts).

On Sat, Jul 2, 2022 at 1:23 PM Ayush Singh <ayushdevel1325@gmail.com> wrote:
After some more research, I have found 2 main ways of implementing net:

1. Use the TCP and UDP protocols defined in UEFI spec. They seem
pretty easy to use. But while they are an official protocol, the
availability is shoddy (r-efi does not define either of them). Still
should work well enough if testing is the main reason for implementing

2. Use Simple Network Protocol (SNP). This is a very basic protocol
that basically allows transmitting and receiving packets. Availability
is pretty good, but implementing TCP and UDP using it will require a
lot of work.

So I wanted to ask about the availability of TCP and UDP protocols vs
SNP? If the TCP and UDP protocols are likely to be available in
presence of SNP, then well, I will directly use those.
I don't know about their availability, but I would consider only supporting tests on firmware which has the TCP and UDP protocols; re-implementing TCP is totally non-trivial.

Also, how should I handle when multiple Handles are returned by
`LocateHandle`? One option can be to use the 1st handle by default but
provide functions under `std::os` to allow users to use a particular
handle if they want (although this will mean caching the Handle).

I'm not big into Rust but isn't there a way to just pass a reference into an array into a function? You'd essentially just do that.
Since all the functions in net return `Result` we can just return an
error if the device does not have networking support.

Ayush Singh

On Sat, Jul 2, 2022 at 1:05 AM Ayush Singh via groups.io
<ayushdevel1325=gmail.com@groups.io> wrote:
> Hello everyone, the project has now reached the stage where it is
> possible to build for UEFI just like an std supporting Rust target.
> However, running tests is where it gets a bit tricky:
> While there are some rust targets that run on QEMU emulation for
> testing [1] (as opposed to just docker), this is currently achieved by
> 2 tools: remote-test-client [2] and remote-test-server [3] which are
> programs for sending test programs and libraries to the emulator, and
> running the tests within the emulator, and reading the results.
> This means that the rust-test-server [3] needs to run in the UEFI
> environment. This means it needs the `sys::net` module implemented. As
> suggested in the last meeting, I was using a dummy implementation of
> net. However, for using the current Rust testing environment, we
> simply need to implement net.
> There is also the alternative of using stdio in qemu for testing, but
> that will mean significant reworking of the Rust testing framework
> (which seems to be more difficult than implementing `net`)
> So I think that it would be better to implement the `net` module
> first. The primitives that need to be implemented in this module are
> TcpSocket, TcpListener, and UdpSocket (unsupported version link [4]).
> So should I go ahead with implementing `net`? Is there anything
> special that I should consider?
> Yours Sincerely,
> Ayush Singh
> [1]: https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/tests/running.html#testing-on-emulators
> [2]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/tools/remote-test-client
> [3]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/tree/master/src/tools/remote-test-server
> [4]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/5b9775fe17893cba641a071de7e0a7c8f478c41b/library/std/src/sys/unsupported/net.rs

Pedro Falcato