[AMD Official Use Only - General] Hi Sir, I meet fail when do SetDataFunction Test and this only occurred on the first time after program Bios by DediProg The Function location : HIITest -> ConfigKeywordHandlerTest -> SetDataFunction I check the code flow and the result as below: The Function(BBTestSetDataFunctionTest) which is under ConfigKeywordHandlerBBTestFunction.c 1. The function call SetData with KeywordString1 and this would return NOT_FOUND (which is caused by ChipsetSATAPortDisable Not Define in Vfr) 2. Then the function would call GetData with KeywordString2 3. The value is default define in "SctPkg\TestCase\UEFI\EFI\Protocol\ConfigKeywordHandler\BlackBoxTest\Dependency\SampleDriver\Vfr.vfr" QuestionAboutTreeHugging and the value is "1" Debug log as below: GetData Results: NAMESPACE=x-UEFI-ns&PATH=01041400f4274aa000df424db55239511302113d7fff0400&KEYWORD=iSCSIBootEnable&VALUE=01 RespOfKeywordString2 = L"NAMESPACE=x-UEFI-ns&PATH=01041400f4274aa000df424db55239511302113d7fff0400&KEYWORD=iSCSIBootEnable&VALUE=00" That's going to cause this condition to fail (0 == SctStrCmp(RespOfKeywordString2, Results)) Then fail occurred . Fail Log as below: [cid:image001.png@01D90585.26BC8AA0] Please give you suggestion . Best Regards Terry Wang