Hi Heng,


Thanks for your contribution.  I have committed the change.



SHA-1: c3c477792d2f90d1d78edf947ccad6915e4e0b06


* MinPlatformPkg: Add SerialPortTerminalLib to suport Serial Terminal feature


REF: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3014


1. Add SerialPortTerminalLib to MinPlatformPkg/Library.

2. Add SerialPortTerminalLib to BdsDxe driver, to add the serial device to

  ConIn and ConOut variables

3. Include SerialDxe and TerminalDxe to CoreDxeInclude.dsc and



Reviewed-by: Eric Dong <eric.dong@intel.com>

Cc: Chasel Chiu <chasel.chiu@intel.com>

Cc: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>

Reviewed-by: Liming Gao <gaoliming@byosoft.com.cn>

Signed-off-by: Heng Luo <heng.luo@intel.com>




From: Luo, Heng <heng.luo@intel.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 10:01 AM
To: Dong, Eric <eric.dong@intel.com>; devel@edk2.groups.io; gaoliming@byosoft.com.cn
Cc: Chiu, Chasel <chasel.chiu@intel.com>; Desimone, Nathaniel L <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
Subject: RE: [edk2-devel]
回复: [Patch V7 3/3] MinPlatformPkg: Add SerialPortTerminalLib to suport Serial Terminal feature


Dear Eric, Chasel and Nate,

Could you help to upload these patches?





From: Dong, Eric <eric.dong@intel.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2020 2:23 PM
To: Luo, Heng <heng.luo@intel.com>; devel@edk2.groups.io; gaoliming@byosoft.com.cn
Cc: Chiu, Chasel <chasel.chiu@intel.com>; Desimone, Nathaniel L <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
Subject: RE: [edk2-devel]
回复: [Patch V7 3/3] MinPlatformPkg: Add SerialPortTerminalLib to suport Serial Terminal feature


Reviewed-by: Eric Dong <eric.dong@intel.com>


From: Luo, Heng <heng.luo@intel.com>
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2020 9:31 AM
To: devel@edk2.groups.io; gaoliming@byosoft.com.cn
Cc: Dong, Eric <eric.dong@intel.com>; Chiu, Chasel <chasel.chiu@intel.com>; Desimone, Nathaniel L <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
Subject: RE: [edk2-devel]
回复: [Patch V7 3/3] MinPlatformPkg: Add SerialPortTerminalLib to suport Serial Terminal feature


Hi Chasel and Eric,
Could you help to review the patches?
Nate is on vacation now, I have fixed the bug in patch V6 Nate mentioned, I think he have no more comments.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: devel@edk2.groups.io <devel@edk2.groups.io> On Behalf Of
> gaoliming
> Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 11:17 AM
> To: Luo, Heng <heng.luo@intel.com>; devel@edk2.groups.io
> Cc: Dong, Eric <eric.dong@intel.com>; Chiu, Chasel <chasel.chiu@intel.com>;
> Desimone, Nathaniel L <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
> Subject: [edk2-devel] 
回复: [Patch V7 3/3] MinPlatformPkg: Add
> SerialPortTerminalLib to suport Serial Terminal feature

> Heng:
>   Thanks for your update. This version is good to me. Reviewed-by: Liming
> Gao <gaoliming@byosoft.com.cn>

>   Besides, please let me know your test case for this case.

> Thanks
> Liming
> > -----
> > 
发件人: Heng Luo <heng.luo@intel.com>
> > 
发送时间: 20201116 9:31
> > 
> > 
抄送: Eric Dong <eric.dong@intel.com>; Chasel Chiu
> > <chasel.chiu@intel.com>; Nate DeSimone
> > <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>; Liming Gao
> > <gaoliming@byosoft.com.cn>
> > 
主题: [Patch V7 3/3] MinPlatformPkg: Add SerialPortTerminalLib to suport
> > Serial Terminal feature
> >
> > REF: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3014
> >
> > 1. Add SerialPortTerminalLib to MinPlatformPkg/Library.
> > 2. Add SerialPortTerminalLib to BdsDxe driver, to add the serial device to
> >   ConIn and ConOut variables
> > 3. Include SerialDxe and TerminalDxe to CoreDxeInclude.dsc and
> >   CoreUefiBootInclude.fdf.
> >
> > Cc: Eric Dong <eric.dong@intel.com>
> > Cc: Chasel Chiu <chasel.chiu@intel.com>
> > Cc: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com>
> > Cc: Liming Gao <gaoliming@byosoft.com.cn>
> > Signed-off-by: Heng Luo <heng.luo@intel.com>
> > ---
> >  Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/Dsc/CoreDxeInclude.dsc
> > |  15 +++++++++++++--
> >  Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/Fdf/CoreUefiBootInclude.fdf
> > |   8 +++++++-
> >
> >
> Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Library/SerialPortTerminalLib/SerialPortTerm
> i
> > nalLib.c   | 102
> > ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> > ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> >
> >
> Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Library/SerialPortTerminalLib/SerialPortTerm
> i
> > nalLib.h   |  34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> >
> >
> Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Library/SerialPortTerminalLib/SerialPortTerm
> i
> > nalLib.inf |  40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> >  5 files changed, 196 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
> >
> > diff --git
> > a/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/Dsc/CoreDxeInclude.dsc
> > b/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/Dsc/CoreDxeInclude.dsc
> > index f0e578f8cc..1038a29c5c 100644
> > --- a/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/Dsc/CoreDxeInclude.dsc
> > +++ b/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/Dsc/CoreDxeInclude.dsc
> > @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
> >  ## @file
> >
> >  #  Platform description.
> >
> >  #
> >
> > -# Copyright (c) 2017 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights
> > reserved.<BR>
> >
> > +# Copyright (c) 2017 - 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights
> > +reserved.<BR>
> >
> >  #
> >
> >  # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
> >
> >  #
> >
> > @@ -46,7 +46,18 @@
> >
> >
> >
> >
> MdeModulePkg/Universal/MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe/MonotonicCount
> e
> > rRuntimeDxe.inf
> >
> >
> >
> > -  MdeModulePkg/Universal/BdsDxe/BdsDxe.inf
> >
> > +  MdeModulePkg/Universal/BdsDxe/BdsDxe.inf {
> >
> > +    <LibraryClasses>
> >
> > +!if gMinPlatformPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSerialTerminalEnable == TRUE
> >
> > +
> > NULL|MinPlatformPkg/Library/SerialPortTerminalLib/SerialPortTerminalLi
> > NULL|b.in
> > f
> >
> > +!endif
> >
> > +  }
> >
> > +
> >
> > +!if gMinPlatformPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSerialTerminalEnable == TRUE
> >
> > +  MdeModulePkg/Universal/SerialDxe/SerialDxe.inf
> >
> > +  MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/TerminalDxe/TerminalDxe.inf
> >
> > +!endif
> >
> > +
> >
> >
> >
> MdeModulePkg/Universal/DriverHealthManagerDxe/DriverHealthManagerD
> > xe.inf
> >
> >    MdeModulePkg/Universal/SecurityStubDxe/SecurityStubDxe.inf {
> >
> >      <LibraryClasses>
> >
> > diff --git
> > a/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/Fdf/CoreUefiBootInclude.fdf
> > b/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/Fdf/CoreUefiBootInclude.fdf
> > index 7859c0b1a5..ef4576eedf 100644
> > ---
> > a/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/Fdf/CoreUefiBootInclude.fdf
> > +++ b/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/Fdf/CoreUefiBootInclude.fd
> > +++ f
> > @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
> >  ## @file
> >
> >  #  FDF file of Platform.
> >
> >  #
> >
> > -# Copyright (c) 2017 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights
> > reserved.<BR>
> >
> > +# Copyright (c) 2017 - 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights
> > +reserved.<BR>
> >
> >  #
> >
> >  # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
> >
> >  #
> >
> > @@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ INF
> > MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/RuntimeDxe/VariableRuntimeDxe.inf
> >  INF
> >
> MdeModulePkg/Universal/MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe/MonotonicCount
> e
> > rRuntimeDxe.inf
> >
> >
> >
> >  INF  MdeModulePkg/Universal/BdsDxe/BdsDxe.inf
> >
> > +
> >
> > +!if gMinPlatformPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdSerialTerminalEnable == TRUE
> >
> > +INF  MdeModulePkg/Universal/SerialDxe/SerialDxe.inf
> >
> > +INF  MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/TerminalDxe/TerminalDxe.inf
> >
> > +!endif
> >
> > +
> >
> >  INF
> >
> MdeModulePkg/Universal/DriverHealthManagerDxe/DriverHealthManagerD
> > xe.inf
> >
> >  INF  MdeModulePkg/Universal/SecurityStubDxe/SecurityStubDxe.inf
> >
> >  INF
> > MdeModulePkg/Universal/CapsuleRuntimeDxe/CapsuleRuntimeDxe.inf
> >
> > diff --git
> >
> a/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Library/SerialPortTerminalLib/SerialPortTer
> > minalLib.c
> >
> b/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Library/SerialPortTerminalLib/SerialPortTer
> > minalLib.c
> > new file mode 100644
> > index 0000000000..66e8ee018b
> > --- /dev/null
> > +++
> >
> b/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Library/SerialPortTerminalLib/SerialPortTer
> > minalLib.c
> > @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
> > +/** @file
> >
> > +  Main file for NULL named library for Serial Port Terminal
> > + Redirection
> > library.
> >
> > +
> >
> > +  Copyright (c) 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
> >
> > +  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
> >
> > +
> >
> > +**/
> >
> > +
> >
> > +#include "SerialPortTerminalLib.h"
> >
> > +
> >
> > mSerialDevicePath = {
> >
> > +  {
> >
> > +    {
> >
> >
> > +      HW_VENDOR_DP,
> >
> > +      {
> >
> > +        (UINT8) sizeof (VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH),
> >
> > +        (UINT8) ((sizeof (VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH)) >> 8)
> >
> > +      }
> >
> > +    },
> >
> >
> > +  },
> >
> > +  {
> >
> > +    {
> >
> >
> > +      MSG_UART_DP,
> >
> > +      {
> >
> > +        (UINT8) sizeof (UART_DEVICE_PATH),
> >
> > +        (UINT8) ((sizeof (UART_DEVICE_PATH)) >> 8)
> >
> > +      }
> >
> > +    },
> >
> > +    0,                  // Reserved
> >
> > +    0,                  // BaudRate
> >
> > +    0,                  // DataBits
> >
> > +    0,                  // Parity
> >
> > +    0                   // StopBits
> >
> > +  },
> >
> > +  {
> >
> > +    {
> >
> >
> > +      MSG_VENDOR_DP,
> >
> > +      {
> >
> > +        (UINT8) (sizeof (VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH)),
> >
> > +        (UINT8) ((sizeof (VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH)) >> 8),
> >
> > +      }
> >
> > +    },
> >
> >
> > +  },
> >
> > +  gEndEntire
> >
> > +};
> >
> > +
> >
> > +/**
> >
> > +  Updates the ConOut, ConIn, ErrOut variables with the serial
> > + terminal
> > device path
> >
> > +  @param                        none
> >
> > +  @retval                       none
> >
> > +**/
> >
> > +VOID
> >
> > +AddSerialTerminal (
> >
> > +  VOID
> >
> > +  )
> >
> > +{
> >
> > +  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "[AddSerialPortTerminal]\n"));
> >
> > +
> >
> > +  //
> >
> > +  // Append Serial Terminal into "ConIn"
> >
> > +  //
> >
> > +  EfiBootManagerUpdateConsoleVariable (ConOut,
> > (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *) &mSerialDevicePath, NULL);
> >
> > +  EfiBootManagerUpdateConsoleVariable (ConIn,
> > (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *) &mSerialDevicePath, NULL);
> >
> > +  EfiBootManagerUpdateConsoleVariable (ErrOut,
> > (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *) &mSerialDevicePath, NULL);
> >
> > +}
> >
> > +
> >
> > +
> >
> > +/**
> >
> > +  Constructor for the Serial Port Device controller library.
> >
> > +
> >
> > +  @param ImageHandle    the image handle of the process
> >
> > +  @param SystemTable    the EFI System Table pointer
> >
> > +
> >
> > +  @retval EFI_SUCCESS        the shell command handlers were
> > installed sucessfully
> >
> > +  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED    the shell level required was not found.
> >
> > +**/
> >
> >
> >
> > +SerialPortTerminalLibConstructor (
> >
> > +  IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,
> >
> > +  IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE  *SystemTable
> >
> > +  )
> >
> > +{
> >
> > +  mSerialDevicePath.Uart.BaudRate = PcdGet64(PcdUartDefaultBaudRate);
> >
> > +  mSerialDevicePath.Uart.DataBits = PcdGet8(PcdUartDefaultDataBits);
> >
> > +  mSerialDevicePath.Uart.Parity   = PcdGet8(PcdUartDefaultParity);
> >
> > +  mSerialDevicePath.Uart.StopBits = PcdGet8(PcdUartDefaultStopBits);
> >
> > +  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "[SerialPortTerminalLibConstructor]
> > [%d, %d, %d, %d]\n",
> >
> > +      mSerialDevicePath.Uart.BaudRate,
> >
> > +      mSerialDevicePath.Uart.DataBits,
> >
> > +      mSerialDevicePath.Uart.Parity,
> >
> > +      mSerialDevicePath.Uart.StopBits));
> >
> > +
> >
> > +  AddSerialTerminal();
> >
> > +
> >
> > +  return EFI_SUCCESS;
> >
> > +}
> >
> > diff --git
> >
> a/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Library/SerialPortTerminalLib/SerialPortTer
> > minalLib.h
> >
> b/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Library/SerialPortTerminalLib/SerialPortTer
> > minalLib.h
> > new file mode 100644
> > index 0000000000..bfa73cca7d
> > --- /dev/null
> > +++
> >
> b/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Library/SerialPortTerminalLib/SerialPortTer
> > minalLib.h
> > @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
> > +/** @file
> >
> > +  Header file for NULL named library for for Serial Port Terminal
> Redirection
> > library.
> >
> > +
> >
> > +  Copyright (c) 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
> >
> > +  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
> >
> > +
> >
> > +**/
> >
> > +
> >
> >
> >
> > +
> >
> > +#include <Uefi.h>
> >
> > +#include <Guid/SerialPortLibVendor.h>
> >
> > +#include <Library/UefiLib.h>
> >
> > +#include <Library/DevicePathLib.h>
> >
> > +#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
> >
> > +#include <Library/UefiBootManagerLib.h>
> >
> > +
> >
> > +//
> >
> > +// Below is the platform console device path
> >
> > +//
> >
> > +typedef struct {
> >
> > +  VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH        Guid;
> >
> > +  UART_DEVICE_PATH          Uart;
> >
> > +  VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH        TerminalType;
> >
> >
> >
> > +
> >
> > +#define gEndEntire \
> >
> > +  { \
> >
> >
> > +  }
> >
> > +
> >
> > +#endif
> >
> > diff --git
> >
> a/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Library/SerialPortTerminalLib/SerialPortTer
> > minalLib.inf
> >
> b/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Library/SerialPortTerminalLib/SerialPortTer
> > minalLib.inf
> > new file mode 100644
> > index 0000000000..2d95fe79f2
> > --- /dev/null
> > +++
> >
> b/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Library/SerialPortTerminalLib/SerialPortTer
> > minalLib.inf
> > @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
> > +## @file
> >
> > +# Component information file for Serial Port Terminal Redirection
> > +Library
> >
> > +#
> >
> >
> > +# Copyright (c) 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
> >
> > +#
> >
> > +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
> >
> > +#
> >
> > +##
> >
> > +[Defines]
> >
> > +  INF_VERSION                    = 0x00010006
> >
> > +  BASE_NAME                      = SerialPortTerminalLib
> >
> > +  FILE_GUID                      =
> > E12BFA46-95F2-4ADC-9774-7E38DE78741E
> >
> > +  MODULE_TYPE                    = UEFI_DRIVER
> >
> > +  VERSION_STRING                 = 1.2
> >
> >
> > +  CONSTRUCTOR                    =
> > SerialPortTerminalLibConstructor
> >
> > +
> >
> > +[Packages]
> >
> > +  MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
> >
> > +  MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec
> >
> > +  BoardModulePkg/BoardModulePkg.dec
> >
> > +  MinPlatformPkg/MinPlatformPkg.dec
> >
> > +
> >
> > +[Sources]
> >
> > +  SerialPortTerminalLib.c
> >
> > +  SerialPortTerminalLib.h
> >
> > +
> >
> > +[LibraryClasses]
> >
> > +  DevicePathLib
> >
> > +  DebugLib
> >
> > +  UefiDriverEntryPoint
> >
> > +  UefiBootManagerLib
> >
> > +  UefiLib
> >
> > +
> >
> > +[Pcd]
> >
> > +  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdUartDefaultBaudRate
> >
> > +  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdUartDefaultDataBits
> >
> > +  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdUartDefaultParity
> >
> > +  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdUartDefaultStopBits
> >
> > --
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