> On Oct 16, 2020, at 12:24 PM, Daniele Crudo wrote: > > > Sorry I missed the edk2-devel in cc, resending. > > OK so the DEBUG and RELEASE both build with -Os. This is firmware things have to fit in the ROM. The big difference between DEBUG and release is the DEBUG prints get stripped out, so that usually means timing issues :(. > > The compiler flags live in BaseTools/Conf/tools_def.template and you can edit them in Conf/tools_def.txt > > ok, thanks for this, I was hoping in optimization issue but it seems it's not the case (?) > > What logo are your talking about? I see the TianoCore logo failed in your macOS debug log as I would expect [1]d: > "HII Image Package with logo not found in PE/COFF resource section” > I don’t see that error message in the kali log, so that matches what I would expect. > > Yes, I was referring to the tianocore logo; I was writing that in the kali compiled log there are additional lines relating to tftpDynamicCommand.efi and LinuxInitrdDynamicShellCommand.efi, which are not in the mac compiled log. > > It sounds like you are talking about a logo coming from your Hackintosh EFI boot shim? Or the macOS booter? > This is all the Hackintosh stuff that is loading. > [Bds] Expand PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0) -> PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x2,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,58F0B968-76EA-4F98-BD18-44DC6D57AEBA,0x800,0x7F7DF)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI > Loading driver at 0x0007DDEB000 EntryPoint=0x0007DDEFE36 Bootstrap.efi > Loading driver at 0x0007DC77000 EntryPoint=0x0007DCED3A5 OpenCore.efi > Loading driver at 0x0007DDDA000 EntryPoint=0x0007DDDA5C9 AE4C11C8-1D6C-F24E-A183-E1CA36D1A8A9.efi > Loading driver at 0x0007F88E000 EntryPoint=0x0007F8920BD OpenRuntime.efi > Loading driver at 0x0007DD45000 EntryPoint=0x0007DD56C4B OpenCanopy.efi > Loading driver at 0x0007DD66000 EntryPoint=0x0007DD6FC53 AudioDxe.efi > Loading driver at 0x0007DDCE000 EntryPoint=0x0007DDD17C9 UsbMouseDxe.efi > Loading driver at 0x0007D054000 EntryPoint=0x0007D0A220C apfs.efi > > And this is the macOS booter (1st stage OS loader, the thing Mac EFI firmware loads directly) > Loading driver at 0x0007CE48000 EntryPoint=0x0007CE51673 boot.efi > > Yes, I know and this is expected behavior, I was not referring to that logo. > > There was some work on a CLANGPDB toolchain that worked on all platforms. > > Thanks for this, I rapidly had a look at the github page; so these commands: > $ wget https://releases.llvm.org/9.0.0/clang+llvm-9.0.0-x86_64-darwin-apple.tar.xz > $ tar -xvf clang+llvm-9.0.0-x86_64-darwin-apple.tar.xz > $ git clone https://github.com/tianocore/edk2.git > $ cd edk2 > $ git clean -ffdx > $ git reset --hard > $ git submodule deinit --force --all > $ git checkout edk2-stable202008 > $ git checkout CLANGPDB > $ git submodule update --init --force > $ source edksetup.sh > $ export CLANG_BIN=~/my/local/path/to/clang+llvm-9.0.0-x86_64-darwin-apple/bin/ > $ build -a X64 -b RELEASE -p OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64.dsc -t CLANGPDB > > will let me install the clang 9.0 toolchain in my mac os and build edk2 with that toolchain? > > So it sounds like you have some kind of graphics issue on a RELEASE build? What happens if on a RELEASE XCODE build you just boot to the UEFI Shell? > > Maybe I misunderstood, but I cannot boot to a shell, as soon as I type "virsh start mymv" the screen goes black (with hdmi unplugged). > I’m wondering what happens if you boot another guest OS. At least on OVMF if you don’t have a guest OS to boot then you drop into an UEFI Shell (EFI Application) that is built into the EFI ROM. Thanks, Andrew Fish >