I was looking at creating a staging branch to work on Bz2387. The README  [1] for edk2-staging (about branch) mentions that edk2-staging/master tracks edk2/master, but I see it was last synced in June? 

I'm not clear on the process for updating the edk2-staging/master? It is not setup to update on pull. There seems to have been a lot of work on the EmulatorPkg and I'd like to sync my staging branch with the current master if possible? 

[1] https://github.com/tianocore/edk2-staging

[Step 1 is already completed, it is here for documentation purposes; proceed to 2)]
1) Create a new repo called edk2-staging
	a) edk2-staging is a fork of edk2
	b) edk2-staging/master tracks edk2/master