Important Information About the February Release The Stewards are aware there has been an issue with getting patches reviewed and/or merged in a timely manner. The stewards are considering a delay to the February release to allow for these issues to be addressed. Please take the time to validate that your submissions to the email list fall into one of the two categories please contact me directly immediately and CC the mailing list [1] You have patches submitted to the mailing list requesting review with no response [2] You have patches submitted to the mailing list that have been reviewed but not merged for the February release Thank you -- Miki Demeter (she/her/Miki) Security Researcher / FW Developer FST Intel Corporation Co-Chair, Network of Intel African-Ancestry(NIA) - Oregon NIA-Oregon Portland Women in Tech Best Speaker 503.712.8030 (office) 971.248.0123 (cell)