**Highlights:** - Coverity update from Felix - GSOC – 7 Prospects going through ranking and rating Should know near the end of May. # Meeting Minutes: 1) **Event Updates (_5 minutes]** - **No Event Updates ** 2) [**Stable Tag Updates (_5 minutes_)** - Soft Freeze - 2022-05-9 - Hard freeze - 2022-05-16 - 2022- Release – 2022-05-30 -** Stable Tag 20220225 released ** 3) **Stewards Download (_20 minutes_)** - No stewards update Monthly meeting was cancelled this month -**Coverity Status** - Coverity update – Felix is working on Coverity -- issues trying to find some middle ground for who fixes issues – Maintainers may have to step up -- Open Coverity only allows one week scan per week – Can’t make developers wait for a week to scan patches -** Bugzilla Status ** - Still Need developers to update issues Bug Scrubs working through issues 4) **Opens (_30 minutes_)** - No Opens ** AR: ** Miki to send rajnish chauhan [7:48 PM] rajnish chauhan (Guest) rajnishc8@gmail.com Next meeting will be back on the on the first Thursday of the month. -- Miki Demeter (she/her/Miki) Security Researcher / FW Developer FST Intel Corporation Co-Chair, Network of Intel African-Ancestry(NIA) - Oregon NIA-Oregon Portland Women in Tech Best Speaker miki.demeter@intel.com 503.712.8030 (office) 971.248.0123 (cell)