# TianoCore Community Meeting




- GSOC Call for Mentors Mid-May thru Mid-August (few hours per week) 

- Andrew’s GDB scripts Committed.  Discussed in Stewards Meeting Needs to be re-submitted to BaseTools

- Suggestion for new community meeting focusing on CI and BaseTools

- Bugzilla Status update - Devs need to update status 

- New Coverity Version in Feb. Michael and Felix to work on a process to disposition issues.


# Meeting Minutes:


1) **Event Updates (_5 minutes]**

- **UEFI Summit shifting to Virtual Event**

- Call for presenters out now


2) [**Stable Tag Updates (_5 minutes_)**

- Soft Freeze now - 2022-02-07

- Hard freeze - 2022-02-11

- 2022-02-25 Release



3) **Stewards Download (_20 minutes_)**

-** Compiler intrinsics **

- Would be nice to submit small set of intrinsics for compilers supported to make developer experience better

- Community ask to find people to support the major compilers supported to help push forward

-**GDB Debugger script - See opens**

-**Path to move from BaseTools** 

-**Suggestion for new community meeting focusing on CI and BaseTools **

- Supportive by stewards that this would be beneficial

-**New Coverity Version in Feb. Michael and Felix to work on a process to disposition issues.**

-** Bugzilla Status **

- Need developers to update issues 


4) **Opens (_30 minutes_)**

- Andrew’s GDB scripts Committed.  Discussed in Stewards Meeting Needs to be resubmitted to BaseTools-scripts

- GSOC Call for Mentors Mid-May thru Mid-August (few hours per week)

- GSOC Projects https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/Tasks  Make Suggestion Adds and Deletes (

- Run new version of Open Coverity (mid February time frame) to see if it reduces False Positives. (Felix and Michael)

- Need to do BZ bug scrub (Bob Feng and Liming) Suggested to go over old bugs first then new bugs

- CI services are down



**AR: Sean to check why CI services are down & report back**


Next meeting will be back on the on the first Thursday of the month day .




Miki Demeter (she/her)

Intel Corporation


Co-Chair, Network of Intel African-Ancestry(NIA) - Oregon

NIA-Oregon <https://soco.intel.com/groups/network-of-intel-african-americans-oregon>


Portland Women in Tech Best Speaker 2019





Miki Demeter (she/her)

Security Researcher


Intel Corporation


Co-Chair, Network of Intel African-Ancestry(NIA) - Oregon



Portland Women in Tech Best Speaker 2019


503.712.8030 (office)

971.248.0123 (cell)