On Nov 3, 2022, at 12:11 PM, d.meneses via groups.io <d.meneses=softi9.pt@groups.io> wrote:

Yes I also believe I'm threading a XY problem. 

Let's simplify my learning and set the goal to: add an UEFI application to OVMF so that it runs natively on startup.

Does this make more sense?

I followed the same process and I can use UEFITool to confirm there's an UefiApplication inside the OVMF image.

How can I make it run?

Do you need to run it from FLASH? Or do you just want to run it? 

What I usually do with QEMU is pass -hda fat:rw:Build/OvmfX64/DEBUG_XCODE5/X64 to mount a directory on my system in QEMU. This should show up in the UEFI Shell as FS0: if you don’t have any other disks. The path is the build output, so you need to match what you built. So DEBUG_GCC??? Vs DEBUG_XCODE, as this path encodes the build target, compiler, etc.

Then when you boot to the UEFI Shell you just need to mount the disk and run your app. 


You can also redirect the text output of your app to a file, and since fs0: is just your build directory you can get the output out of the VM. 

From the UEFI Shell you can `reset -s` to shut down the VM.

If you place a startup.nsh the UEFI Shell command should run those commands when launched. 

It is also possible to make a FAT32 disk image and boot your app directly, just like an OS loader[1]. Just copy your app to /EFI/BOOT/BOOTx64.EFI in the disk image and mount the disk image from the QEMU command line.

[1] https://uefi.org/specs/UEFI/2.10/03_Boot_Manager.html#removable-media-boot-behavior


Andrew Fish