I have an existing install of Ubuntu 22.04 on a QEMU virtual machine which I've decided to update the UEFI firmware. After doing so, GRUB no longer boots ("Synchronous Exception" message seen). After a git bisect session, I found the problematic 2997ae38739756ecba9b0de19e86032ebc689ef9. The comment says GRUB should have been fixed in 2017, but for one reason or another, my VM which was built in 2022 still had the issue. Regardless, I don't think it's a good idea to break GRUB, even if it's fixed in 2017. In the very least, a better error message would be preferable to crashing with an "Synchronous Exception." Googling this error message shows that other people may be hitting this issue as well but the vague error symptom means its impossible to know if it's the same issue or not.