Google Test, and CPP, has more keywords C uses. Tpm12.h and Tpm20.h have references to struct names that are `operator` and `xor`, both of which trigger build errors because they conflict with CPP's keywords. Operator triggered a build error in MSVC. Xor only triggered a build error under GCC, MSVC did not have a problem with it. The work arounds suggested in the call, (using defines to get around the conflict) worked for operator, but did not work for xor with gcc. Tpm12.h: TPM_PERMANENT_FLAGS BOOLEAN operator; Tpm20.h: TPMU_SCHEME_KEYEDHASH TPMS_SCHEME_XOR xor; TPMU_SYM_KEY_BITS TPMI_ALG_HASH xor; What is the suggested method of trying to make existing header files compatible with google test? Thanks, Aaron