TianoCore Community Meeting Minutes

June 4, 2020




Spring UEFI virtual plugfest webinars are happening now. Visit UEFI website, events page to register.


Stable Tag Updates

  1. Released edk2-stable202005. List of features here - https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/releases/tag/edk2-stable202005
  2. edk2-stable202008 tag initial planning is added here - https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/EDK-II-Release-Planning


New added one for stable 202005:

The deferred ones from stable tag 202005 to 202008:


Stewards Meeting download (Mike Kinney)

Reminder to the Community: Bugzilla – we have a growth in the bugs submitted. We request the community members to check the state of your bugs and help close the bugs

Community Opens/Actions from June:

GitBooks Status – Migration to new GitBooks is complete but some features are missing (it will not generate PDFs, ebooks etc.). We are no longer using legacy GitBooks.

Question from Daniel: Package movement for RISC-V – Mike Kinney has put up package rules/specs etc.. Action from stewards to provide update within next week.

New RFC – base tools as a Python PIP module (update from Mike). Community Action: Reminder, RFC is on the mailing list, please review the RFC

July Community Meeting – Moving from July 2nd to July 9th, due to holidays and to allow stewards meeting to precede community meeting.

Past Community Opens - Status:

  1. Request to send an agenda with the issues that’s being planned to be discussed in Bug scrub meetings. Specifically invite the bug owners to be invited. Liming is planning to send out the agenda ahead of time. [Status] Done. Liming has sent the bug list before the meeting.
  2. Rebecca – BHYVE support (need this by May). Rebecca to open a Bugzilla request. Community will evaluate. – Status: Mike kinney has made progress. Fold this inside OVMF package.  CSM build . Mike Kinney, Rebecca and Lazlo to discuss further on where the BHYVE goes inside the EDK2 package. Action: Rebecca to email Mike Kinney, Lazlo and the mailing list. [Status] Done
  3. Sean requested a few features (variable policy, TLS 1.3 etc.) for stable tag Q2 release. Sean will follow up with Liming on those features to get them added to Q2 stable tag. Soumya to follow up with liming on the features requested by Sean listed here. Action: Sean to send the current status for his requests and discuss in the mailing list.  Liming needs to collect the status on those features and see if those features can be added to q2 or q3 stable tag. [Status] After Q2 stable tag is created, Liming will work on Q3 stable tag.
  4. Discussion around Bugzilla - Liming to explore adding more detailed information on Bugzilla wiki page. [Status] Liming is working on it. Plan is to send detailed information during Q2.




Community Action: Please send Soumya if you like to acknowledge anyone from the community, if anyone helped you close bugs or reviewed code etc..Soumya will post those acknowledgements on the community page.




Soumya Guptha
Open Source Firmware Program Manager
Intel Corporation