TianoCore Community Meeting Minutes (APAC/NMO) February 4, 2021 EVENTS: No new updates. STABLE TAG: edk2-stable202102 - Feature Planning freeze on 2/15 https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/EDK-II-Release-Planning STEWARDS DOWNLOAD (Mike Kinney) * Design meeting - we discussed on Automation & CI system. * Community Action: Need help from the community on ECC tool (EFI code checker), we have critical issues, need help quickly. * Kevin - will explore to see if someone has any expertise wrt ECC tool. * Sean plans to send to the info to the community on the tool to help format the source code. Sean will send it to the mailing list. Suggests making ECC smaller. * Addressed all issues related to cmocka. * Workflow for maintainers: some maintainers like to work on multiple pull requests, causing extra work, process issue. We are investigating on automation. Task is to Evaluate the automation feature and get feedback. * Bugzilla Feature request - update on NASM compiler version will start now. This is not required by developers until after the Q1 stable tag. Opens: 1. Nate - Google summer code (sponsored internship program run by google). Need some mentors to mentor the interns. Tianocore open source needs to apply. Application deadline Feb 19th. We need to develop interesting ideas for summer projects. Nate will start an offline thread to discuss ideas for projects. Couple of people have expressed some interest in becoming mentors. Community Action: If you are interested in either mentoring or have a project idea, please send an email to (nathaniel.l.desimone@intel.com). 1. Sean - code contribution, project management - are we doing anything to improve. Acknowledgments: Community Action: Please send Soumya if you like to acknowledge anyone from the community, if anyone helped you close bugs or reviewed code etc..We will post those acknowledgements on the community page. Soumya Guptha Firmware Ecosystem Enabling Manager, SFP/IAGS