As many will be aware, I’m in the final stages of having Variable Policy ready for commit. However, after moving the “Lock” event back to EndOfDxe, this exposed a race condition in variable services.


A quick synopsis of the problem:


However, replacing one bad design with another is not what this community is about (when we can help it), so we’d like to take a moment to revisit a conversation that has come up before: expanding the number of supported TPL levels.


Now, I know that the current TPL levels are defined in the UEFI spec and we don’t want to have to change those, but there’s no reason that we can come up with not to add some more granularity in the PI spec, dedicated to platform and implementation ordering (the UEFI spec events will have to remain on UEFI spec TPLs). Basically there would be a set of DXE Services that allow WaitForEvent, CheckEvent, Event registration at TPLs other than notify/callback.  The UEFI system table versions of the functions would still have this restriction but code built with the platform could use the DXE Services. Right now, any attempt to use a non-UEFI TPL will ASSERT, so we can keep that in place on the SystemTable interface, but allow the platform to go around it with DXE Services. Similar functionality would have to be provided by the Mmst, but that’s already platform-specific and can probably allow it in all cases.


We’re suggesting something like the below:



// Task priority level


#define TPL_APPLICATION       4

#define TPL_CALLBACK_LOW      7

#define TPL_CALLBACK          8

#define TPL_CALLBACK_HIGH     9

#define TPL_NOTIFY_LOW        15

#define TPL_NOTIFY            16

#define TPL_NOTIFY_HIGH       17

#define TPL_HIGH_LEVEL        31


There’s already a long-in-the-tooth bug tracking a similar issue:


This proposal is simpler than what’s in that bug, and would greatly simplify some of our event ordering (and code).




If this conversation takes too long, I will publish a set of patches that just go with the lesser solution posted above, but I’d much rather work the problem this way.


- Bret