HI Devel I have a little question that I need to ask for you. When I was building the code, the following error occurred. The error message tells me to email you for help. The branch I build can be compiled on someone else's computer, but it cannot be compiled successfully on my computer. I tried checking out to another branch and it was successful. I don't understand the reason for the moment, so I sent you an email with the error message attached to the error message. [cid:image002.png@01D98973.0418AA70] Eva 馮珊珊 Foxconn Technology Group- PCEBG-DTSA/R&D/DPD/FWOD Tel:63150/13307169381 Teams: eva.ss.feng@foxconn.com mail:eva.ss.feng@foxconn.com UC: shanshan.feng@foxconn.net [查看源图像] ?------- 本電子郵件及附件所載之信息為保密信息,其内容僅供指定收件人使用。上述信息為發表人之個人意見,並不代表本公司之立場。若您因為誤傳而收到本郵件,請立即以郵件通知寄件人,並將本郵件删除。禁止將本郵件及附件複製、散佈或洩露給任何第三者。本郵件經由網路傳遞,有可能遭竄改或病毒之入侵。為確保資訊之安全,收件人請就本郵件及附件之重要内容,與寄件人進行確認。 This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Hon Hai/Foxconn. If you have received it by mistake, please inform the sender by an email reply and then delete the message. It is forbidden to copy, forward, or in any way reveal the contents of this message to anyone. The integrity and security of this email cannot be guaranteed over the Internet. Therefore, it's advised for the receiver to verify the validity of this message with the sender. -------?