Hi all, I can generate Red1.cap capsule file from GenerateCapsule.py of edk2, and execute CapsuleApp Red1.cap on Minnowboard to complete the process of capsule update. Build capsule file command: \BaseTools\Source\Python\Capsule>GenerateCapsule.py -e -j red1.json -o red1.cap --capflag PersistAcrossReset --capflag InitiateReset where red1.json is { "Payloads": [ { "Dependencies": "FALSE", "FwVersion": "16", "Guid": "72E2945A-00DA-448E-9AA7-075AD840F9D4", "HardwareInstance": "0", "LowestSupportedVersion": "0", "MonotonicCount": "0", "Payload": "red.bin", "UpdateImageIndex": "1", "OpenSslSignerPrivateCertFile": "TestCert.pem", "OpenSslOtherPublicCertFile": "TestSub.pub.pem", "OpenSslTrustedPublicCertFile": "TestRoot.pub.pem", "SigningToolPath": "C:\\OpenSSL\\bin", "Dependencies": "FALSE" } ] } My system: Minnowboard Max. My system FW source code: \edk2-platforms\Platform\Intel\Vlv2TbltDevicePkg However, when GenerateCapsule.py is executed, there will be the following warning: GenerateCapsule: warning "EmbeddedDrivers" section not found in JSON file red1.json My questions are: * Is the ‘EmbeddedDrivers’ option in the Capsule file necessary? * Should ‘EmbeddedDrivers’ parameter be assigned to ‘FmpDxe.efi’? or assigned to ‘SystemFirmwareUpdateDxe.efi’(in SignedCapsulePkg)? * I use Minnowboard as the operating environment. If ‘EmbeddedDrivers’ option is added to the Capsule file, should I need to make corresponding changes in Vlv2TbltDevicePkg? Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks!